Icon Meme!

Feb 05, 2010 19:33

Taken from diek09, who got it from haruechan, who got it from... (it's a vicious cycle!)

- Leave me a comment if you want to do the meme.
- I will reply with 6 of your icons and then you have to post this up and describe them!

This was an early, early icon and (I think) not very well done; but I keep it because of the subject matter. These are my baby boys, Thor and Tyr (yes, I was thinking about my favorite Asgard when the names were chosen). They came into my life unexpectedly, being rescued from the bushes around my apartment. They were both still very young, but not actually from the same litter. Thor (the lighter one) is actually older by a couple weeks. This is another too cute pic of them:

I made this for iconstillness and I don't remember what the challenge was that week. But I am very patriotic, very into politics. Hellooo... Political Science major here! I use this when I post or comment on politics.

My favorite non-main character on Stargate Atlantis: Lorne. This was from Doppelganger, after he held Sheppard at gunpoint whilst sleepwalking. I usually use it when I'm feeling "I Dunno"-ish.

Lorne, again. This was from Enemy Mine on Stargate: SG1, the first time we ever met Lorne. I love the expression on his face. I use it as a general icon, when I'm in a Lorne kind of mood.

Joe Flanigan from a Con picture. Pretty, pretty, pretty. I like how his head is tilted and he's looking up and to the side; makes me wonder what he was thinking about/looking at. Again, just a general icon and I use it when I want me some JF/Sheppard.

I love 24 and Jack Bauer. He is sooo badass, even if he does have cute little chubby cheeks. Anyway, I'm not really active in that fandom (although I seem to be starting; just made a batch of icons for twenty4ic), but several people on my flist are fans. So, I needed a 24 icon for when we are discussing the show. Not a great one (it was a fairly early attempt), but it has served it's purpose.

Any questions? Bueller..?

meme, icons

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