Jun 30, 2009 13:31

× That was a cute little blurb! Now. What the HELL do we do?!

× Do I need to read the books/see the musical/watch the movie/listen to the radio plays/watch the TV show/read Douglas Adams' extensive essays/etc. to play?

× I don't get it. Is this a crack game? Or are we doing srs bsns?

× My character comes from a fandom with space ships/doesn't have a home planet/THERE'S NOTHING TO BLOW UP.

× Can I blow up my old/dead game instead of my character's world?

× My character doesn't WANT to rebuild their home. :(

× I want to take my character from a different time, but in the game, their world's been destroyed in the past/future. How can this beeeeeee?

× Where will the characters get money?

× Missions? Wat?

× Is there any way to get a character into a mission without them actively signing up for it?

× Is there a time-limit for signing up for a mission?

× My character doesn't want to work. Can he/she pickpocket and steal, instead?

× Can my character use a pseudonym? Can other characters find out their real name?

× Can the characters leave the S.S. Thor?

× How much do other investments besides a house and business cost? Like how much is a spaceship?

× What exactly is the limits of the Guide's current connectivity to the ship's network?

× What happens if my character loses their guide?

× My character speaks a couple languages fluently and a couple languages somewhat well... how does that work out with the babelfish?

× Can my character speak with the captains?

× My character is terminally ill in their canon. Do they have to die?

× Dead characters get revived - is the machine that does this used on citizens?

× What do we know about scientists and how they work?

× Is it possible to ICly delete things from the network?

× Can my character hack into another character's computer/guide/etc?

× If my character is famous in their canon, would it be possible to find their stuff in the shops?

× Could my character's canon world be found in the guide? If it is, would only an article with info be found? Or music/pictures/etc too?

× What are the medical fees?

× What's Thor's legal drinking age?

× When it comes to running ones business, is it possible to set up a post in ones journal and hire on others permanently at whatever wages makes sense for said business? This would be skipping over the Missions Process, and would allow early recruitment from New Arrivals, and the like.

× Does a character have to be a certain wage level to upgrade rooms, or (if they're canonly able to cheat by creating money/etc because of powers etc.) can they upgrade earlier on?

× How many missions can my character take a month?

× Can character A take out loans in other character B's names if the players agree to it?

× When can I submit my app?

× Which characters may we apply for?

× A character already in the game has a canon AU. Can I app that version? What if the AU version is the one already in the game?

× How do I app a character with history from a previous RP?

× Can a player app more than one character at once?

× Can a player play multiple characters from the same canon?

× Is there an age limit on the characters themselves?

× I'd like to take character history from an already existing game, but that game hasn't died/shut down. Can I still app them?

× Do dressing rooms count as 'games' for the purposes of apps?

× Can I play a character from the H2G2 series?

× I want to apply a character with a split personality or a character that shares their body with another one. Can I do that?

× Can I app a character that doesn't have much canon yet, or who is from an ongoing manga? What about a character from a canon that hasn't been released yet, or that hasn't been released in English?

× How free are we to expand on a character's history with headcanon in the app?

× Can I play a character who has died in canon?

× Can I reuse an application I wrote for a different game?

× Can I link to first-person journal entries in another game to use as my writing sample?

× In my application, is it okay if I split the Background/Personality section in two?

× Can my character bring his dog? A few books? Her car made of gold?

× Does my character get to keep the powers they had in their fandom?

× My character got a neat scar/dyed his hair/gained an extra arm in the game I'm taking him from. Can I keep those changes when I bring him over here?

× Can my character change his or her species?

× If I app from a memory loss game, does the character still have no memories except the ones gained in-game, or would they regain their memories coming to the ship?

× I have a different/better journal I want to use for a character I'm already playing. Can I switch? Can I use multiple journals for the same character?

× Is it OK to use a journal that's in another game, seeing as entries are posted to the comm and not their own journal?

× How should my character react to dropped characters?

× My application was rejected. How soon can I reapply?

× Do you allow app challenges?

× How detailed do I have to be on my history section? My canon is really long!

