Cake of Epicness™

Apr 06, 2016 15:43

The past few days have been fairly busy because it was my sister's birthday yesterday and I was making her a Cake of Epicness™. I made the actual cake on Sunday afternoon, decorated it on Monday morning and put the finishing touches to it Tuesday morning before she arrived.

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adventures in baking, photies, apple, birthday

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Comments 29

sparkythegeek April 6 2016, 15:10:55 UTC
Very awesome cake!


ganimede April 6 2016, 21:22:30 UTC
Thank you!


chaquir April 6 2016, 16:09:02 UTC
*points @ icon*

I'm watching the weight right now.. so baaaaaad entry!! VERY bad entry haha

It looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!!
*drools some more*


ganimede April 6 2016, 21:23:37 UTC
Oh, everyone knows birthday cakes have no calories!

It was really nice. Even if it was pink.


chaquir April 7 2016, 06:40:08 UTC
hahahaha suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure

as if!


ganimede April 7 2016, 20:20:41 UTC
Maybe it's only true if it's your birthday... :P


meathiel April 6 2016, 17:05:02 UTC
Cool idea - love it!


ganimede April 6 2016, 21:24:03 UTC
Thank you!


spaciireth April 6 2016, 22:28:51 UTC
Oh, wow, that is definitely worthy of the word "epic"! I kind of want this for my birthday now, I love Maltesers.


ganimede April 7 2016, 20:23:25 UTC
Good job I included instructions on how to make it then! The actual ones I followed are here. It's been ages since I've had Maltesers but when I had some with the cake, I couldn't remember why I'd not had them in so long!


qwentoozla April 7 2016, 01:55:15 UTC
That looks delicious! The Malteser part came out great, and the pink swirliness looks really nice too. Makes me want a slice!


ganimede April 7 2016, 20:24:09 UTC
Thank you! I may just have a slice left in the kitchen... ;)


qwentoozla April 7 2016, 23:57:34 UTC
Oh excellent, just send it over to me, then. ;)


ganimede April 10 2016, 20:01:51 UTC
Oops, I seem to have eaten it by mistake!


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