Of presents and other stuff

Dec 29, 2011 16:02

Well, that's the Christmas/Chanuka celebrations over and done with for another year. My best presents were a laptop chill mat from my mother and a vanishing TARDIS mug from my sister. The chill mat is brilliant. It has two fans so it plugs into a USB port and that helps disperse the heat from the laptop. I hoped that the fans wouldn't be too loud but they are seriously quiet. I'm using it now, listen ... Did you hear them? No! Cos they're that quiet!! And the TARDIS mug is brilliant too cos, y'know, it holds coffee.

I'd asked my mother for some new headphones with the intention of using them at college with my Cowon player to drown out the annoying students. I already have a pair of Skullcandy Ink'd earbuds but I've never really liked earbuds and until recently it was hard to get anything else. I'd pointed out a pair of Skullcandy Lowrider headphones because they fold up but they were out of stock and seem to still be unavailable everywhere. That was disappointing. I wanted some that were good quality and good sound without costing a fortune and I'm not sure what else fits that bill.

I also got lots of little art bits from Apple for Chanuka, like HB and 2B pencils, a putty rubber, pencil sharpener and a black fineliner. I'd mentioned about wanting some drawing ink and she said she had a spare bottle somewhere that I could have. Unfortunately she couldn't find it so I had to go and buy some. It's ridiculously expensive stuff. I had to get an A3 folder for college so I went to get one from Hobbycraft and the ink as well. Unfortunately, the folders weren't as good as I thought but I got the ink. £3 for a tiny little bottle (14ml) of Windsor & Newton's indian ink. At least I have some now so I can have a go and doing pen and ink drawing. I still have some homework to finish off which is annoying but I've still got a week of holiday left.

mother, i like presents :), being a student again, apple

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