× When apping a character who was previously dropped, should I continue the CR where the last mun left off or start fresh?

× Can I link to previous instances of me playing this character instead of writing out samples?

× I'm thinking about apping a character who would ICly offer drugs, sexual favors, etc. I'm not sure if that would be allowed due to LJ actually thinking I was selling drugs or promoting drug use. Is that okay?

× How large is the ship? Can I find a bowling hall there? A cinema?

× Is there a police system on the S.S. Thor?

× How does the school system work? What do they learn?

× How can I sign my character up for a permanent job?

× How advanced are the machines on the Thor?

× Can we make up relationships/contacts with NPC aliens?

× Can we get NPC-run permanent jobs?

× Is there crime on the Thor?

× If I have a job that might lead to crime (such as owning a weapons shop), is that okay?

× Are the PC refugees the first refugees to show up on ship?

× How detailed are the maps of the Thor?

× Are citizens allowed to take refugee jobs?

× Are all the citizens aliens?

× Is there transportation on the Thor?

× Do I need to contact the mods about every little plot I want to do?

× Mod Event #XXXX is scheduled at the same time as a SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME plot I'd like to do! Is there a way we can compromise?

× My character is a psychopathic serial murderer or a helpless victim, and I'd like to do a murder-plot with them! How can I go about doing that?

× If I want to run a plot with NPCs, do I need mod permission for the NPCs?

× Let's say a refugee got pregnant. Would the child be a refugee as well, or would they be granted citizenship because they were born on Thor?

× Is there a game chat for plotting or getting to know the other players?

× What do we know about wormholes?

× How do the journals work?

× What's an action tag?

× How do we tag posts?

× Can my character hack private posts?

× How do I contact the mods?

× How do I contact the other players?

× That was a cute little blurb! Now. What the HELL do we do?!
Wow thanks! :D Too bad the FAQ questions were written by a mod. Otherwise, we'd be flattered! [Unless you're really thinking that right now-- in that case: &heart;]

Anyway, let's break this down.

Mostly Harmless is a Livejournal RP based on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The premise is basically this: Your character's homeworld/previous RP situation (more on that later) has been completely destroyed. Now, throughout gameplay, your character is going to hear whispers of a huge factory-planet [ Magrathea ] somewhere out there that mass produces planets-- only thing is, it's majorly expensive. So, you'll be working pretty hard (hopefully along with other characters from your home!) to raise enough money through missions. Naturally, you'll have obstacles, annoying antagonists, and general mishaps along the way. What? Thought we were going to make this easy?

× Do I need to read the books/see the musical/watch the movie/listen to the radio plays/watch the TV show/read Douglas Adams' extensive essays/etc. to play?
No. Although having done any of the aforementioned definitely helps in enjoying the inside jokes. If you'd like information on the series, feel free to check out the H2G2 wikia located here!

× I don't get it. Is this a crack game? Or are we doing srs bsns?
It's whatever you want it to be. We're talking sandbox play here-- without the box. If you want to do an angst plot, and it's okay with everyone you're plotting with, and you've okay'd it with the mods (...chances are we'll give a thumbs up to anything that isn't morally bankrupt), you can! If you have an awesome crack idea for the entire game to participate in, again, just ask the mods, gauge player interest, and GO.

× My character comes from a fandom with space ships/doesn't have a home planet/THERE'S NOTHING TO BLOW UP.
You don't have to blow up anything if you don't want to. If they're already travelling through space, they can just come across the space station and for whatever reason decide to stay. Or you can blow up their space ship instead, it'd still leave them stuck!

× Can I blow up my old/dead game instead of my character's world?
If you're bringing in a character from another RP, then yes, go for it! If it leaves open the possibility that said character's actual planet might not have been destroyed, that's fine too.

