update of sorts..

Aug 19, 2010 16:40

I fifugred I'd update on here cause I have  posted here in like forever lol. Bee SOOOO busy lately with work and all.  Things should calm down by the time i'm back from my vacation to Baltimore (less than 2 weeks now yaaaaaaaaay)  and by that time.. or who knows? maybe before I shold have my final part of my recap done.. at least I hope.

Anyways... good news again from the doctors office, 3 straight appointment with no serious swelling or leaking in my eyes, meaning no treatments neccesary yet. WHOOPEEEE!!  Hopefully it's stabilized now which would be great. I have resumed the renovation of my room as well, getting a new bureau and soon a computer desk from  IKEA and will hopefully be working on my closets before too long as well. I love having things to do at home :D The bureau has become a bit  of a project that has wounded me a little hehehe what's a few more bruises rifght? But I hope to have it done soon.

I now have 1924 songs on my IPod now, an incredible mix of just about every genre, which is amazing to me. I just love music in general and was taught to appreciate all genres, cause there's good musi in all of them if you look hard enogh. And thank  you to honeypoppy0212  for introducing me to alot of new stuff as well,  and lisagwilkins   too for showing me new country stuff that i've added as well. As you know, I can never have enough music so thanks

I have been perusing boards here and there and LVI and still not finding alot of good discussions or vids relating to other couples besides Jack/Kate, Sawyer/Juliet or Charlie/Cl,aire. NOt that I don't like those couples and characters but it seems like you find just about anything you want when it comes to them but when you look for others you have to look harder. Although I did read TV Tropes and they listed the ENTIRE finale as a Crowning Moment of Awesome so to all the haters out there HA, HA and HA as my friend Lisa says    What was so wrong about seeing the people we've watched for years, end up with the people they loved, the people we WATCHED them love on the island?  What was so wrong about seeng them happy? And togheter. I'd like to know how some of these haters who call us idiots, wanted it to end? What other way was it supposed to end?

Dosen't matter really cause it did, and it was great. And it was a great show.. I found this vid which was a nice look back on whole of the show and things we loved about it. There's alot of good ones out there.. but I just love this song in it..From one of my favorite bands..

image Click to view

And yes i'm still t talking and writing about Lost, and  my favorite characters, such as Syid (who gets very little when it come to discussion I might add) among others, and will continue to talk about it even though to some it's  'its soooo over'  It's special to me, just like The X-Files.  is, and that's been over for 9 years.  I love NCIS and others, and my start watching Finge  but Lost is always tops, it''s brought out my creative side and made some wonderful friends :D

Part 3 like I said is coming... I promise hehe

updates, vids, music, lost

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