and update of sorts

Jul 21, 2010 16:10

Just a sorrt of status update kind of thing haha. Well anways my work has been increasing lately as this really muggy, sticky summer rolls on. We've been amazing busy tat work as a result. Got a Bon Joni concert coming up this weekend, and Courntry Fest next month, never mind Football starting up again soon. Goodbye easy Sundays.  Not to mention i' ( Read more... )

randomness, vids, music, sayid, lost

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Comments 13

katje0711 July 22 2010, 02:26:55 UTC
Ugh. I totally feel your pain having to deal with right wing nutjobs.

Sorry to hear Ana might be going death. Sounds like she's lived a very long life!

That's great news about your eyes!

I have a friend that goes to a lot of Red Sox games when they play in Baltimore. Maybe you two will be at the game together! What day is the game?

Who the heck are the Fish?


fricksgurl75 July 22 2010, 02:43:35 UTC
yeah I don't care for nuts on either side, these guys are actually extreme left-wingers saying that 9/11 was orchestrated by our own govermenement. I don't care of wackos one either side.

And yeah Ana seems to losing her hearing and it is sad, but she's healthy in most other ways.

I'm gong to a game on September 2nd and I can't wait.

And the Fish, are Fishsscuit, speaking of nutjobs, these people are the pissed off Skaters who are spewwing hatred for Lost all over the internet. The annoy me and make me want to smack them all, it must be nice to be able to hide behind a computer and do that shit, they've actually trashed Jaters LJ's and stuff it's ridiculous really. It ruins my mood jsut thinking about them :p

sorry btw I haven't been on FB lately, just been working alot, i'll try to be by tonight :)


katje0711 July 22 2010, 02:58:23 UTC
I agree. Extremists on either side are too much.

Glad to hear Ana is healthy in most other ways. :D

It amazes me how people are so worked up over their disappointment in LOST. Get a life already!

I'm on now, if you're around!


lisagwilkins July 22 2010, 03:33:51 UTC
Wow, Patti!!! I'm so excited about the report from the eye doctor! That is incredible!!

And yes, the fishbiscuit people will never ever give it a rest. But like you, I'm happy as clam with the way it all ended.


lisagwilkins July 22 2010, 03:35:52 UTC
P.S. I'm so sorry to hear about Miss Ana...I hope she's alright. My Katie Kitty is 14 now too, at least. The SPCA office said they thought she was at least 6 and that was when I adopted her 8 years ago.


magali29 July 22 2010, 09:17:07 UTC
I'm glad to know that your eyes are getting better ( ... )


katje0711 July 22 2010, 16:42:35 UTC
The Light as Time. That sounds interesting. Do you happen to know where I can find that theory? I also have a different theory about the finale, if you're interested.


magali29 July 22 2010, 18:09:59 UTC
Yes, I'm interested. I love to read about theories. As I said, my favorites right now are Light as the stargate to the afterlife, and Light as time (it helps if you have seen Doctor Who, though. Time Vortex = The Light, The Tardis = the island). There are some parts of the theory that I don't agree with (Dharma and the search for immortality) but apart from that, I love everything about that theory.

Just like I love the doorway to the afterlife theory. It would explain the ghosts, the whispers, and even the time traveling: "there's no NOW, here", as Christian said so if the afterlife is leaking on the island, then the law of space and time don't apply on it the same way it does on the outside world.

Anyway, here's the link to the Time theory:


fricksgurl75 July 22 2010, 16:58:41 UTC
I like the idea of the light being Time, it's a very intriguing concept in of itself. I think it was left up to people interpettion of it, some don't like that, but I like that. It is what you make of it ( ... )


honeypoppy0212 July 22 2010, 11:29:07 UTC
Nice Ingrid clip. Thank ya for sharing! :D

I think I went to the Fish site like half a dozen times and that was in the beginning. After that I couldn't make myself go there if I wanted to. LOL Ugh!

Congrats on the weight loss and diet redo. I've always heard losing weight slow is the best way anyway.

Glad you got a good report at the doctors and yay for the Sox tickets. I know you'll enjoy it!

Sorry to hear about Ana...hope she's okay.

Love Paint it Black...such a good song. And def a good one for Sayid.

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. End of summer is so freaking hectic.


fricksgurl75 July 22 2010, 16:33:55 UTC
thanks :) yeah you and I were some of the smart ones for stayng away from hehheh what a bucnch of losers :p

glad you like the Ingrid stuff, they have an awesome studio there, great acoutstics and everything, just wish they'd put Gregs up :p

And I do lovet hat vid, perfect for him :)

End of the summer, we still got another month of summer here,school don't start til ater Labor Day hehe take your time though :)


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