× My character doesn't WANT to rebuild their home. :(
That's fine, too! Remember, you don't have to work with the main plot line-- it's mostly there to keep everything together, and to help any muns along who may be stuck in a plotting rut. If your character wants to live comfortably on the S.S. Thor for the rest of their lives, that's A-OK. If you want to take it a step further and have your character sabotage everyone else, that's A-OK too! (Again, just make sure you clear it with your victims of choice!) The gameplay here will be just like the book series' structure: Outside of the main plot? Almost non-existent, and dependent on the readers/players to interpret. Sure, the mods will help guide you guys if you get lost, and we'll always be here to answer any really out there questions, but we also want you all to be able to really stretch your legs and just play without worry!

× I want to take my character from a different time, but in the game, their world's been destroyed in the past/future. How can this beeeeeee?
Wormholes can be blamed for why the same planet has the same destruction in different times. For example, in the APH fandom we have it that the Cuban Missile Crisis screwed everyone over in the 60s... but we also have characters from present day. The explanation? A wormhole opened up at the time of destruction and destroyed the planet the same way in any given point of time.

× Where will the characters get money?
Through missions! But until they can get a job, they will receive a starter amount of money to pay for food, and the cheapest rooms are free. Just don't expect this to be up to your characters normal standard. >.>

× Missions? Wat?
:D An in-depth explanation on missions can be found here!

× Is there any way to get a character into a mission without them actively signing up for it?
Certainly! Characters accidentally sign themselves up for the wrong mission all the time. Alternately, friends of characters have also been known to sign people up for missions they don't necessarily want. (Though with mun cooperation, of course!) It has also happened that the system glitches and signs characters up for missions on its own, so don't worry, there's always a way to force your character to work as a maid!

× Is there a time-limit for signing up for a mission?
Nope! A character can sign up on the 29th, if they want. They won't get paid much, and they won't become eligible for a promotion, but they can still do it!

× My character doesn't want to work. Can he/she pickpocket and steal, instead?
Sure! Just keep in mind that the more often they do that, the higher the chances of them getting caught and prosecuted are. For reference, info on the S.S. Thor Police Departments can be found here.

× Can my character use a pseudonym? Can other characters find out their real name?
Of course! There is a listing on every floor, and outside every room, letting characters know who live there. However, if your character lied on the forms when they first arrived, their pseudonym will be listed instead. You'll have to clear this with muns yourself, though, as on any official lists, such as the rooming or taken lists, we will use your character's real name instead. Otherwise it'd just get confusing for us.

× Can the characters leave the S.S. Thor?
The S.S. Thor regularly visits planets around the galaxy, and your character is free to take a shuttle down while the space station is in orbit. Shuttle fare is comparable to bus fare, and as long as your character isn't throwing money out an airlock, they should be able to afford it.

For those characters who have their own spaceship, feel free to have them zoom around the solar system, exploring other planets in the vicinity and getting attacked by unfriendly natives. However, they have to be back on the S.S. Thor by the time it leaves again, and no space ship can take off from the S.S. Thor while it's moving due to the Infinity Improbability Drive.

Buying a space ship is incredibly expensive, and at the moment, it's highly unlikely that anyone would be able to afford this. However, it's possible to rent one, provided you can pass a quick test to prove you know how to control it and won't immediately head into the nearest supernova. Look for ads in the paper - driving lessons will be offered!

× How much do other investments besides a house and business cost? Like how much is a spaceship?
Specifically for spaceships: We'll say at least three cumulative months of college degree wage. If one character is requisitioning the spaceship, they'll need to have worked three months at college degree; if two or more characters are requisitioning it, they'll need three months between them. It also depends on how much money your character spends or wastes; if they're spendthrifts, it may take them longer to buy a spaceship. Also take note of the fact that renting a spaceship is definitely possible, and will be infinitely cheaper! Just don't be surprised if it breaks down.

× What exactly is the limits of the Guide's current connectivity to the ship's network?
The limits are pretty much the same as you would get using a computer connected to a public WiFi/internet connection - unless, of course, your character has mad haxx0r skills, in which case you could ask us about more details if you have a specific scenario in mind.

× What happens if my character loses their guide?
A maintenance robot will eventually find it and return it to its owner's place of residence.

