and update of sorts

Jul 21, 2010 16:10

Just a sorrt of status update kind of thing haha. Well anways my work has been increasing lately as this really muggy, sticky summer rolls on. We've been amazing busy tat work as a result. Got a Bon Joni concert coming up this weekend, and Courntry Fest next month, never mind Football starting up again soon. Goodbye easy Sundays.  Not to mention i'm stuck upstairs all day Staurdays with a bunch of people spouting 9/11 conspiracy theories and the like. I won't even get into how I feel about shit like that that. Sometimes I marvel at the nutty things people will believe sometimes.

In other news, I think my black cat, Ana, i s going deaf, cause she dosen't seem you coming anymore. Poor thing, although she is after all about 14 years old. It's amazing considering how she started that she made it this long. I don't know if I've mentioned that she was hit by a car when she barely a year old and her hip was shattered. That's how I ended up with her. She was very well taken care of an Emergency Animal Clinic in Arizona and  now you wouldn't even know anything had happened unless you look real close at  her left hind leg. Ana truly is a miracle kitty and has lived a very rich life since with her little sister Chianti, who is now 13.. still can't believe that. But anyways enough about my cats hehe

My most recent doctors appoinment found now bleeding or leaking in eithe reye, which is great news, it's the second straight appoinment where they've said that, meaning I don't have any injections for the forseeable future *crosses fingers that the next  appontment says the same**  My vision seems to have stabilzed, whether it's stabilized enough for me to drive again remains to be seen though. For not  i'm getting plenty of exercise by walking which is a good thing, and may get a YMCA membership by the fall, considering it's right down the street from me literally. On that front I've been atking waight off slowly  myaelf, simply by getting more exercise, I have a pair of Scketchers Shapers and I use them when I walk now and they do work, and are so comforatbal.

My Mom is still over me about getting ins shape and I told her that i''ve already changed my diet over the course of the last year or 2. I rarely drink soda, eat wheat bread at hom,  rarely eat fried food etc etc. II've alway hated Mayonnaise and have never really been a fan of bacon so those have never ben an issue. I've  stopped or only occasionally eat certain things and while I still eat burgers, I don't eat them as frequently. They are one of the few vices I allow myself hehe. But what i'm doing is working for me, even if it does it slowly. So i've been trying to keep my mother off my b ack, which is difficult cause she's on the health kick right now. I do higly recommend NutraGrain bars and Fiber One bar if you dont' have any fruit available hehe. I do think i've managed to atake off about 10 pounds over the last couple of months just by eating better and getting altot more exercise, but I tell my mom, I'm a big girl, it's gonna take awhile before I can a bikini lol

On even happier news, i got the tickets for the Red Sox game in Balitmore inn Septmember, in the mail yestereday... yaaaaaaaaaaay can't wait for my mini-vacation at the end of August : D :D A trip to DC and Baltimore, and i'll have money this time cause my car (that I can't drive hehe) is now just about paid off. . So i'm excited, although it is not coming soon enough thank you.

On another front, lisagwilkins  tells me the Fish are still at on their cesspool of a site, still railing over the ending of Lost and how much they hate and how stupied and tetarded everyone sho did like are. I told Lisa to stay away from there but she's having too much fun stirring the pot, and ironically this time itt was old friend An who got her benned lol, and she didn't know it was Lisa. Too funny. But I stay away from there on principle, I was told never to aruge with crazy people *anickers*  I loved the ending, I  had been looking for something h appy and hopeful and I got it.. and i'm not apologizing for enjoying it. I feel bad for the eopl it  temendously.

It's funny cause i'm still interested and in atalking about it, but some are like, well it's over lets move on, some people have short attention spans and all, especially in this day and age. A mos tpeople know i'm prety damn patient and stick with things for long periods of time.  So if Lost is still dicussed on my LJ or elsewhere, i'm not gonna pologize for that either hehe. Hell some people can't remember past the last season or so, hence  the 'why Shannon not Nadia? that we hear from a few and of course the endles Skate/Jate/Suliet deabate that wil rage on to the end of time it seems.  I am an upapolegetic Shayider, love them as a couple, always will. And Sayid will always be my Binky, even though its hard to find as many people who want to talk about him as much as they want to talk about Saywer or Desmond (hehe no offense i'm Des fan but it is easier to fiind Des fans to talk to))  My man is under-dicussed and und under -vidded to a high degree  so i'm  I will not apologize for going on endlessly about him or vidding him. Inf fact I found an awesome vid of him  of late.  New solely Shayid vids and Sayid vids are very hard to come by, you can find a million Jate vids, PB&J vods but theser are harder. trust me.. this is an awesome on btw

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And for honeypoppy0212   's lsitening pleasure I found this as well from 92.5 The River Music Hall (they haven't put up Gregs yet for some reason but I thought you'd like this this, it's Ingrid from a year or so back Enjoy!

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randomness, vids, music, sayid, lost

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