The Smallest Act of Caring Part 38 of 40

Sep 20, 2010 07:49

Title: The Smallest Act of Caring Part 38 of 40

Author: Gedry
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel, Michael/Lucifer (not brothers in this one)
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 1537
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit from this fanfiction.
Spoilers:  None
Warnings: Wing kink, Dean and Sam are demons but not like on the show!

Summary: Demon’s are the worker bees to the Angelic upper class.  A cultured highly restrictive world designed to keep the two cultures apart.  But they aren’t as different as one would imagine and sometimes everything you think you know is wrong.

Thank you so much moonofblindness.

Part 38

“You left me,” Adam’s voice is cool, his tone flat.

It’s so dark in the room Elijah can’t see his mate’s face, and he’s disturbed by the listless sound of Adam’s voice.  The young halfling sounds like he’s given up, and for the brief time Elijah has known him Adam has never seemed like the giving up type.

That’s more his style; and that’s really what the problem is here.

“I thought about it,” Elijah admits.  “I decided to stay though.  Doesn’t that count for anything?”

“We’re not keeping score you asshole,” Adam snaps. “This is my fucking life we’re talking about, and now I have a mate that doesn’t want to be a part of it.”

Elijah takes a step backwards toward the door; his thoughts shifting to focus on the fact that he doesn’t need this right now.  But he stops himself; he’s run for too long, and there’s so much potential here for him, if he can just make himself accept the possibilities.

“I want to be a part of your life Adam,” he says instead.  “I just don’t know how we’re supposed to fit together.  I’m scared we can’t make this work.”

“I don’t know the specifics,” Adam mumbles, as Elijah watches his shape shift on the bed.  “But I do know you have to trust me.”

“I don’t trust anybody,” Elijah whispers.  He’s pained by the admission; it shows how badly his isolation has tarnished his grace.  It hurts and he wants comfort, but the only one he wants to reach out to is angry with him.  He doesn’t want to risk the rejection so he coils his grace in tight and tries to swallow the loneliness he’s only recently found himself to be experiencing.

But Adam is a kinder soul than Elijah had given him credit for, and he turns to face Elijah with a sense of purpose reaching out his grace, and holding out his hands to form the shape of the two of them curled up together in the hospital bed.  Elijah’s wing draped over them both as they sleep.  “This is the way I always see us in my dreams,” Adam says softly.  It cracks the last of Elijah’s resolve.

He flops down onto the bed by his mate and sobs out, “What if you leave me?”

Adam snorts as he reaches out with his grace, his arms, and his wings to pull Elijah tighter against him. “How could I leave you?  It would be like ripping out my grace.”

Elijah allows himself to be held for a long time pressed up against his mate’s side, and inhaling Adam’s scent as their graces stroke and explore one another; finding a way to blend into something more intimate, stronger.  “I’m not sure I’ll ever want to have sex with you,” Elijah warns, he likes Adam, could maybe love him one day, but there’s nothing sexual in his current attraction to the other halfling.

Adam laughs, “You were the one who wasn’t satisfied with just being friends.  I never asked you for anything more than that.  How about we just both stick around see where it goes?”

“I can do that,” Elijah agrees and it’s him who drags them both down onto the bed, and cuddles closer so they can get some much needed sleep.


“So we need to leave room for two more for dinner tonight right?” Gabriel asks, as he digs through the fridge trying to snag something for lunch.

Cas shrugs, “It would appear we have gained another somewhat unwilling family member; yes.”

“I love how you just shrug all of this off like it’s no big deal,” Gabriel chuckles.  “I remember a much younger you who used to ask me if it could just stay you and me forever.”

Cas shoots him a glare, but there’s a smile playing around the side of his mouth.  “Yes well, as time went on, I began to find you too annoying to deal with on my own, so I have chosen to use others as a buffer.”

Gabriel moves his wings into what is clearly a big fuck you gesture.  Cas laughs at him before shoving at him with his own wings and then leaning closer and commenting, “You know, we may have gained some tagalongs, but it’s still you and me forever, right?”

Gabriel groans in horror at the faint glow his brother’s words cause to start shining under his skin.  “I hate you Castiel,” he mutters, but he reaches out an arm and gives his younger sibling a quick, tight squeeze.

“I love you too,” Cas rumbles happily into his brother’s shoulder.  “I missed you while you were gone.”

“Same here kiddo.” Gabriel smiles before throwing half the contents of the fridge onto the counter and announcing, “I’m making a sandwich.”

“You’re making a mess,” Cas comments as he rolls his eyes.

“Yeah,” Gabriel chuckles. “But it’s going to be yummy.  You want in?”

“On your sandwich?” Cas asks with a raised wing.  “Of course I do.  Are you nuts?”

He catches sight of Michael standing in the doorway and laughs at the other angel’s confused look.  “Gabriel makes fantastic sandwiches.” Cas offers in way of explanation.  “Messy as hell and full of gross stuff, but they taste divine.”

Michael observes the stuff on the counter carefully before sighing and saying, “Count me in; I’m learning to live dangerously with you guys.”


“So then I started keeping a record of everyone who contacted us, and as you can see we’ve topped three thousand already.”  Lucifer says as he points to the spreadsheet on the computer.

“That many from just one little interview?” Dean’s shocked.  “I had no idea there were so many of us.”

“Well that’s the thing,” Lucifer comments. “The numbers are growing by the day because bigger news broadcasts have picked up the story since we became a little Mecca.  More and more couples who never bonded for fear of the consequences are taking the plunge so to speak.”

“So you’re saying we’re going to start hearing from more and more people,” Dean shakes his head at the thought.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Lucifer nods.  “Dean, this is going to be huge.  Like world shaping huge.  We need to be better prepared.  There’s only so long we can keep this quiet.  People are going to start wanting to talk to us, and we need to make a plan about what we’re trying to say.”

Dean sits there with a blank look on his face for a while before he turns to Lucifer and says, “Dude, I’m not leading this revolution thing you have going on here.  It’s just happening at my house!  I don’t want to do this.  I’m a terrible front man for anything, much less a person who’s supposed to figure out what the hell to tell the world about this.  Talk to Sam about it; he’s the educated one.  I’m going to fuck this all up.”

Lucifer gives him a dry look and then responds with, “I’m going to give you a little bit to have your big freak out.  When you’re done we need to come up with a plan.  Put your head between your knees and take deep cleansing breaths.”

Dean’s ashamed to admit that he considers it for a minute, before he realizes the other demon is joking, and he shoves Lucifer so hard he topples off his chair onto the floor laughing.  “You are an ass.”

“You are a nervous wreck,” Lucifer counters. “Now get your shit together.”

Sam comes in from the back yard where Dean and Lucifer both give him odd looks, because he has leaves from the bushes in front of Michael and Lucifer’s house stuck in his wings.

“Have you been trying to peak in the bedroom window and spy on Adam and Elijah?” Dean accuses.

Sam looks around shiftily before answering, “No?”

Dean shakes his head at the blush crawling up the side of his brother’s face.  “Dude that is so juvenile; I can’t believe you did that.”

Lucifer flaps his wings in protest to Dean’s words and snaps, “Forget about him Sam; he doesn’t matter. Tell me what you saw!”

Sam looks at Lucifer uncertainly for a moment before he blurts, “I think they’re sleeping, but they’re all curled up together.  It was actually pretty cute.”

“Are we women now?” Dean snarks from in front of the computer.

Lucifer and Sam both glare at him and he sighs before drooping his wings and asking, “So they look like they worked it out right?”

the smallest act of caring

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