× My character speaks a couple languages fluently and a couple languages somewhat well... how does that work out with the babelfish?
As long as it's in your ear, the babelfish is doing its thing. But as long as someone is speaking a language you know, you don't notice it doing its thing aaaaand...the same is true if someone is speaking a language you don't know. The language the character hears is whatever is being spoken - that doesn't change. The translation takes place in the speech centers of the brain. And as the fish takes the information from individuals around its host, if someone spouts off what they consider gibberish, that is how the fish will translate it.

× Can my character speak with the captains?
If you'd like for us to organize another meeting with the captains, it's really just as simple as letting us know, and we'll get something on the table as soon as we've got a little extra time to do so!

× My character is terminally ill in their canon. Do they have to die?
The death predisposition only carries over if you want it to. Your character can probably find a miracle cure for it somewhere on the ship if you want to go in that direction. Or, if you did want to play out his death, we'd assume the revival process would eliminate that predisposition, so he wouldn't be able to die from it a second time.

× Dead characters get revived - is the machine that does this used on citizens?
It is generally only used on the refugees; which is one of the reasons why the general populace hates them so much.

× What do we know about scientists and how they work?
That...depends pretty much on the information you want! The labs are open most months to some form or other of refugee mission; test subjects and etc; that is also the place where more secret things happen, though they may be kept behind closed doors and not open to the general refugee worker. However, if a refugee were to sneak in and knock over a beaker of suspicious bubbling liquid...well, who's to say what would happen then?

× Is it possible to ICly delete things from the network?
Nope! All the amazing technology in the universe, and people can't ICly delete stuff off the network...must be an old OS or something. Though really, what do you want from a free Guide?

× Can my character hack into another character's computer/guide/etc?
It sure is! As long as you have mun permission, your character can do pretty much whatever to another character's computer.

× If my character is famous in their canon, would it be possible to find their stuff in the shops?
It is totally possible!

× Could my character's canon world be found in the guide? If it is, would only an article with info be found? Or music/pictures/etc too?
That is also possible, and the amount and type of media associated with any given Guide entry is entirely up to the player, and of course player collaboration is encouraged as well.

× What are the medical fees?
The hospital charges a nominal fee for their services, but unlike what we might pay here on planet Earth, medical care is actually quite affordably priced on the Thor.

× What's Thor's legal drinking age?
Technically, the Thor's by-laws stipulate that all legal drinking ages fluctuate depending on your planet of origin.

So, the law summarizes this by stating 'The legal drinking age is: old enough to experience regret.'

× When it comes to running ones business, is it possible to set up a post in ones journal and hire on others permanently at whatever wages makes sense for said business? This would be skipping over the Missions Process, and would allow early recruitment from New Arrivals, and the like.
Basically, yes. :)

× Does a character have to be a certain wage level to upgrade rooms, or (if they're canonly able to cheat by creating money/etc because of powers etc.) can they upgrade earlier on?
That is indeed possible! We've actually got a few characters who've done just that already.

× How many missions can my character take a month?
We only limit the number of jobs a character can pick up by how much their player thinks they can ICly handle. We have some workaholic characters who routinely pick up two or three missions each month, and we've also got some lazy bums who only ever pick up one (or none!)

× Can character A take out loans in other character B's names if the players agree to it?

× When can I submit my app?
Anytime! We accept applications every other Saturday. You can check the applications page to see the date of the next acceptance round.

× Which characters may we apply for?
Any character from an existing fandom, or an original character you've created, as well as celebrities. If you've played a character in a different game and want to continue their storyline here, that's fine too. Keep in mind though, that for OCs and characters from other games, we demand more from you in the history section of the application, as we can't just look that up on wikipedia.

On a case by case basis we may accept fandom OCs, based on their role in that particular universe. We'll be more than happy to look at a character based on an alien species from Star Wars, but not an OC that happens to be Luke Skywalker's sparkly Force-sensitive McJedipants love interest. We also accept characters who have a canon AU background along with a character with an OU background. We do not accept characters with fan-made AU backgrounds, including those coming from a previously played AU-based RP.

