
Oct 07, 2007 14:00

Yesterday morning AS and I got new stuff for Ernestine. She seems not to have noticed any difference; we had a good time, though :) . Here are some recent pictures that I might turn into turtle macros...

I iz pozing

for the Swimsuit ishoo

r tanning. u goway now kthxbai

Then I went to Avenue Q. It's a wonderful show! I hope everyone gets to see it. My one objection are the two HDTV screens that they used to play some materials -- I wish it had been a single, larger, traditional screen instead, or (given the Sesame Street associations) even an old fashioned "wall of tv monitors." Very small quibble. Otherwise, joy joy joy!

The original plan was to go to JB's and do some work after the show, but I had been feeling so tired that I felt I might throw up. The cure for this feeling (I know that most people aren't programmed like me) is to stuff myself and then go to bed, which is what I did. At 6pm. I woke at 7:30 today, feeling like I need another 12 hours, but much better than before. It's annoying to have the recurring dream where someone keeps trying to wake you up even after you tell them you refuse.

Got my first speeding ticket ever on my way to church! Now I know better about Sepulveda Blvd. I can't read the ticket well enough to know how much it costs, and forgot to ask at the time, so I guess I'll be in for a surprise soon -- let's hope it's a small one. Let's also hope that traffic school will be relatively painless to book and attend, so that my driving record and insurance won't be affected.
Extra rehearsal today, so after singing from 9:30 to 1:30 (well, not continuously) I am now hoarse and wiped (again) :P . Returned as always to a wonderful apartment -- AS cleaned everything yesterday while I was at Avenue Q, bless her -- and will now concede the point to my neurotransmitters and go to bed. That way I can wake up in time to properly enjoy the traditional Japanese dinner that AS is preparing -- yay!

food, dreams, grouch, singing, friends, ernestine, creative

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