flowing water accounts...

Aug 19, 2007 12:51

There is a term that sounds (as is often the case) much more poetic when literally translated than in the original language: "流水帳".

A "flowing water account" is a long and trivial description, usually generated to nominally satisfy an external authority. It is often characterized by frequent use of the word "then," forms of the verb "to be," and the desiccation of all character. For example, a book report in this style might read, "Jane Eyre was an orphan who became a governess. Jane was in love with Mr. Rochester, who was her boss. Then Jane was told that he had a crazy wife, so Jane ran away. Then Jane was told she really had some family and some money, and that Mr. Rochester's crazy wife had died in a big fire. Then Jane and Mr. Rochester got married and lived happily ever after."

Well, although the events I below describe deserve much better treatment, all I have time and energy for now is a flowing water account. So:

I went to a special event at the Getty Center last Wednesday, where a film called "That Old Weird America: Harry Smith's Anthology of American Folk Music." I learned about a set of influential records that I had never heard of before, despite having had passing interest in folk music figures such as Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Bob Dylan. There was a good Q&A and live-performance of some songs afterwards.

On Friday night I joined two good friends from my department at one of their apartments. We grilled marinaded salmon, corn, portobello mushrooms, and bell peppers in every color except for green. Everything was delicious. I even had some wine. We looked at outstanding pictures from one friend's recent trip to a North African country (I am usually very bored by looking at other people's pictures, but these were not boring.) We traded stories and grievances regarding our respectively negligent or suffocating parents. We discussed our annoying habits. I resolved again to stop cracking my knuckles, and broke the resolution right away. I will try harder not to play with my feet in public.

Last night I went to a drive-in theater for the first time. It was 131 miles away. We packed a dinner, and sang a lot in the car. The first movie with Invaders, with Nicole Kidman. It was bad, but she was pretty sometimes. The second movie was the Bourne Ultimatum. It was better, especially in terms of car chases, but he was less pretty. The stars (real) were awesome in the desert.

Mommy I'm done! May I go play?

family, food, grouch, singing, silly, school

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