× A character already in the game has a canon AU. Can I app that version? What if the AU version is the one already in the game?
After a long discussion with the players of the game, we decided to allow AU doubles of characters on a case by case basis. Firstly, only if there is a canon AU of a character; that is, an alternate universe created by the actual writers of whatever series you're considering. Secondly, the player of the character already in-game needs to give their permission. If they don't want an AU double of their character, then we won't allow an app. Lastly, if both of those conditions have been met, you'll need to fill out an extra part in the application to prove that yes, the character you are applying is indeed different enough in personality and backstory to be considered a complete alternate.

This also works in the reverse, of course - if we already have an AU character in game, and you want to apply that same character from the original universe.

As for what is considered a canon AU: One example is the video game The World Ends With You, which has an extra chapter at the end, with the characters in an alternate setting. Another is anything CLAMP ever. However, differences between mediums - such as a manga and an anime - are not considered valid AUs, even if the storyline diverges somewhat. An example of this would be FullMetal Alchemist.

If you are considering this, make sure you contact the mods about it (not the player already in the game), and we'll check whether it's okay. You are not allowed to argue the decision if the answer is no.

× How do I app a character with history from a previous RP?
Just include any major relevent events in the history section of the app - For example: After Character's mother dies in a tragic accident, they wind up in the world of Generic LJRP, where they fall in love with Sailor Moon and make enemies with Tuxedo Mask!

× Can a player app more than one character at once?
It's perfectly acceptable to app up to two characters at once!

× Can a player play multiple characters from the same canon?
That's perfectly okay, as long as the following is taken into consideration: If you want to play two characters who might reasonably be expected to interact on a regular basis - best friends, mortal enemies, team mates, and so forth - we're going to ask that you pick only one, and allow someone else to apply for the other.

× Is there an age limit on the characters themselves?
Nope, no age limit for characters.

× I'd like to take character history from an already existing game, but that game hasn't died/shut down. Can I still app them?
That's perfectly fine! Just remember, you'll be taking them from whatever point you were at in that particular game and you won't be able to change their history. Essentially, if you're still playing them at said game, and there's a HUGE plot point that affects them there, it won't affect them here. This may be changed in the future, but for now, keep that in mind. :D

× Do dressing rooms count as 'games' for the purposes of apps?
No, they don't.

× Can I play a character from the H2G2 series?
Yes! In fact, this is encouraged! Just make sure to double check with the mods before introducing anything HUGE to gameplay.

× I want to apply a character with a split personality or a character that shares their body with another one. Can I do that?
You certainly can! We just ask that your application includes history and personality for both personalities/characters.

× Can I app a character that doesn't have much canon yet, or who is from an ongoing manga? What about a character from a canon that hasn't been released yet, or that hasn't been released in English?
For characters with very little canon, we'll consider it on a case by case basis. If there is enough to judge a character's personality by, it's generally fine - but if you have to rely too much on headcanon, there is a huge chance that canon might contradict this later. In those cases we'll most likely have to say no.

For canons that haven't been released yet, since we wouldn't really have sufficient information ourselves, we wouldn't be able to allow you to app that character (it'll also help avoid any problems in the future with random surprises that tend to pop up in canon). However! Once the canon is released, you're more than welcome to apply! And if the canon has been released in a language that you understand, even if we don't, or there's been (decent) fantranslations released, you're free to apply!

If the canon is complete, and it's unlikely that any more information on your Very Minor Character will be released, expand on his or her history and personality using headcanon, and we have no problems with accepting the character!

× How free are we to expand on a character's history with headcanon in the app?
Normally, we allow characters with less canon history to slide with a smaller background section, along with some headcanon stuff if it seems realistic for the character. Although this is widely judged on a case by case basis, it can't hurt to try!

× Can I play a character who has died in canon?
You certainly may! We accept post-death character apps all the time.

× Can I reuse an application I wrote for a different game?
Sure, go right ahead! Our application looks a bit different from most others though, so just keep that in mind. But in our opinion, it'd be a bit silly to demand that you find a new way of phrasing it each time you apply for the same character.

