Necrophilia (don't let the name put you off)

Sep 20, 2010 13:14

Title: Necrophilia

Author: Gedry
Pairings: Dean/Gabriel

Rating: pg-13

Word Count: 1172
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit from this fanfiction.
Spoilers:  None
Warnings: None
Summary: For heavenreturned who asked for Dean/Gabriel and something screwy with canon.  This is my attempt.

Thank you to moonofblindness for all your help!


“Where the fuck am I?” Dean demands as soon as the darkness fades from his vision, and he realizes he’s no longer in the parking lot of that cheap ass freaky motel.  Someone shot him; he should be dead.

“You’re on hold,” the Trickster comments, as he rounds the side of the apartment coming into the living room.

The sight of him alone is enough to make Dean want to scream and choke him.  He hates this guy so much.  “You,” Dean growls.

“You say it like it’s a bad thing,” The Trickster smirks.

It’s not one of Dean’s more thought out plans, but he rushes the Trickster.  It lands him bound and gagged on a chair in the kitchen.  “Look Deano,” he says as he leans in close enough for Dean to smell the chocolate on his breath. “I need to borrow your brother for a few months which means I need you out of the way.  So you’re going to stay here with me while we let Sammy-boy work some stuff out on his own.  After that you go back like nothing is different, and you two crazy kids go on with your lives.”

Dean raises an eyebrow hoping it indicates how full of shit he thinks the Trickster is.  The guy actually laughs before saying, “I’ll give you some time to think it over.  This can be easy or it can be really hard.”

There’s a snap of fingers and he’s gone.  It takes Dean twenty minutes to get himself free from the chair.  After that it’s an endless search of the apartment for tools, and then numerous attempts at escape; all of which somehow land him back on the chair again.  He finally gives up.

He doesn’t see the Trickster for two weeks.  It’s long enough for Dean to start to wonder if he’s going to be stuck here alone for the rest of his life.  It’s long enough that when the asshole does show back up, Dean has to swallow back a stark feeling of relief.

At least he’s not alone anymore; Dean’s never done well with being on his own.

“Having fun yet?” the Trickster asks.

“Fuck off,” Dean grumbles, but he’s glad when the other man stays.  It goes on like this for weeks.  Dean finally tires of the angry silences and frustrating debates that lead no where.  He’s bored and irritated; he’s worried about his brother, and the only person who knows anything, that has any control over anything is the one that’s keeping him here.  So Dean decides to play nice.

When the weeks roll into a month and a half they end up playing cards; and placing stupid bets on the football games that the Trickster pipes into the apartment.  Dean loses half the time, but he has to admit eventually that the company isn’t bad.  After a few beers and half a pie one night he turns to the guy and says, “Dude, do you have a name?”

The Trickster turns and gives Dean an assessing look before he offers: “Steve.”

“Bullshit,” Dean snorts.

“Todd,” he says.

“Liar,” Dean snaps.

“Brian,” the Trickster chuckles.

“Not buying it,” Dean comments with a shake of his head.

“How about Richard?” comes the amused response.

“Man,” Dean laughs, “you don’t even look like a Richard.”

There’s a moment of silence before the entity that Dean has developed an uneasy alliance with says, “Gabriel.”

Dean mulls it over for a while before he says, “That’ll work.”

Gabriel, as Dean comes to think of him in the weeks that follow, just turns back to the TV.

Two months in and Dean’s not sure when a few beers and some pie turns into slow kisses and naked time in the bedroom.  Gabriel’s tightlipped about Sam the whole time; but when Dean’s pressed against him sweaty and tired after they just got done rocking each other’s worlds, he’ll hold Dean close and whisper to him, “Sam’s going to be fine.  When I send you back it will be just like all of this never happened.  I just need to show him something; I need him to learn this one lesson and you can go home.”

Dean never asks what the lesson is; he’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to know.

The middle of month three Gabriel leans down halfway through fucking Dean into oblivion and gasps, “I wasn’t supposed to like you Dean.  I don’t want to care about what’s going to happen to you when you go back.”

Dean looks up into his eyes and sees his own confusion reflected back at him.  “I never wanted to like you either,” he mutters; as Gabriel leans down to bite his neck and sends Dean over the edge.

The day Gabriel sends him home, Dean gets pulled close and given a searing kiss before Gabriel presses their heads together and whispers: “See you around Deano.”

Sam’s different when Dean gets back or maybe it’s that Dean’s different.  He’s not really sure.  Dean just hopes to hell he never sees Gabriel again.

Life happens, Hell happens, Cas happens; and then Dean is standing next to his little brother, now turned into a car, as they wait for the Trickster to show back up.  He sees the same tired, lonely look in the guy’s eyes, as he drops his lighter, which he saw in that bed with him what feels like a lifetime ago.

There’s a brief moment of banter and then Dean slips, “Damn it Gabriel,” he barks; and then stills suddenly when the Trickster, now Archangel, jerks in response to the name that Dean isn’t supposed to know.

Sam’s a silent but judgmental presence at his side, while Dean negotiates the release of their only ally in this whole fucking apocalypse.  It’s not until after Dean’s out burst and they’re sitting in the car together that Sam says, “Are you going to explain to me how you knew his name?”

Dean grips the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turn white.  “Nope,” is his only answer.

The Elysian Fields hotel goes from awesome to sucktastic faster than most things do for Sam and Dean; though Dean does count the hot make out session with Gabriel in the backseat of the Impala a check in the positive column.  But then Lucifer comes, and Gabriel’s dead; and when Sam’s out getting coffee or whatever the fuck he’s calling it now, Dean is sitting back at the motel watching Gabriel’s porn DVD, and acting like he has dust in his eyes.

He hits the end of the movie and starts to shut it off, when Gabriel turns to the camera and whispers, “I miss you too Dean.”


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