Merlin Season Two: In Review (Part 2)

Jan 16, 2010 16:11

I shall now continue on from my previous post reviewing Merlin: Season Two.

Where did it all go so wrong? )

rant, haterade, merlin reaction, review

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Comments 125

sheeris_jemima January 16 2010, 15:01:25 UTC
I just added both of your review-posts to my memories to read again, discuss them with my friends and link others here because while I loved the great moments of this season and the actors' performances and I can't wait for season three, I agree with most, maybe even all of the points you made as well. I'm a little torn over this *g*

I haven't found the time yet to rewatch S2 in it's entirety, which I guess I really need to to think about it more since I only started watching the show when S2 was already well under way and then I hurried to catch up, so I'll probably come back to this later (much later) again.

Thank you for writing all of this up, really! <3


foxie_trot January 18 2010, 11:02:24 UTC
:) This pleases me so very much. I'm glad you liked it enough to add it to your memories!

[Don't worry, I'm slightly torn over the show as well. I can't help but love it, but some bits just make me want to tear my hair out!]

Thank you for your lovely comments! Feel free to come back and comment again once you've watched season 2 again. :)


feilongfan January 16 2010, 15:22:56 UTC
Interesting post.

> A good show is not made from flawed writing and the fans having to fill in the holes with their own head-canon.

I've never thought Merlin is a high-quality show though. S1 is endearing, esp. most of the actors who play the main characters, but I don't have much expectation for it. It's for guilty pleasure. It does not deserve the time to ponder upon about it. Otherwise one will feel depressed.


foxie_trot January 18 2010, 11:05:47 UTC
I've never thought Merlin is a high-quality show though.

This is definitely true though. I remember facepalming quite a lot while I watched season 1. I guess that's why I love it though, it's such a guilty pleasure.

Don't worry though, I won't be making another thing like this for awhile, it takes too long, destroys too many brain cells and as you say, pondering on it just makes you depressed.

I'm just here for the OT4! :)


bamchickabow January 16 2010, 17:42:09 UTC
What bothers me so much about the relationships is that I could forgive Gwen's complete inside and outside make over, Arthur treating Merlin like a dog and Morgana's relationships being ignored if it hadn't been rushed. A lot people say it's because the show wasn't sure if they were going to have another season and that's why they rushed all the 'epic' plots. But tons of shows never know if they're getting another season yet they keep the plots the way they were intended and don't rush them out so the fans can have a "finale". -_-

I think the biggest characters impacted this season was Morgana and Gwen. If Morgana had left at the end of season 1, everyone would be going crazy with worry. Instead the only person who actually truly seemed to care that she was gone was Uther and Bradley's eyes. And what happened to the sweet bumbling Gwen? Where did she go? How did she fall in love with Arthur that fast?

in 2x04 Morgana was the strong one, helping Gwen as they escaped whilst Gwen remained Damsel in DistressI have to disagree on you ( ... )


foxie_trot January 18 2010, 11:20:17 UTC
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason that they rushed the season. I mean, they probably thought that they weren't coming back after the first season, which is why they thought 'stuff it, let's go all out'. Problem is that that kind of thinking will mean that they won't have their act together, because they will only do the same thing for this season.

Morgana's storyline is so sad. I honestly feel for the poor girl, she gets kidnapped in front of everyone and yet all they can care about next episode is ... not her. *sigh*

From what I remember Gwen seemed pretty strong this episode even though she completely forgot how to fight from 1x10. ;P

Actually you know, you have a point. I kind of forgot about the rest of the episode, her standing up to that King. But I guess that's more because Lancelot was there, promising to rescue her - not that Gwen could actually do anything herself. It's the sort of problem you face when your debating on this sort of thing - you can't say Gwen is necessarily strong, because she stands her ( ... )


starrynight111 January 16 2010, 18:04:56 UTC
Again I agree with everything you wrote ( ... )


foxie_trot January 18 2010, 13:12:10 UTC
Love, I am going to die writing back and forth with you so much. XD;

I kind of love Bradley so much more after he sort of underhands the show and it's story at times, since you can tell that he can actually feel the viewers going "bitchsaywhut?" and almost wants to make amends. He's a big of a fan of the show as we are, and it's only right that he has a vested interest in where they are taking his character. I think the creators should listen to what Bradley has to say more often, clearly he has the shows best interest at heart which is more than what I can say for some others I could mention.

