words i live by

Aug 17, 2007 10:39

My mother made sure that my sister and I understood the importance of "家教" -- literally translated as family-lessons, or being brought up in a good home -- since our infancy. They have served me extremely well, even though given my native temperament toward extremism, I have taken some of them too far. I hope that I can pass them on through words ( Read more... )

family, note, food, creative

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Comments 12

laseulrosenoire August 17 2007, 20:01:55 UTC
This is amazing. I'm going to try and live by at least a few of these from now on!


framefolly August 17 2007, 22:03:14 UTC
Thanks! I'm sure my mom will feel very honored!


enigmaticblues August 17 2007, 22:13:05 UTC
Those are really great lessons to live by. It's got me to thinking about the lessons my family taught me.


framefolly August 18 2007, 01:30:43 UTC
Thank you! And that's the PERFECT icon :) .


enigmaticblues August 18 2007, 01:45:46 UTC
Hee! Thanks. I do like my Wesley icons.


framefolly August 18 2007, 01:59:29 UTC
OMG -- there's another one!

*melts with heatwave and Wesley!Woozies*


snarkyghosts August 18 2007, 00:19:34 UTC
You're mom is very wise and insightful ^_^


framefolly August 18 2007, 01:23:59 UTC
Thank you! I think so, too :)


Tiny! anonymous August 19 2007, 03:37:00 UTC
I skipped reading for a day and missed these great wisdoms. See- you pay attention much more than I do. I don't remember many of them. Wow, they are wise, huh?

The OROW told me that she was greatly entertained and pleased by them.


Re: Tiny! framefolly August 20 2007, 16:53:03 UTC
Hehe. Mom wanted to post a reply saying that she got them from HER mom, but I guess she ran out of time. So I'll say it for her:

Like mother, like grandmother!


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