Icon Meme!

Feb 05, 2010 19:33

Taken from diek09, who got it from haruechan, who got it from... (it's a vicious cycle!)

- Leave me a comment if you want to do the meme.
- I will reply with 6 of your icons and then you have to post this up and describe them!

And here are mine: )

meme, icons

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Comments 9

jehnt February 6 2010, 01:34:54 UTC
YOUR CATS ARE SO CUTE and I love that icon of them.


ga_unicorn February 6 2010, 02:33:06 UTC
Thank you. Besides the pose (of course), I love how their stripes look in it. Every once in a while I think about re-doing it, but... nah.

And, yes, they are very cute. And they know how to use it!


casett February 6 2010, 01:43:35 UTC
Pics of Flan from that Comicon are so expressive! I've made icons of at least two of the same caps!

The kitties are very cute!

Pick me - I am bored so will do this again!


ga_unicorn February 6 2010, 03:07:37 UTC
JF's so very, very pretty. And the kitties exploit that cuteness every day!

So, here are my picks. I'm really interested to see what you say about them:

... )


diek09 February 9 2010, 03:18:55 UTC
1.Your kitties are so adorable and look gorgeous on that icon, and I think it is nicely done :D
2. I thought that, I imagined that because every time you make an icon post you use a phrase of a very important person of the U.S.A. but was wondering anyway, lol
3. lol, my fave non-main too!
5. Have you attended many cons in your life? I like his expression too and the coloring you made on it.
6. Jack, what a lovely character and a really cool series :D


ga_unicorn February 9 2010, 03:58:48 UTC
2. I started collecting quotes from people I admire (no matter what their citizenship!) when I was in college. I never did anything with them until I opened this LJ account at which point I discovered they fit in nicely for the LJ cuts. So the odd hobby hasn't been a complete waste of time! :-D ( ... )


diek09 February 9 2010, 04:06:42 UTC
I hope you'll be able to go and enjoy the con a lot...
And you're a total liar, you said that some of them were just pretty for you, but these are pretty and have a good history, lol :D
I seriously love your style, it's so different to the rest and so amazing for that ;)


ga_unicorn February 9 2010, 04:30:09 UTC
Thank you so much... seriously blushing, now. ;-)


(The comment has been removed)

ga_unicorn February 13 2010, 20:23:01 UTC

Okay... tell me about these:

... )


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