[life] wow. i pretty much died again.

Jun 17, 2012 22:56

I mean, really, when was my last journal entry again? I seem to only post one non-spam entry per month.

it's just a bad day after a bad day. rinse and repeat. )

mxr, work, scanlation groups, doujinshi, rants, life, freedom, school

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Comments 17

halkuonmusoka June 17 2012, 13:29:37 UTC
Da faq. Don't even get me started on school :/
My school has formal this week, and I'm probably the only one who's not too excited about it, bloody hell.
Ugh, I hate entertaining guests too...

Oh hey! I have trial exams slapping me straight after the holidays too! 8D
So I guess we won't be having holidays! /I'm just about ready to shoot somebody

I'm sure you can get through it though...only a few more months left til graduation! ♥ *sends uplifting vibes & air hugs*
Also hope your grandma is okay; bleeding from the nose and mouth doesn't really sound anyone's cup of tea .__.


fuwacchi June 18 2012, 09:21:02 UTC
Ahhh, my school has formal after the HSC (or whatever your state calls it). It's on the 29th or 19th of November, I can't remember because I have no intentions of going. Because, like you, I'm not excited about it and I don't think I'll be talking to about 95% in the future.

Yeah! Trial-exams-buddies! I plan to only do a bit of studying though... It's just not like me to study too hard. @_@ I'll leave that for the HSC.

Ahaha, yeah, just a few more months... I plan to work again after the trials are over since it's mainly revision for 8 weeks anyway.
She's plenty fine. Saw her walking around normally during the times I visited her. :P


halkuonmusoka June 19 2012, 17:04:42 UTC
Damn it. My school has it compulsory, and they charge us the ticket fee to our account regardless of whether we go or not. /rage
So I guess I might as well go and eat good food. :|
Ahaha, I know right!! At the very least, I opted not to go to the after party, because I'm not really interested in seeing my graduating cohort get drunk either.

Ugh, I actually have to study, because trial exams are summative for us /sob

Ehhh, 8 weeks for revision??! That's so cool! We still have 1/3 of the curriculum left on average to go...so we'll probably only get 1 week of legit study at school for our final exams! @_@


fuwacchi June 20 2012, 07:34:59 UTC
My friends are trying to force me to go. They even said they'd pay for my formal ticket, but I wouldn't go regardless. It's their own problem if they want to waste money on me when I've specifically told them multiple times that I have no interest.

/patpat I'm probably only going to study for Physics and Business Studies. I'm pretty confident in all my other electives.

Yup, within the next week and a half, I'll finish my whole curriculum for all the subjects I'm doing, if I haven't already completed it. Thus 8 weeks of revision after the trials.


chinpirako June 17 2012, 13:59:08 UTC
Aw, you've been quite unlucky these past few days....having relatives over is nice, but it's tough if there isn't enough room in the house...

Also, the incident where you accidentally deleted your work...man, that sounded tough :( And you are also too busy with schoolwork too...I hope things will let off for you soon...


fuwacchi June 18 2012, 09:23:00 UTC
Yeah, very unlucky. Today too. /will post an entry about that later on
Ahhh... I'm not very close to my relatives (and that's an understatement), so it's usually very bothersome. :|

Mmhm... I think that's the 2nd time it's happened... Thanks! It's just another two weeks until my break, so it won't be long. :P


xryuchan27 June 17 2012, 16:04:52 UTC
Ugh... y'know what? I think I deleted Certainty Ans. 1 from my external. I can't find it anywhere in my computer /facepalm

I'm gonna clean it all over again =w= Are you still going to work on it? D8 Gaaawd. I'm so shtuupid....waaah. And I think I'm gonna start going to a culinary school later this month o n o So..... /dies

As always, good luck with school = n =


fuwacchi June 18 2012, 09:24:12 UTC
/pats It's okay. :'D If you want to send it to someone else to work on, that's fine too. If no one else wants to typeset it, then I'll just do it again. :)

Oh, you have culinary school? I'd love to do that! /loves cooking Good luck and have the utmost fun possible!



angel_elysium June 18 2012, 08:25:36 UTC
It's alright. I don't mind if it's late.

A bad day is really a bad day. Just do your best on whatever life gave you. I'll be cheering on you and hope you'll be okay. :)


fuwacchi June 18 2012, 09:25:08 UTC
Well, that's a relief. :)



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