And totally agree on Merlin/Arthur, which is something that had better develop first episode next season. Something with Arthur risking his life to save Merlin, and vice versa (plainly and in clear conscious of Arthur knowing) so that it will undo the cheapening of their bond in this season. It is probably the only thing that will make me forgive them enough to keep my judging self quite. XD

Merlin was in love with Freya's magic, he finally ( ... )


Reply Part 1 a8c_sock January 16 2010, 19:26:56 UTC
Arthur/Gwen ( ... )


Re: Reply Part 1 foxie_trot January 19 2010, 11:44:43 UTC
There's a reason we talk about Arthurian romances and the romance between Arthur and Guinevere in the legends had a compelling dynamic all its own

You have such a point here. I think stoicana made such a great point in a review post some time ago, that likening Arthur/Gwen romance to Romeo/Juliet tragic love is actually insulting the age old love between Arthur and Gwen. Because Romeo and Juliet were entirely too foolish in their so called 'great love', whereas the legends have always shown Gwen and Arthur to be true to each other (despite the hiccup with Lancelot) and Arthur is always portrayed to be this great man of honour. They are nothing like Romeo and Juliet, and I wish people would stop comparing and associating the two, especially for this Arthurian adaptation. It does not make the romance anymore believable nor commpelling. As you said, I want to see the ARTHRUIAN legend's dynamic romance.

[definitely agree with you on the Lancelot/Gwen angle too. What was up with that showing up so soon again??]

Whereas Arthur and Gwen have a ( ... )


Re: Reply Part 1 a8c_sock January 19 2010, 18:59:53 UTC
likening Arthur/Gwen romance to Romeo/Juliet tragic love is actually insulting the age old love between Arthur and Gwen.

It is, absolutely. They are two totally different romances with their own unique dynamic. Sometimes I think Johnny Capps assumes all romances are the same when they are not. Arthur/Guinevere was a much more mature love than Romeo and Juliet. It was more 'adult'. Which is possibly why I can't buy the excuse that A/G has flown by so quick 'becuase they are young'. To me it needs to be more than that for me to buy into it. It needs to be have something more to it than 'young people in love'.

[definitely agree with you on the Lancelot/Gwen angle too. What was up with that showing up so soon again??]

I'm waiting for Lancelot to show up in S3 and for that to be a bit wtf? Another thing that is bothering me. Arthur knows Lancelot loves Gwen and that it is mutal. Yet Lancelot is fated to be a trusted knight. How is that going to work now?

It's rather interesting, don't you think, that it's meant to be Arthur/Gwen in ( ... )


Re: Reply Part 1 foxie_trot January 22 2010, 10:43:49 UTC
To me it needs to be more than that for me to buy into it. It needs to be have something more to it than 'young people in love'.

Oh my gosh, yes. And I think also, that 'young people in love' cannot portray the extent for which Gwen remorses after Arthur is killed. I mean, you would expect that, after she is with Lancelot and betrays Arthur and then dies as a result, that THIS Gwen would actually go off and be happy with Lancelot. Because that's the clear imagine we've been given. But that's not how it goes in the Legends, and likening it to anything else is just doing it a huge disservice. [In one of them, she goes off to a nunnery after all, right? Somehow can't quite imagine this Gwen being mature enough to cart herself off to a life of celibacy and penance).

I'm waiting for Lancelot to show up in S3 and for that to be a bit wtf? ... Arthur knows Lancelot loves Gwen and that it is mutal. Yet Lancelot is fated to be a trusted knight.That is going to be so weird. I don't even know how they could possibly make that work, seeing as ( ... )


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