× Can I link to first-person journal entries in another game to use as my writing sample?
That's not a problem!

× In my application, is it okay if I split the Background/Personality section in two?
Players have done that in the past, so yup! It's all right!

× Can my character bring his dog? A few books? Her car made of gold?
Go right ahead. Anything too big to be kept in the rooms will be kept in the hangar, and new objects and pets are picked up all the time and can be retrieved in the New Arrivals Office.

× Does my character get to keep the powers they had in their fandom?

× My character got a neat scar/dyed his hair/gained an extra arm in the game I'm taking him from. Can I keep those changes when I bring him over here?
Yes, they do! Small modifications that may have happened as a result of experiments, accidents or similar in other games are generally fine.

× Can my character change his or her species?
No. If your character's species was changed upon joining a previous game, they will be changed back to a robot/dog/demonic overlord when they arrive at the S.S. Thor. Of course, if your character had this ability in his or her canon, they will still be able to change their form here!

× If I app from a memory loss game, does the character still have no memories except the ones gained in-game, or would they regain their memories coming to the ship?
That kind of detail is completely up to you! As long as we have their history and personality in the app, we're open to it! Keep in mind though, that if the changes to a character's personality is too drastic due to the memory loss, this might be different.

× I have a different/better journal I want to use for a character I'm already playing. Can I switch? Can I use multiple journals for the same character?
Sure thing! Just get in touch with one of the mods and we'll switch out the journals, and then make sure you drop a note in the OOC comm to let everyone else know as well.

As for multiple journals, you can only join the communities with one, but if you'd like to comment around with another journal (or five) for the sake of extra icons, feel free! Just make sure there's some way to tell that all these journals really do belong to you, such as a note in the user info.

× Is it OK to use a journal that's in another game, seeing as entries are posted to the comm and not their own journal?
That's perfectly fine!

× How should my character react to dropped characters?
In a situation where a character is dropped or booted due to inactivity, the characters on board the ship remember the character being there, and usually react accordingly. As for how the dropped character disappeared -- the explanation is almost always wormholes!

× My application was rejected. How soon can I reapply?
That depends chiefly on the reason the mods declined to accept. If we decline to accept an app based on grammar, it basically means we weren't able to understand what was being said well enough to determine the quality of the history and characterization. When we ask for a revision, it should always be possible to have that application accepted when you submit your revisions. But if bad grammar and spelling makes it difficult for us to understand the initial application, we also can't determine if the facts and characterization contained within are accurate. As a result, we might have to reject the application based on something we missed earlier, which is something we like to avoid. In this instance, though, if you wish to edit your application and resubmit it as soon as the next app round, then you're perfectly welcome to do so!

If we decline to accept an application based on what we feel are errors in characterization, an in-depth explanation can be found by clicking this link.

× Do you allow app challenges?
No, we don't. All applications are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. If Player X has a reservation on a character, then we will not consider an application of that character by any other player until Player X's reserve has run out and they haven't submitted an application.

× How detailed do I have to be on my history section? My canon is really long!
If you're apping a character with lots of canon, we don't need a super detailed, blow-by-blow of everything that happened ever! It's easier for everyone in such cases if you pick three or four major events in which the character you're applying plays a significant part, and focus on those, rather than attempting to summarize the entire series from beginning to end.

× When apping a character who was previously dropped, should I continue the CR where the last mun left off or start fresh?
If you're interested in picking up CR where the previous character left off, that's great, but it's not a requirement by any means - other players understand a new player's position of not wanting to pick up previous CR, and the characters don't necessarily expect new arrivals who've been in the game before to remember them either, so if you want to start with a clean slate, you're golden.

× Can I link to previous instances of me playing this character instead of writing out samples?
Yup! So long as they're first and third person. Ideally something like a character journal entry - "Dear Diary, today I..." for the 1st person example, and a couple paragraphs of prose (like you might use in a log) for the third person.

