Free channelling weekend: July 27th - 30th, 2012

Jul 27, 2012 20:04

What it's called: It's a Free channeling weekend!
What it is: I'm a channel for a Spirit Guide named Theresa, who is a Guide of the Holy Divine. You can ask one question of her, and she will answer through my hands. Any question is valid, though snark may receive snark in return. I can also give readings from the Hero's Deck, a wisdom deck focused ( Read more... )

cards, oracle, tip, free, divination

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Comments 15

westly_roanoke July 28 2012, 00:36:37 UTC
Hey there! Sure! I'll give it a go.

To Theresa: I've got a pretty serious situation, I'd like to know where to go with it.



siege July 29 2012, 15:19:46 UTC
Theresa says, "Your life is not endangered, but I would say that this upcoming choice will define you for a long time. Who do you want to be when you look at yourself? Who do you feel you will be when your life is at its end? Perhaps these two questions will help you clarify the choices you must make right now."


jules_hoshihito July 28 2012, 03:33:01 UTC
For Theresa: Should I continue to wait or has this ship sailed?


siege July 29 2012, 15:21:02 UTC
Theresa says, "The ship has sailed, beloved. There will be others, but eventually you cannot stand on the pier for your own sake. Perhaps you should commission your own?"


filthy_animal July 28 2012, 04:56:21 UTC
I keep seeing this, so I'll try. <3

To Theresa: I am mentally exhausted, and I worry about my future. What can I do?

And if I could have a card from the Hero's Deck that would be lovely. <3


siege July 29 2012, 15:24:26 UTC
Theresa says, "The trouble in your world grows from exhaustion. if I were to ask you to balance an egg on your head for a year, would you be able to do that? This is what you have done to yourself. To resolve the questions of your life right now, I would suggest a vacation -- not of a week, but of a day or two -- to a quiet space where you can rest and allow your spirit to become untwisted.

"Revelations may come when you are ready."

The deck offers the gift of Charity, surprisingly. Perhaps you need to be charitable toward yourself.


filthy_animal July 29 2012, 18:39:09 UTC
Oooooh, that is very very good. Thank you, and thank Theresa for me! <3


skyfiery July 28 2012, 14:40:58 UTC
I'll like to ask Theresa if there are any pertinent things I should know for my life right now.

Thank you!


siege July 29 2012, 15:26:07 UTC
Theresa sips her tea and nods. "You'll know what you should look for when the right moment comes. Other than that, you are asked to look for ways to accent yourself for the purpose of clarifying your identity."


skyfiery July 30 2012, 00:52:32 UTC
Thank you. I'll think on that.


ginkaruja July 28 2012, 17:17:10 UTC
To Theresa: I fear that I will not be able to make enough through my art right now to keep the household afloat. Are my fears correct or will it all come together?

If I could also have a card too...

Thanks so much for doing this.


siege July 29 2012, 15:33:20 UTC
Theresa nods, and says, "Your fears are justified. You may not be able to do this. However, that doesn't mean you should avoid the attempt! There are things to be learned that nobody else can teach you. On the gripping hand, there are teachers you may wish to seek out. Z knows of one."

To which I say, you might have a look at haikujaguar's Three Jaguars posts on running a business, for artists. You can find a landing page for them here, on her website.

The Hero's Deck shows you the gift of Magic, and suggests that perhaps there is a greater power at work in your art than you've realized.


ginkaruja July 30 2012, 12:45:07 UTC
Thank you. I had read the posts once before, but I feel like it's time to revisit them again.

The card seems to make sense, it would explain why there's been such jumps in my art lately, and it makes me consider another facet to it as well. Thank you again.


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