flowing water accounts...

Aug 19, 2007 12:51

There is a term that sounds (as is often the case) much more poetic when literally translated than in the original language: "流水帳".

A "flowing water account" is a long and trivial description, usually generated to nominally satisfy an external authority. It is often characterized by frequent use of the word "then," forms of the verb "to be," and the ( Read more... )

family, food, grouch, singing, silly, school

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Comments 8

enigmaticblues August 19 2007, 20:48:12 UTC
I wondered about "The Invasion" but only because Daniel Craig is in it, and I loved him in the last Bond film.

That sounds like a very nice weekend.


framefolly August 20 2007, 16:30:56 UTC
It was a nice weekend :) . Craig was good, but his lines weren't, so there ya go. Kidman had the unfortunate tendency to go into Melanie Griffith simper for the first part of the film. The supposed "moral message" was awfully crude -- more fit for a 30min episode of Twilight Zone -- which befits the remake connection but not the contemporary issues (like the Iraq War) that the movie brings up. Sigh.


tiny! anonymous August 20 2007, 02:13:42 UTC
I'm also interested in the Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig combo. They are going to appear in the Golden Compass, New Line's new "fantasy epic" investment after Lord of the Rings, I heard (but don't quote me on it). I think Dan Craig is pretty hot. I like him in the last Bond film as well.

Ahh, Bourne. I like Matt Damon. Can you just see the Ultimatum and get something out of it, or do you have to go through the trilogy?

Love, love your summary of Jane Eyre.

Will acquire an icon someday so I can consistently post myself as the grumpy rabbit.


Re: tiny! framefolly August 20 2007, 16:32:46 UTC
I don't think one needs to see all parts of a multi-part movie anymore in this late phase of blockbusterism. Just see Ultimatum.

You can only get an icon if you get an LJ account. It's very easy, and you don't have to update it or anything, but you do have to get one to have the features.

Thanks for calling last night. Googah!


bluebombardier August 20 2007, 16:44:34 UTC
I am also not a fan of green bell peppers. I think this is in part because I have already filled some unconscious quota of enjoyable green vegetables, of which there are a great many. I can tolerate broccoli, but green peppers are habitually banished to the edge of my plate.

I have never been to a drive-in before; it always sounds so fun.


framefolly August 20 2007, 16:58:40 UTC
Come out here again and I'll take you :) .


bluebombardier August 23 2007, 06:38:21 UTC
Take me too. I have also never been to drive-in.


framefolly August 24 2007, 01:44:08 UTC

But you have to DRIVE!!! Whahahahahahah.....


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