× I'm thinking about apping a character who would ICly offer drugs, sexual favors, etc. I'm not sure if that would be allowed due to LJ actually thinking I was selling drugs or promoting drug use. Is that okay?
We're going to say no on that one! Sorry!

× How large is the ship? Can I find a bowling hall there? A cinema?
xpect it to be around the size of a major city. It's got around 5 million citizens, and only a few refugees. So as a general rule, if you could find it in a large city, you can find it on the Thor, with influences from all over the galaxy!

And don't worry if your character is an ant or a giant transformers - the S.S. Thor is designed to accomodate species of all shapes and sizes.

× Is there a police system on the S.S. Thor?
Yes, there is! Details on that can be found here!

× How does the school system work? What do they learn?
They learn a bit of everything, from maths to the history of the galaxy. The refugee teachers specialize in various subjects, but expect there to be a lot of alien NPCs helping out with classes as well!

× How can I sign my character up for a permanent job?
Rules regarding that can be found here!

× How advanced are the machines on the Thor?
Pretty advanced! There is, for instance, canonly a machine that takes pictures of your memories.

× Can we make up relationships/contacts with NPC aliens?
This is fine. Clear the details with the mods, but using NPC characters or extrapolating on planetary locations is both welcomed and encouraged. Be creative!

× Can we get NPC-run permanent jobs?
Yes and yes! So long as you follow the guidelines on the Permanent Job post, that should be fine. And feel free to have fun with NPC personalities. Several players have done this before, and it's always interesting.

× Is there crime on the Thor?
Just like in any other city, there's crime. That definitely includes lots of unsavory, seedy characters and plenty of shady dealings. Players are welcome to invent, use, and abuse NPCs pretty much however they see fit, as long as any plots that might evolve from the existence of such characters don't affect other players without their permission.

× If I have a job that might lead to crime (such as owning a weapons shop), is that okay?
A weapons shop is just like any other on board the Thor, though there's probably a bit more paperwork involved than with other types of store. And making a profit off illegal weapons is definitely okay! The only thing the mods would ask to be kept informed of would be a scenario involving the sale of any sort of super-weapon that could potentially affect the entire game, should it be purchased by a character with the intent to use it.

× Are the PC refugees the first refugees to show up on ship?
Technically, yes, but considering how the game canon has evolved over the past year, no. Previous NPC refugees have either gained citizenship or left the Thor since their arrival.

× How detailed are the maps of the Thor?
The Thor's maps (the ones you can buy) are as detailed as the ones you'd find in any major city on Earth. That is, they show the layout and location of major landmarks, but wouldn't include a whole lot of detail on things like sewers and maintenance locations, as those aren't really something the general populace care about. That being said, there are plenty of secret places that are supposedly difficult or impossible to access, but that doesn't mean a crafty refugee couldn't find its way there. As far as disguising these locations on maps, they might be marked as 'storage' or surrounding landmarks might be exaggerated in order to cover them up.

× Are citizens allowed to take refugee jobs?
None of the jobs offered are refugee-only. You can pretty much assume there are citizen NPCs working any kind of job there is, even as test subjects. Some people will do anything for money, you know.

× Are all the citizens aliens?
There are a few humanish NPC aliens floating around. Two of the main characters in HHGG are alien but look exactly like humans (if you were to ignore the extra head and third arm on one of them).

× Is there transportation on the Thor?
There are, actually! Folks have several different options, from the elevators (there are ones that go sideways, too), to those moving floors you see at airports to help you walk faster, to bus-like machines that can zip you from one end of the station to another....for a start! If you've got any ideas about how characters get around, feel free to use them!

× Do I need to contact the mods about every little plot I want to do?
That depends. If it's something small that only affects a few characters, then no. Just make sure it doesn't break any rules. If it affects a lot of characters, or even gameplay, then you should probably let us know! So basically, if your characters want to have a fight in their room and break all the furniture, of course they can do that, but if they want to have a fight in a restaurant and completely destroy it in the process, then you need to clear it with us first.

