[Fic] Multichapter - Behind the Scenes_Chapter 2

Jan 20, 2011 20:16

Title: Behind the Scenes
Pairing: AkaKame
Rating/Genre: NC17/Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: Don't own them, not even in my dreams.
Summary/Notes: Real life Akame. Nowadays. Kame and Jin have always been friends but they act all lovey-dovey or distant according to what image Johnny Kitagawa wants them to show. They do not question their sexuality. They both go out with girls. BUT one day they are chosen to act in a new drama where they have to play a gay couple (could be the adaptation of a yaoi manga) and their relationship slowly starts to change...
For silecet's request in akame_req

Prologue/Chapter 1

A.N. Um...its been almost two years since I updated. Sorry. -_-; I just died from fandom for a while, and then Jin leaving kinda didn't help either. I still love him though! Anyways I've been thinking of this fic a lot so I really want to finish it.

Chapter 2

“Move closer. Try to be more intimate with each other or maybe at least interact with each other!: the director yelled out once more before letting out an aggravated “CUT!”

“Akanishi-san, Kamenashi-san this is the fifth take already and we haven’t gotten one remotely usable scene. I know these weren’t ideal roles but could you at least look like you want to be here. You two are professionals and that’s exactly how I expect you to act. Now go take a break and we’ll try this again in ten.”

Jin and Kazuya walked back to the break tent dejected. Kazuya grabbed a water bottle from the table and Jin reached for a banana. It was awkward - just as Kazuya had expected it to be - and it became increasingly frustrating that they couldn’t bring themselves to act more naturally in front of the camera. During the past couple months the duo slowly tried to interact more openly with each other on screen and though they were making some progress, what was a few months when compared to the years they spent keeping each other at armslength.

“Good morning.” Came a voice as someone walked onto the set.

“Good morning Saito-san. Ah, Kotani-san too. Good morning.” The staff greeted the two men.

“Saito-san good timing. Kamakari-kun is already here too; we’ll shoot the both of you next. Kotani-san you can take a rest for now.” The director said and headed over to the break table. “Akanishi-san, Kamenashi-san we’ll hold off on your take until after Saito-san and Kamakari-kun’s shoot. I want the both of you to watch and take some pointers for now.”

“Yes sir.”

Both Jin and Kazuya sighed simultaneously as the director walked back towards the set.

“Having a tough time?” A voice asked beside them.

Kazuya started and stood up to greet the older man, “Yes. Ah - I’m Kamenashi Kazuya. Nice to meet you.”

“Akanishi Jin, nice to meet you.” Jin said beside him.

Kotani gave as short bow, “Kotani Yoshikazu. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot from Shirota-kun.” Chuckling at the skeptical look on Jin’s face Kotani added, “Don’t worry. Shirota-kun said many good things about you two. Although from what he’s told me I’m surprised that you two are having so much troube being close.”

“Eh?! What has Yuu been telling you?!” Jin hastily asked

“Shirota-kun’s not spreading any weird stories if that’s what you’re worried about. Rather he said ‘Jin and Kame should have no problems because they’re closer than even family.’ Also there doesn’t seem to be any awkwardness in your photo shoot here. Actually there seems a high level of intimacy albeit nonsexual.” Kotani said while taking a magazine from his bag. “I got this for Aoyagi-kun but I happen to notice that KAT-TUN was also featured in this month’s issue. There’s a nice little interview of you two to go with the pictures too.”

Taking the magazine Jin immediately recognized their outfits being the ones they wore during the shoot with Tsunoda-san. He had been particularly curious about the outcome of that photo shoot. Normally even if he didn’t know how the pictures would come out, he would usually at least have an idea of what to expect; but this time Jin was at a loss as to what would be finalized in the magazine. His eyes widened as they flipped to the correct pages. There they were - the six of them - having lunch in the park gazebo.

Kazuya gasped softly, “Wait a second. This wasn’t supposed to be the shoot. We were actually breaking for lunch off the set here.”

“They’re good though.” Jin said while flipping through the pages. And he’d meant it too. On the first page were their group & solo shots lined up overlapping and adjacent each other like scattered photographs, while each of the featured duo-shots were also dressed with other smaller candid photos of the pair. Jin flipped to the next page and Kazuya resisted the urge to laugh. The main picture was of Koki eating a strawberry and Jin’s shocked face next to him. Nakamaru and Junno were featured next; each with three ice cream cones in hand. In the final two-shot Kazuya was leaning on Ueda’s shoulder laughing with Ueda sporting his own embarrassed smile. That should’ve been the end of it but there was no hint of what Kotani-san had described in the pages they looked at so Kazuya tentatively reached over to turn the page.

