Icons and BEES!!!

Feb 23, 2006 22:48

I can't seem to be able to sleep and that sucks muchly because I know I'm tired and I really wanna sleep but can't and that makes me cranky! I did manage a few hours this afternoon where I had a VERY weird dream... I won't go into details, but it involved old people somehow... and my kitten sleeping in a washing basket. It was just plain weird ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

brokenfaraway February 24 2006, 01:03:03 UTC
*sniffle* I wish I could make amazing icons like yours. You're really good. I also wish I could have a nifty mood theme T_____T

XD Attacked by bees? That's so amusing.

I was so scared by the Spears thing. I didn't click the link though.


fox_reed February 24 2006, 02:28:14 UTC
*hugs* My icons aren't all that good! I'd bet money yours are better!!! And what kind of mood theme are you after?

*grins* Isn't it though? I've been thinking about it on and off for a few months now. Whenever I think I wanna kill him off... it ALWAYS comes back to being attacked by bees!!

And I'm so sorry about the Spears link! I'm glad you didn't click it... For all I know they could have hidden a virus or something in it!


brokenfaraway February 24 2006, 02:33:38 UTC
*hugs* Are too their amazing. I have a free acount so I dont think I can use mood themes

XD It's just so funny. But it's really origonal that's for sure.

Usually I'm all like link *click* but I saw the word Spears and I was like EWWWWWWW


fox_reed February 24 2006, 02:58:03 UTC
You can use them for three accounts. It's a little more complex, I'll admit, but there is a way! *grins*

And hey, if you're going to kill (or force your favourite character into a coma) you want it to be memorable! And evil bees is as memorable as anything else I've heard yet!

As for the Spears woman... *shudders* I swear, if I find out who hacked me and spead that atrocity I'll kill them!! *hates Spears with a passion*


fictionary February 24 2006, 05:05:43 UTC
Yep, you heard it here! He will be attacked by a swarm of bees! The poor bugger is scared of them and allergic to them, so when they attack him he will go into anaphylactic shock and fall into a DEEP coma! Now, in keeping with the Soap Opera nature of the RP, Shuichi's evil twin Luichi, will show up!! And he'll be all: "MWAHAHAHA!! Now you are dead (in a coma) I will take over your LIFE! I will don these glasses and this fake mustache and become you and noone will know the difference! As those are the rules as stated by Superman and Spiderman comics! MWAHAHAHA!!" ... and it will be fun all around!!

...*dies laughing*


fox_reed February 24 2006, 08:04:34 UTC
*beams happily*
I will mourn your death... But not that you where amused by this!!


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