Title: Behind the Scenes
Pairing: AkaKame
Rating/Genre: NC17/Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: Don't own them, not even in my dreams.
Summary/Notes: Real life Akame. Nowadays. Kame and Jin have always been friends but they act all lovey-dovey or distant according to what image Johnny Kitagawa wants them to show. They do not question their sexuality. They
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Comments 35
i love it
i hope you continue it soon
Those pictures in the magazine must have beeen nice pics~! :3
Thanks for sharing this! :D
OMG AKAME IN JUNJOU!!!! WHAT CAN I HAVE MORE?? this is really will be my favorite ♥
thank you thank you thank you for continuing this fic *bows*
i'll be waiting for another update ^^
Thanks sssoooo much for updating!
~~Gives you choco~~
something i really hope to happen..xDD
cant wait for the nxt one
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