Icons and BEES!!!

Feb 23, 2006 22:48

I can't seem to be able to sleep and that sucks muchly because I know I'm tired and I really wanna sleep but can't and that makes me cranky! I did manage a few hours this afternoon where I had a VERY weird dream... I won't go into details, but it involved old people somehow... and my kitten sleeping in a washing basket. It was just plain weird.

Anyhoo... I put up a batch of new icons over at wonderland__. A few Loveless, some Yami no Matsuei and one FMA one that Wicked gave me the quote for and just DEMANDED to be made! It's odd... I don't usually get in the mood to make icons, much less LIKE the icons that I make. I should be making brushes since I have a 101 to make, same with my bases. I have requests to complete and a mood theme to finish! But I'm happily procrastinating and feeling guilty about it but not so much that I care. ... did that make sense? Prolly not. Never mind!

Oh, and I was VERY amused to find that I'd been submitted and accepted into an LJ Directory under "icons". I feel I should have been put under "brushes" but hey. I'm not complaining! Oooh... I should make a suggestion! BASES!! Everyone loves bases and you couldn't make icons without 'em! *laughs*

Anyhoo... enough of that.

I have come to a decision regarding my RPG's! Or should I say, the RPG I'm in that's messing my head up in a royal fashion. Now, since the whole thing plays like a fucked up soap opera (Twin Peaks on crack!) I'm going to play with that!

So yeah, my decision... In keeping with the "plot" (I use that term very loosely as I'm not even sure there IS a plot, just a bunch of angst filled events powered by the suffering and pain of the poor misused characters) I'm going to have my character, Shuichi, attacked by... BEES!!!!

Yep, you heard it here! He will be attacked by a swarm of bees! The poor bugger is scared of them and allergic to them, so when they attack him he will go into anaphylactic shock and fall into a DEEP coma! Now, in keeping with the Soap Opera nature of the RP, Shuichi's evil twin Luichi, will show up!! And he'll be all: "MWAHAHAHA!! Now you are dead (in a coma) I will take over your LIFE! I will don these glasses and this fake mustache and become you and noone will know the difference! As those are the rules as stated by Superman and Spiderman comics! MWAHAHAHA!!" ... and it will be fun all around!!

NOW... this is where I need some help. I need an interesting way for Shu dear to get attacked by Bees. And I KNOW that EVERYONE has a bee or wasp story! So share them with me people!! Have you been chased by one? Attacked? Went to bite into a bar of chocolate and almost swallowed one?? *beams* I've been chased by wasps who wanted to steal my ice cream and stung in the ASS by a bee! My only comfort is, that after stinging me in the ass, the bastard died! Makes me laugh!

So help me with my research! I need BEE (or wasp) STORIES!!!!

And now... I'm gonna try and get some sleep!!


I also need to apologise to anyone who is on my YIM list. I was HACKED this afternoon! Bastard tainted my IM with a link for that damned Spears woman. I know two other people who've been attacked by the same thing, but as far as I know they where both been offline at the time it happened. While I was forced to sign out while the bastard had his way with my SN!! Rather annoyed, kinda amused, want to find him and slit his throat! Either way, very sorry for it! Wasn't my fault so please don't kill me!!
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