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haruno November 24 2010, 06:32:13 UTC
Since Jade and I were talking about it over in yonder anon meme!

What exactly is the limits of the Guide's current connectivity to the ship's network?

Also, are the PC refugees the first refugees to show up on ship?


shareenjoyotp November 29 2010, 03:15:58 UTC
The limits are pretty much the same as you would get using a computer connected to a public WiFi/internet connection - unless, of course, your character has mad haxx0r skills, in which case you could ask us about more details if you have a specific scenario in mind.

THAT IS ACTUALLY A TRICKY QUESTION. Technically, yes, but considering how the game canon has evolved over the past year, no. Previous NPC refugees have either gained citizenship or left the Thor since their arrival.



haruno November 29 2010, 03:24:44 UTC
Ahaha THIS IS GOOD TO KNOW and what I failed to articulate was how far away from the main hub of this public not-actually-but--bit-like public WiFi/internet connection can a person be and still connect to it?

As far as this goes WHEE EVOLVING GAME CANON I look forward to following that continuing trend.

Though as a note, when you say left, have any come back? Left by wormholes? Left like Roy and Zexion and Kamina? Like Gon?


shareenjoyotp December 4 2010, 07:43:25 UTC
THAT IS A VERY GOOD QUESTION! As long as someone is on the Thor, they can connect to the network. Same if they're planet-side, though the connection might get sketchy if they travel far enough and manage to put the planet between themselves and the Thor.

And when I say 'left' I mean - yes, all of the above. 8D


haruno December 4 2010, 08:35:48 UTC
Excellent! That's what I think you (or well one of you) told me last time I asked, so this is good, still at that level of distance right now.

Is there any technical IC record of these comings and goings? Will there be a record of "citizens" who were former refugees when it comes around time for PCs to perhaps try becoming Citizens?

And thank you so much for answering my questions. \o/ I know I can be an endless barrage sometimes, so your patience is appreciated.


shareenjoyotp December 4 2010, 08:44:49 UTC
Silly Ish, of course there are records! For now I'm going to say they're not accessible to the public, but a character would be able to figure out they exist by finding the 'application for citizenship' forms and create some theories from there. Whether or not they think to LOOK for an application for citizenship form is something else entirely, though. There are an awful lot of forms to wade through, after all! 8D;

And thank YOU for asking all these questions and helping us with our world-building. Your thirst for knowledge is appreciated. :3


haruno December 4 2010, 08:55:37 UTC
Genkaku's let it drop ICly that he's spoken with refugees who've been here for years (the plural being important), and I can't remember if he also mentioned something to do with citizenship at the time or not, so I know there is IC impetus to look for said forms. It's largely why I was asking in the first place, since with that in mind, and with it being confirmed, it's another detail for me to play around with MEMEMEME no, everyone, really, and would be relevant to my interests later this month. /beardstroke

Haha, my thirst to know more never ends. Oh! Would it be reasonable to presume there are piloting classes/ways of getting a piloting license on the Thor? Not to. Totally jump thought trains or anything.


shareenjoyotp December 6 2010, 01:50:19 UTC
We're actually planning something along those exact lines, so...if all goes well there will be more information about it soon!

And I know the piloting question was answered, but just for forms sake: Yes, there are indeed piloting classes! I'll try to dig up the relevant newspaper post sometime...soon. 8D;


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