premature nostalgia

Nov 21, 2007 19:26

Six weeks remain before my move, but I'm already saying goodbye to my home, little by little.

Here are pictures of my current apartment, which is my favorite of the three LA places I've lived in:

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family, home, food, friends, ernestine, school

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Comments 17

zanthinegirl November 22 2007, 07:41:28 UTC
Very cute little apartment! I bet you're going to miss it, but good luck on the house hunting!


framefolly November 25 2007, 04:09:09 UTC
Thank you! I will miss my roommate even more...But change can be good :) .


wondrous2 November 22 2007, 10:45:56 UTC
Yes, very lovely apartment!
Mine looks like crap! :P I live with three messy people, though (my mom and two sisters, lol).

Good luck with the apartment hunting, and have a wonderful Turkey Day! :D


framefolly November 25 2007, 04:10:37 UTC
Thank you! I am so lucky that AS and I have similar levels of "clean preferences." When I live with my Dad I have to just give up... ;) I understand the futility of sharing space with less fastidious family members :P .

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!


endless_lakes November 22 2007, 16:36:55 UTC
Wow, I like these pictures. I also like your apt. I'm getting antsy stuck in my little studio now that I spend more time out of the hospital.

Happy T day. I'm traveling home to force OROW and Ox to sign up for LJ accounts.


framefolly November 25 2007, 04:13:15 UTC
Cabin fever can be a huge deterrent to productivity -- believe me, I know!

Hope home visit is fun as always. Did you make them read bluebombardier's entry about the restaurant?


endless_lakes November 25 2007, 04:34:48 UTC
Good word choice- cabin fever.

I did make them read the restaurant entry. They feel bad about it.


framefolly November 25 2007, 04:55:22 UTC
Hehe. You know me -- make my living by words.

Yeah. I felt bad, too. It is, after all, after many many years, a place of good memories for me...


zandperl November 22 2007, 20:57:07 UTC
Let's get together while you're in NYC in December! If you'd be interested in seeing the whole "gang" I can just stick you on those emails when we start sending them out, or else you and I can pick a date for just us.


framefolly November 25 2007, 04:14:37 UTC
Definitely! I'd love to catch up with the "gang" -- it's been a long, long time, and I missed last year's reunion :( . Please do include me on the mass emails, and if timing works out, maybe we can catch up just with each other before or after?

Thanks for suggesting! Can't wait to see you :) .


enigmaticblues November 23 2007, 19:08:48 UTC
Your apartment is adorable! I hope you find one just as nice in Phoenix.


framefolly November 25 2007, 04:15:18 UTC
Thank you! I hope I will, too -- if nothing else, I will be keeping most of the furniture ;) .


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