The Cooper Libido Experiment 14/?

Sep 23, 2009 10:55

Title: "The Cooper Libido Experiment"
Author: g_girl143 / gwendy
Rating: PG-13
Chapters: 14/(?)
Timeline: Post L/P...beyond Post L/P...
Summary: There are times when the thing you love the most will cause your downfall. In the case of Dr. Sheldon Cooper, that would be Science...
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the series and am not making any money out of this despite putting my sweat and blood into it. So save me the lawsuits and just allow a beggar to indulge in fantasies. Thank you.
A/N: This chapter’s gonna be awfully short. Originally, it was part of Chapter 13 but I thought the last line of Chapter 13 worked well as a cliffhanger, so I decided to put in a separate chapter. Enjoy…or not :P As always, thanks for the betas, gemsile123 and
life_coveter !

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Penny was still deep in thought by the time she got out of Leslie Winkle’s office. Their conversation had lasted only ten minutes but it changed everything, opening new doors but closing others.

Sheldon had been drugged.

Sheldon wanted to have sex with her because of the drug.

She’d wanted to have sex with him all along (although she kind of knew that already).

The only way to cure Sheldon would be to have sex with him.

It was a win-win situation, really, but she felt like crap.


Penny looked up, and saw Leonard walking towards her. “Hi. So…how’d it go with Leslie?”

She shrugged. What else could she say? “I’m…getting nowhere. Maybe…maybe you’re right. I’m just being delusional.” She had to bite her cheek at the lie, but Leonard seemed to be taking it, with the way he nodded his head. “Uhm, Leonard, I forgot to ask. Where are Sheldon and Ramona going on their date?”

“I think they’re going to Giacomo’s.” Leonard looked at his watch. “They’ll be going out at seven. That’s in two hours, so Sheldon’s probably home by now, preparing and stuff. You know how he is when it comes to out-of-routine activities.”

Penny felt her stomach hiss and bubble, and it wasn’t hunger. She was imagining a candlelit dinner of Sheldon and her creepy-as-hell-copycat Ramona. Imagined Ramona convincing Sheldon to get in her apartment for some ‘coffee’. And then…

She really wanted coitus with him…

Only way a pheromone-induced behavioral change can be satiated would be through mating…

Penny felt herself shiver from the sudden bout of possessiveness that consumed her until she felt herself grow green eyes and claws. Drugs or not, Sheldon was hers, and no skankalicious redhead-turned-blonde was going to trample on her turf.

She tried to think of a plan. She could show up at Giacomo’s at seven, drag Sheldon away and then have her way with him. It didn’t sound too romantic, but whatever works. If Leslie was right, Sheldon definitely wouldn’t object to the idea of sex with her. Heck, he certainly hadn’t last night. But if the guys ever find out what’s going on…



Leonard cowered, and only then did Penny realize she had just snapped at him. “Well…I was going to ask you if you’d like to join me and the guys for a Star Wars Movie Marathon at the Newark tonight. With Sheldon on a date with Ramona and all, there won’t be interruptions. I know it’s not your thing and that you’ve already seen the movies but-“

“Thanks, but no thanks Leonard.” Penny smiled, and thought the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. “I have other plans for tonight.”

Moments later, as Penny watched Leonard pull his car out of the parking lot, a scenario unfolded in her mind. She saw herself, in her tight little blue dress, with a yellow Penny Blossom in her hair, patiently waiting at the restaurant. If memory serves, Leonard had told her Ramona had already made reservations, so she could probably bribe a waiter to tell her which table it was. She might even be able to convince him to let her sit in that very table to wait.

Then, at exactly seven, Sheldon and Ramona would show up, and she’d get to see Ramona’s ugly mug crumble once she lays a big wet one on Sheldon. He probably wouldn’t be able to stop making out with her once she kisses him, which would be good if they weren’t in public. If so, she would have to rush him home…or to a nearby hotel, and…

Penny shook her head and headed for her car. She wasn’t going to plan it that far. But so far, so good.

She was going to win this, she thought, as she turned on the ignition. Queen Penelope was going to free Sheldor the Conqueror from the evil, grimy clutches of Ramona Nowitzki.


Traffic was heavy that afternoon, and it didn’t help Ramona’s mood any. She’d been positively shocked to see that…that skank Penny in the parking lot, that she hadn’t been able to put her guard up. But that blonde…she’s typical. Too dumb to figure out any slip of the tongue. Yeah, dumb blonde, Ramona thought with a smile.

She relaxed and turned to look apologetically at Dr. Sheldon Cooper. “I’m really sorry, Dr. Cooper. I should’ve checked for traffic updates. I know how you hate being off schedule-“

“And at the rate we’re going, we won’t be able to arrive in my apartment until 1815 hours, which wouldn’t give us enough time to prepare for our dinner date at Giacomo’s,” Dr. Cooper filled in. He sounded angry, and his mind seemed to be elsewhere, but it didn’t stop Ramona from feeling giddy that he was acknowledging this as a date.

“I really do apologize, Dr. Cooper. But I can always call and inform the restaurant about a change in the schedule.”

“That won’t be necessary. We won’t be going out tonight.”

Ramona almost dropped her phone. “W-What? But I-“

“If it’s intimacy you want, I’d rather we head straight to your apartment. Right now.”

Ramona felt as though the world had just stopped spinning. If he had just spoken the words she believed he did, then she’d rather stay frozen in this one moment than live an entire lifetime without it.

But time didn’t work that way, and after a hard swallow, she asked, “You…want to share intimacy with me? You’re…talking about engaging in sexual intercourse, right?”

“Is that not your goal? I was under the impression it was.”

“Oh! Oh it is, but I’m just…”

“Then let’s go. I’d rather not waste more time.”

Ramona giggled and leaned over to plant a loud kiss on Dr. Cooper’s cheek. She was too happy to acknowledge the way he cringed, the way his face quickly turned from red to white, and how he inched himself a little further away from her.

Nothing, she thought, as the traffic began to lift, was ever going to dampen her mood tonight.

A/N: So I guess that answers the question as to who will get to Sheldon first.
Uhm…are those UFOs or are those shoes flying my way again? *ducks for cover*
Come on guys, gimme a break. I wanna make everyone miserable because I'm miserable because I missed episode 1 of Season 3.
Okay okay! I'm not gonna make you wait too long for Chapter 15. It's gonna be up real soon, I pro---WHOA! *ducks*
If anyone can give me a link where I can see streaming episodes online for season 3, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO!
Teasers: Psycho 2 0_0

Proceed to Chapter 15

character: leonard hofstader, character: sheldon cooper, character: leslie winkle, fan fiction, character: penny, character: ramona nowitzki

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