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Comments 132

kohaku_shuurai October 22 2010, 08:09:25 UTC
Apologies if the answer to this is there somewhere and I can't see it. Been reading a lot of rp FAQs recently and I'm all confused.

When apping a character that has been here already, do you encourage trying to pick up where the last mun left off (seeing as characters remember those who leave the ship), or can we do a random 'clean slate' on the character?

(To be specific, I'm contemplating Canada, who has one tagged entry. Not a huge amount of CR, but still.)



shareenjoyotp October 22 2010, 14:01:21 UTC
Not at all! If you're interested in picking up CR where the previous character left off, that's great, but it's not a requirement by any means - other players understand a new player's position of not wanting to pick up previous CR, and the characters don't necessarily expect new arrivals who've been in the game before to remember them either, so if you want to start with a clean slate, you're golden. :D


kohaku_shuurai October 22 2010, 21:12:52 UTC
Sweet~! Thank you for the quick response!
Whether it's Canada or not, I'm sure I'll be apping someone here. ^.^


shareenjoyotp October 24 2010, 04:21:10 UTC
Awesome! We look forward to having you! ^_^


haruno November 24 2010, 06:32:13 UTC
Since Jade and I were talking about it over in yonder anon meme!

What exactly is the limits of the Guide's current connectivity to the ship's network?

Also, are the PC refugees the first refugees to show up on ship?


shareenjoyotp November 29 2010, 03:15:58 UTC
The limits are pretty much the same as you would get using a computer connected to a public WiFi/internet connection - unless, of course, your character has mad haxx0r skills, in which case you could ask us about more details if you have a specific scenario in mind.

THAT IS ACTUALLY A TRICKY QUESTION. Technically, yes, but considering how the game canon has evolved over the past year, no. Previous NPC refugees have either gained citizenship or left the Thor since their arrival.



haruno November 29 2010, 03:24:44 UTC
Ahaha THIS IS GOOD TO KNOW and what I failed to articulate was how far away from the main hub of this public not-actually-but--bit-like public WiFi/internet connection can a person be and still connect to it?

As far as this goes WHEE EVOLVING GAME CANON I look forward to following that continuing trend.

Though as a note, when you say left, have any come back? Left by wormholes? Left like Roy and Zexion and Kamina? Like Gon?


shareenjoyotp December 4 2010, 07:43:25 UTC
THAT IS A VERY GOOD QUESTION! As long as someone is on the Thor, they can connect to the network. Same if they're planet-side, though the connection might get sketchy if they travel far enough and manage to put the planet between themselves and the Thor.

And when I say 'left' I mean - yes, all of the above. 8D


firecandyleo November 27 2010, 23:51:09 UTC

So, I know Thor cannot contact other ships (supposedly because of the improbability drive), but what if the characters try to contact them through the planets they are stopping by? Contacting other planets, contacting other ships, getting coordinates of their current location, leaving a message for any other refugee ship that stops by, stuff like that.


shareenjoyotp November 28 2010, 03:00:36 UTC
Yup, that would work! The only thing to maybe keep in mind is that communication might be limited by distance. But if someone is interested in attempting contact with non-Thor-related NPC's, that's definitely doable! :D


worldturnsshiny December 4 2010, 20:29:04 UTC
Questions(/clarifications?) on the Babelfish!

Let's say someone's native language is Hungarian, but they're also fluent in Rapa Nui, and they have some knowledge elementary knowledge of Twi but not fluency.

If they hear someone else speaking Rapa Nui, they hear it as Rapa Nui rather than Hungarian, correct? If they listen to someone else speak Twi, would they hear a mixture of Twi with Hungarian words filling in the gap in their knowledge of the language, or would it be all Hungarian? Or would they just be stuck with whatever words they can understand in Twi?

And then, say, someone else comes in speaking Wu, which the character in question has no knowledge of. They'd hear that in Hungarian, right?

Then, someone lets out a stream of gibberish- like, they were intending to just make nonsense noises- but coincidentally the nonsense noises happen to make a sentence in, say, Basque. Would it be translated, or would the intention of nonsense sounds carry over, keeping it unintelligible?


shareenjoyotp December 6 2010, 03:16:32 UTC
Hahaha, oh man.

Okay, so! The babelfish feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centers of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.

What I get from all of this is: as long as it's in your ear, the babelfish is doing its thing. But as long as someone is speaking a language you know, you don't notice it doing its thing aaaaand...the same is true if someone is speaking a language you don't know. The language the character hears is whatever is being spoken - that doesn ( ... )


worldturnsshiny December 6 2010, 03:29:06 UTC
This is what happens when I study for a sociolinguistics final okay.

So they hear the other language and just understand it anyway. Good to know! o7


chocogun December 5 2010, 15:15:45 UTC
Question, if it wasn't asked already ( ... )


shareenjoyotp December 6 2010, 04:52:01 UTC
1 - That is actually something we've been working on lately! So while we can't say much in response to that question for now, please keep an eye on the OOC comm for more info! Hopefully in a timely manner, even ( ... )


chocogun December 6 2010, 08:00:43 UTC
1 - Ohh, awesome~

2 - Is there a way to get an architectural map of Thor, or at least of few specific areas? As for the sewers, are they located bellow deck? How can people access hem?
OH,OH! And the city is pretty big, right? Around New York's size? (just to have an idea)

3 - ahhhhhhh. That is awesome. So if a character were to send a letter to the captains, they'd answer?

4 - Would it all be there? Even about how Earth was just supposed to be a giant program to determine The Question?

5 - Okie dokie, thank you!

6 - Pff, oh boy 8D I'd hate them too.

7 - Okay, thanks! Although, is there a way to find how the "resurrection machine" works and who works with it (or use it to themselves?)


shareenjoyotp December 8 2010, 06:55:22 UTC
2 - a character might be able to find something like that in a specialty bookstore, or even the library!

3 - Yup! All we ask is that you allow us (the mods) a little time to respond. It may be a day or three before we can respond to something like that. ^^;

4 - Ahahaha...that's a good question. If you'll give me a bit of time (maybe through the end of the weekend) I'll try to type up the relevant passages from H2G2 and post it where characters can see it.

7 - It's not actually a machine - it's more a series of surgery, voodoo, drugs, and hocus pocus performed by certain doctors, scientists, and staff members. So that would be something a curious character wouldn't find, simply by virtue of its not actually existing.


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