Of presents and other stuff

Dec 29, 2011 16:02

Well, that's the Christmas/Chanuka celebrations over and done with for another year. My best presents were a laptop chill mat from my mother and a vanishing TARDIS mug from my sister. The chill mat is brilliant. It has two fans so it plugs into a USB port and that helps disperse the heat from the laptop. I hoped that the fans wouldn't be too ( Read more... )

mother, i like presents :), being a student again, apple

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Comments 16

ftmichael December 29 2011, 16:48:33 UTC
Ooo, those are nice presents! The chill mat sounds amazing. (Cos it's so quiet. See what I did there?) And yay for the TARDIS mug!

Folding headphones do sound like they'd be quite useful, both for ease of travel and for drowning out annoying peoples. That's a shame that it's been so hard to find good ones. The reviews on Amazon for the Skullcandy headphones seem quite good in terms of sound quality but there are several complaints about durability, so if you get those you might have to be extra careful with them. :-/

Yay also for all the art supplies! Feh to having to pay £3 for such a tiny bottle of ink though. But hopefully it'll be fun to have a go at pen and ink drawing. :) Triple feh to still having homework left to do. That's so annoying. Is there much of it?

I'm sorry my present is getting there late. :( I hope it arrives soon!


ganimede January 1 2012, 20:37:48 UTC
The chill mat had been mentioned because I got a catalogue through the post from some website called presentsforboys.com or something like that and there was one in there. That was just a heat-absorbing fabric mat though, so I was surprised by this one which has the fans. And the fact that it's sloped does make it easier to use on my lap. I have it on my lap now actually and it's much better than the times I'd tried to have it like that previously. And not just because it's not roasting my legs.

The reviews on the Argos site were about the same, saying they were really good sound quality but with mixed reviews about the durability. I'd take care of them anyway because I know it's really easy to break the leads.

There's too much homework left to do because there's still any left to do!

There's been no sign of your present so far and there won't be any delivery now till Tuesday :(


ftmichael January 1 2012, 20:44:56 UTC
Presents for Boys sounds like they would have loads of fun stuffs. The one you got does sound better with having fans (plural!) and being sloped. I'm so glad you got that cos I know you'd needed something like that for ages.

You make a v good point about the homework! Will you get to have any proper days off or are you going to have to keep working on it right up until classes start again?

Oh no. :( I hope it arrives on Tuesday! I wish I'd sent it earlier but I hope it's just delayed and not lost. I s'pose it'll be a sort of bonus extended-Chanuka thing. 'Just when you thought Chanuka was well and truly over ... *present!*'


ganimede January 5 2012, 19:50:52 UTC
The one with fans (plural!) is better than the one on that website. My mother said she wasn't sure about ordering from it because she'd never heard of it before which is why she went to Argos. I'm happy with it anyway, I can tell it makes a huge difference already so it will be amazing in the summer. If When we get one.

I spent the first full week of my holiday doing homework, so that's from December 19 to 23. And then I had a nice long break! I didn't have much left to do after that so it just took me one day to finish it off. I worked on it all day Monday and then printed it out yesterday. I got the last bits done in class this afternoon, as that was just sticking it in my sketchbook and writing up the evaluation.

There is still no sign of the present :-/


bella_cheval December 29 2011, 20:37:01 UTC
I want one of those mugs!


ganimede January 1 2012, 20:38:25 UTC
Thinkgeek is the place!


polkadotsquared December 30 2011, 00:06:37 UTC
I got my calligraphy ink in Hobbycraft (to go with my dip pen) and I am completely sure it was about £3 for about 30ml and it has to dry quick cause I'm a lefty and when I forget to hover with my hand I smudge terribly. Obviously it's not as pigmented as Indian ink, but if it's just for practice...

Oh and my A3 folder came from Staples, they had plenty of choice but I went for a cheap (<£2) what is essentially a zip-lock bag type as it's just to store archival photocopies in.

The laptop fan is a really clever idea, at uni I use one of my textbooks as a laptop balancing stand so the air circulates, it doesn't really help.


ganimede January 1 2012, 20:48:31 UTC
The ink won't just be for practice, it will be for my college work too. Apparently you can dilute the Windsor & Newton stuff but it has to be with distilled water. Fussy lot they are! I did look at the calligraphy ink because I did that for years, but I'm not sure what it would be like for drawing with.

I had a look at Staples but they didn't have anything that was A3 sized. I need a decent folder because it will be carrying a lot of stuff, including my layout pad. I was thinking of something like this one.

The laptop chill mat is awesome. My laptop pumps out a hell of a lot of heat and the mat really does make a difference. And it's currently half price!


polkadotsquared January 1 2012, 23:08:58 UTC
Ah, well I've never tried drawing but it's good enough for writing :) Distilled water is easy enough to find, or I'm pretty sure you can make some with the right chemicals cause our school Chem dept made their own.

I have an A4 sized one like that, and it's pretty sturdy and a good make. I also have an A1 (or 2 maybe?) size containing my architectural board display from work experience back when I was 16, bit cracked in the corners from wear and tear but still doing the job.

I think I need to open it up and clean the fan of dust, the last time I had the back off was Dec 2010 when I changed some of the upper plastics. Although the chill mat might be a purchase for later in the month when the uni continues to boil us...


ganimede January 5 2012, 19:53:36 UTC
Distilled water is actually really hard to find! I looked everywhere for it, and in the end I had to get some deionised water from Tescos. It's not exactly the same thing but it's close enough.


FYI... geneticload December 30 2011, 20:05:47 UTC
Did you know you can use Indian ink for homemade tattoos? Perhaps another career for you?!?!?


Re: FYI... ganimede January 1 2012, 20:51:31 UTC
Only if it's medial grade Indian ink because the ingredients can be poisonous otherwise.


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