
Oct 07, 2007 14:00

Yesterday morning AS and I got new stuff for Ernestine. She seems not to have noticed any difference; we had a good time, though :) . Here are some recent pictures that I might turn into turtle macros...

I iz pozing

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food, dreams, grouch, singing, friends, ernestine, creative

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Comments 6

blue_aardvark October 8 2007, 13:08:03 UTC
America's Next Top Turtle, Ernestine.


framefolly October 8 2007, 17:20:12 UTC
She's so vain!


winsomeone October 8 2007, 18:13:24 UTC
OMG, She's adorable. In the second picture she looks as if she's mugging for the camera with her own version of a Mona Lisa smile. :-)


framefolly October 9 2007, 19:57:03 UTC
Totally -- someday I'll catch her when she's napping -- it's a hoot! But she's quite alert -- anytime anyone enters the room she opens one eye within seconds and gives an appraising look -- are you bothering me because you have food for me? Or shall I start begging shamelessly?


enigmaticblues October 8 2007, 22:35:49 UTC
Ernestine is looking very good! And I'm glad that you're feeling better. As much as I love sleep, I often feel it's too bad I have to, because I miss out on so much!


framefolly October 9 2007, 19:57:35 UTC
Yes. Lorne's sleep-removal treatment at Wolfram and Hart sounded SOOOOOO good!


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