premature nostalgia

Nov 21, 2007 19:26

Six weeks remain before my move, but I'm already saying goodbye to my home, little by little.

Here are pictures of my current apartment, which is my favorite of the three LA places I've lived in:

The living room. During the day, there's a pretty view of the neighborhood from the balcony behind the blinds. On a really clear day, one can see all the way to the Santa Monica hills. The futon faces another bookshelf and a gas fireplace that I've never used -- maybe I should use it just once before I go somewhere even warmer...

This isn't a picture of the "dining room," since it's just a table and chairs on the other end of the long living room. But AS and I have made and shared so many wonderful meals here! We should have taken more pictures...

Here's the small but functional kitchen -- we keep it clean -- these are all post-flooding photos. I'm feeling so sentimental that I'm uploading pictures of the completely unpicturesque...I'm exorcising an immigration trauma, because we never photographed my childhood home, and I have no way to verify if my memories of what it looked like -- the colors, the fabrics, the dimensions -- are accurate...

Um, another entry into the TMI category: my bathroom. I've mosaic-ed the commode for your sensibilities. But -- for such a tiny place -- it's got personality, no?

Here's my bedroom/office. There's a snowflake I cut and stuck onto the windowpane, below which is a post-it that reminds me to work. On the wall opposite the world map is an equally large map of the US, and on the left of the world map is a NYC subway map. There are also three bookshelves, all overstuffed, in the areas not pictured.

And last but far from least, here is a picture of Ernestine, who is the true owner of this apartment:

And now a bunch of dates:
This weekend: house-sitting
Next weekend: apt hunting in Phoenix
Weekend Dec 9: Finals week, final batch of grading
Weekend Dec 16: Carols Concert
Dec 19-28: NYC (JB visits 26-7)
Jan 2-4: Move
Jan 14: Start teaching

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

family, home, food, friends, ernestine, school

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