To say that they were surprised was the understatement of the year. Both Jin and Kazuya were beyond shocked at the contents of the page. It was a thousand times more scandalous than the ad for the Cartoon KAT-TUN episode where they were alone and if it weren’t for the current drama they were in could’ve easily been something featured in Friday. There smack-dabbed in the center of the page sat Jin with his trademark crooked smile looking up and practically leaning towards Kazuya. The younger man had his hands in Jin’s hair; a quaint smile donning his own lips. Scattered around that one photo were smaller ones - not unlike the previous shots. In one Jin was picking food out of Kazuya’s plate. Another had Kazuya hand feeding a surprised Jin a strawberry. And the final - and possibly most scandalous focused on Kazuya licking an ice cream cone from Jin’s hand.

Beneath the photo was the small interview they’d done. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary - the usual “What’s new? Current hobbys? And so forth” - until the final question that was. Jin and Kazuya remembered the oddly timed question.

“Okay so one last question. We’ve heard from a reliable source that Akanishi-san and Kamenashi-san have been cast into a BoysLove drama as lovers. How do the two of you feel about that?”

Kazuya’s smile faltered momentarily and Jin blanched. Though they both knew questions would come eventually, neither had expected it would arise during that interview.

Smiling full force, Kazuya was the first to recover, “It was a bit of a surprise when the role was first offered, but now I like to think of it as another challenge. The story itself is interesting and I hope this drama will help to open new doors.”

There was a soft cough to his side, “It’s just like Kamenashi-kun said. The offer itself was unexpected, but that they chose us was at the same time somewhat flattering. Frankly speaking I’m still nervous in this role, but somehow with this guy with me it’s a little more calming.”

Jin closed the magazine and handed it back to Kotani speechless.

“I’ll admit the photos are good…” Kazuya started, “but I don’t like the underhandedness. These were taken without our knowledge. It almost feels like we were Friday’d. If this was what they wanted then they should’ve just said so. It’s not like we’ve never done candid-themed photo shoots before”

“Do you really think we could’ve delivered though?” Jin suddenly spoke, “I mean Tsunoda-san wasn’t pleased with anything else we were giving and even now we can’t seem to act remotely normal on camera.”

Kazuya sighed; he knew there was truth to what Jin was saying but it still didn’t sit well with him. Thos moment were private with all their - his - guards down. If only he’d known so he could keep at least a small part of himself locked away and not feel so naked and open for everyone to see.

Kotani coughed awkwardly, “Is everything alright? It seems as though I’ve shone you something unpleasant.”

“No, it’s not your fault.” Kazuya reassured, “It was just unexpected is all.”

Jin stepped out to watch the current shooting as Kazuya finished off the half eaten banana. Sometime later he saw Saito and Kamakari heading towards the tent and Jin speaking with the director. He nodded a silent greeting to the duo as he trotted over to Jin. The older man spotted him and met Kazuya halfway. There was a troubled look on his face.

“Is everything alright Jin?”

“Kazuya…” Jin hesitantly started, “you trust me right?”

Kazuya nodded

“So…um I know you won’t like it, but promise you’ll try to not get too mad at me. ‘Cause this is the only thing I know to do to make it work.”

Again Kazuya gave a small nod and suddenly Kazuya felt himself being pulled across the park.

“Jin! Wha-?!” Kazuya started, but was interrupted as Jin stopped to look back at him.

Jin grinned - almost apologetically - and swiftly picked Kazuya up bridal style, “I’ve already cleared it with the director. You can be mad at me afterwards, but just follow my lead ok? And don’t worry about being Nowaki and Hiroki; it’s just going to be you and me - just Jin and Kazuya. Like old times.”

“Eh?” Kazuya looked around and spotted the camera crew closely behind them. He looked forward and suddenly realized where Jin was headed, “Wait - Jin! You can’t be seri-!” But it was too late as Jin jumped into the spray of the wading pool fountain in the middle of the park.

Jin ran them along weaving in and out the rows of water - Kazuya yelling at him to stop - when he suddenly slipped while jumping through the center spray. They fell into the wading pool and Jin felt Kazuya quickly get off and kneel next to him.

“Jin! Are you hurt?” The younger man asked frantically.

Groaning, Jin slowly sat up, “Yeah, I’m fine - itai!” Kazuya smacked him over the head.

“Baka.” Kazuya suddenly swiped a handful of water at Jin and started laughing; “Only a baka like you would do something this ridiculous.”

Jin gaped for a moment before laughing out loud himself. As their laughter died down Jin leaned his forehead against Kazuya’s. “But it worked right?”

“And CUT!” Jin and Kazuya jumped and turned towards the voice. The camera crew was backing away from the fountain and off on the side they were being beckoned over by the director - towels in hand. “That was a good take. A bit unprecedented, but we’ve got some good scenes from that. I hope you two broke the ice with this take. Now go take off for the rest of the day, we certainly can’t have you continuing on like this. I’ll see you two first thing tomorrow.”

The walk back towards the break tent was quiet and Jin took a tentative look at Kazuya.

“Kazuya? Are you mad at me?”

“No, it would’ve been better if you’d explain what your plan was to me…but it worked out.” Kazuya turned towards the older man, “Besides I told you right? I trust you.”


Comments are much love♥ I'll try not to take forever with the next update this time.

behind the scenes, fanfic: multi-chapter, akame

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