Episode Poll: 3.18 Earshot

Feb 22, 2011 07:23

Early morning poll is early and in the morning. Let's do this!

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episode poll, s3 has vamp!willow, poll, btvs

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Comments 101

ceciliaj February 22 2011, 13:39:16 UTC
3. Something else -- the "bad girl" thing is a misogynist concoction anyway, and doesn't apply. Angel is calling forth the stereotype to make Buffy feel bad about having questioned him at all.

4. Something else -- they're both operating on a script that prevents them from having a meaningful definition of love when it comes to one another. That said, he loved Darla as far as I can tell, and it seems really disingenuous to claim that he didn't.


gabrielleabelle February 22 2011, 13:58:10 UTC
Hmmmm. I like your thoughts.


blackfrancine February 22 2011, 14:42:04 UTC
Wordy McWord.

There is something demeaning about him using the good girl/bad girl dichotomy here. It undermines his feelings for Buffy--I don't want you--I want a good girl. It's either Angel being deliberately hurtful to punish Buffy, as you suggest. Or it's a peek into how artificial their "epic love" is. Or both.


menomegirl February 23 2011, 05:06:02 UTC
Rather than try to put it in my own words, I'll just simply agree with both of those.


vamp_mogs February 22 2011, 13:56:12 UTC
1. Romantic - but if I’m being totally honest I really don’t see it as either? I just really don’t see it as being creepy, especially since he actually comes up and speaks to her, so I went with the less negative choice instead.

2. Xanders - I’ve seen this episode so, so many times but I still burst out laughing every time he starts multiplying the math wrong in his head. Hilarious!

3. He’s being truthful - he was most invested in Darla when she was either carrying his child or showing more “goodness” during The Trial. He was clearly fixated on her throughout most of S2 but I don’t think he was particularly drawn to her “badness.”

4. No, he was right - I don’t think he was ever in love with Darla. He doesn’t miss her at all when she leaves in S2 and although I think he clearly had feelings for her, he deals with her death very easily in S3 (in comparison to the 3 months he takes away after Buffy’s passing). I think they bonded most over their love of Connor but when infected with his soul, even Darla decides that her son is the ( ... )


gabrielleabelle February 22 2011, 14:04:38 UTC
1. I always think Angel stalking Buffy is creepy. Especially when she had explicitly told him she needed a break in the previous episode. Dude, get a new hobby.

2. Same here! I also love his running out of the library!


vamp_mogs February 22 2011, 14:26:46 UTC
I guess I just don’t really see it as “stalking.” I checked over the dialogue again and it sounds like he just went looking for her and then approached her when he found her. I don’t really get the impression he had been watching her without her knowing or anything like that.


gabrielleabelle February 22 2011, 14:36:17 UTC
After Buffy calls for a break, he starts going out to look for her for ambiguous reasons. He says he's "tracking" her just to make sure she's okay. Well-intentioned or not (and whether she knows about it or not), it's typical Angelus-stalky behavior, and not really appropriate for a dude whose girlfriend said she needed some time away from him.


beer_good_foamy February 22 2011, 14:03:44 UTC
2. Cordy is amazing, but I love the way Oz goes completely metaphysical. We always knew there was a lot going on under each "huh", but... Hell, they're all good. I love that scene. Especially Buffy's grin when she catches Wesley.

3. As with most things Buffy/Angel, I say there's a difference between what they feel/know, what they want to feel/know, and what they want to believe they don't feel/know and therefore suppress. Also, arguably, what Angel is doing with Darla in Angel is (or wants to believe he is) trying to get her away from being a "bad girl". But also, regarding that, what Ceciliaj said ( ... )


gabrielleabelle February 22 2011, 14:09:28 UTC
2. ...but Xander's the best, right? Cause that is the correct answer. *nods*

6. Your thoughts are interesting.

Is this Willow's first proper episode as Boss Of Us (I don't know how to do the TM thing)? Way back in S2's The Dark Ages she was organizing the Scoobies in research. And she interrogated Jonathan previously in Go Fish.


beer_good_foamy February 22 2011, 14:58:04 UTC
Is this Willow's first proper episode as Boss Of Us (I don't know how to do the TM thing)? Way back in S2's The Dark Ages she was organizing the Scoobies in research. And she interrogated Jonathan previously in Go Fish.

Hmmm. I'd say it's the first episode where she takes over in Buffy's absense as if there was absolutely no question and even relishes bossing the others around a bit ("TODAY, people!"). But yeah, it's not like it's completely unexpected given what she's done in similar situations before. (Fun fact: the Swedish subtitles for this episode have a typo that leads to Willow seducing ("förföra") rather than interrogating ("förhöra") Jonathan.)


gabrielleabelle February 22 2011, 15:13:11 UTC
That is a tragically hilarious typo. Willow/Jonathan? Anyone?


peroxidepirate February 22 2011, 14:33:23 UTC
3 & 4, I basically think Angel is incredibly self-deluding -- he's lying to himself without realizing it. It's the only way I can make sense of his character on both shows; and if he's starting to realize it by the end of the season, it provides another explanation for his decision to leave.

5 & 6, I have no idea. Need to rewatch again, I think!

Also: this episode contains one of my all-time favorite quotes: "Everyone is ignoring your pain, because they're too busy with their own." It's not always true, but it's a good thing to remember.


gabrielleabelle February 22 2011, 15:12:35 UTC
3 & 4. Agreed, especially on the point about his realization leading to his departure.

I have no idea. Need to rewatch again, I think!

Yes, you do! :)


kd0206 February 22 2011, 14:33:24 UTC
The whole Angel thing? I don't think they really see each other at all, their relationship is mostly the two of them being self referential. At this point I think Angel has invested Buffy with his salvation and thinks that idealization is love. And Buffy? She can't hear him, can she?
#2..Oz! Oz! Oz! And later hearing her mom think about Giles. Twice.
Xander plays the Zeppo again and saves the school. Willow stepping further into the control position. Good character development.
And weirdly timely. They didn't show it as scheduled because of Columbine.


gabrielleabelle February 22 2011, 15:11:35 UTC
I definitely think B/A tends to look past each other rather than at each other. They keep playing to the fantasy of what they have.


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