For extensive player plots, that is, plots that may involve a large portion of the game, we'd like to ask that you send us an outline of your plans over at gargleblasted@gmail.com. This is to help us understand what the plot is going to entail, along with provide you with necessary information that you'll need. Also, it'll help the mods take over in case something happens and you won't be able to finish your own plot.

× Mod Event #XXXX is scheduled at the same time as a SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME plot I'd like to do! Is there a way we can compromise?
Absolutely! Usually, mod events (other than random mishaps, usually having to do with the Infinite Improbability Drive) will just include information that characters are now privy to, to help further advance the plot.

An example post of this type would be:

"Over in the kitchens, staff members have been whispering about a Vogon poetry reading will be held in the main audience hall."

Upon which, any characters working in the kitchens may choose to run away, shrieking in fear, tell others, etc. etc. It's usually just a set up for characters to move along towards their ultimate goal: rebuilding their homes. If it turns out that the event will still get in the way of yours (ie, your character is a chef and would definitely overhear), we'll tweak it so it won't directly affect him/her. Just make sure to come to us for a compromise! We're flexible! On that note-- we'll give a warning plenty of time in advance (usually a week or two), so any concerns can be brought up to us, and we'll fix the event accordingly.

× My character is a psychopathic serial murderer or a helpless victim, and I'd like to do a murder-plot with them! How can I go about doing that?
There are a few ways to do this - your character can slaughter NPCs or take out a PC or two. (Obviously the second one needs the cooperation and consent of any muns in question.) For more detailed information, please have a look at the Character Death/Murder Application Page, The Permanent Record Page, and The S.S. Thor's Justice System.

× If I want to run a plot with NPCs, do I need mod permission for the NPCs?
As long as you're not planning on involving the captains in your plot, no need to ask! Make up some NPCs and go for it! If you need the captains for something, though, please ask a mod.

× Let's say a refugee got pregnant. Would the child be a refugee as well, or would they be granted citizenship because they were born on Thor?
The child would be a citizen.

× Is there a game chat for plotting or getting to know the other players?
There is occasionally an AIM chat under 'gargleblasted' but it's hardly ever used. If you'd like to start a chat, though, throw up a post in the OOC comm asking people to join you - they usually will! :D

× What do we know about wormholes?
Not a lot. But there are a couple of old video documentaries on wormholes in the library.

× How do the journals work?
The journals are a computer program called FlamingFerret, which can be found on every computer on the SS Thor, and can also be installed as a plug-in for your guide. The first time you sign in you will be asked to provide a user name, and you'll also be given the option to have one randomly generated based on your data. Be warned though, it can be very random, and due to a glitch in the system changing your user name is close to impossible!

Aside from that, they work as regular livejournals -- to keep things simple! You can post private or filtered entries, although the moment you hit 'post' your computer will take a quick picture of you, which will represent you as your icon. So be careful that you're not picking your nose!

× What's an action tag?
Essentially, an action tag is a tag in which the characters are facing each other in person. They're different from logs by being much less formal and time consuming! Actions are typically within [brackets], though sometimes *asterisks* and similar. An example is:[walking quickly towards Character A] Hey. Have you been waiting long?
While any action posts go to the log comm and are treated like normal logs, it's not unusual for threads in journal posts to turn into action threads. This is common for instance with roommates, when it makes more sense for them to respond in person than over the Guide, and is perfectly okay!

× How do we tag posts?
In the main comm, all posts should be tagged only with the character who posted the entry. If multiple characters are in the post itself (not the comments), then you can add tags for them as well - but keep in mind that it will only count towards the activity of one of the characters (i.e. the one who's journal the entry is made with).

In the log comm, all posts should be tagged with any characters participating. If you are joining in an open log, please remember to tag yourself!

In the ooc and spam comms... go wild!

× Can my character hack private posts?
Sure thing! Just make sure you have mun permission first.

× How do I contact the mods?
You'll have a bunch of ways to do so, just head over to the Mod Contact Page for the details.

× How do I contact the other players?
There's a contact post right over here!

!mod post

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