RPG Plot x2 (Sorry for the spam!)

Feb 24, 2006 02:14

WHY CAN'T I SLEEP??? Gods damnit this is annoying. *whimpers* My stomach hurts now... But... I have more to add to my RPG PLOT!!!

Okay, so we've worked out what's going to happen to Shuichi, now for the others! So far Shuichi is in a coma and Luichi has taken over his life. As evil twin brothers are known to do! But I have more characters than Shuichi and so I must free them also!

Now for Loki. I adore Loki more than life itself! He's sweet and cute... BUT HE WILL DIE!! How? Simple! Luichi! See, while Luichi takes over Shuichi's life, he takes Aria (Shuichi's little sister) and keeps her locked up in the basement (don't ask how there's a basement when they live in an apartment, it's a soap opera, logic doesn't live here!) where he tortures her randomly with his rap. He thinks he's good, but what do evil twin brothers know??

Loki gets curious about the missing Aria so confronts Luichi where he realises that Luichi is actually Shuichi's evil twin brother and point and yells "YOU'RE NOT SHUICHI!!" to which Luichi wittily replies "MWAHAHAHA!!" and then stabs Loki in the spleen. Loki bleeds to death. The end!

... or is it??

On hearing the news Jez, Loki's sister, take a run and jump off a cliff and becomes a greasy smudge on the rocks. Aria is forgotten and is left tied up in the basement. They find her years later when Time Team go to the US and do a dig. Tony Robinson thinks it's the find of the century but soon realises he was wrong and so gets the CSI team in and... That's a whole different story! Back to the point!

Okay, So Jez jumps to a watery grave and leaves her daughter behind who soon grows up into a bitter young woman consumed by revenge. She hunts down Luichi who was never killed and has been living happily ever after in a mental institute because he thinks that flowers are after him. Anyhoo, Merlie (Jez's daughter) finds him and kills him. Stab to the spleen!!! She's then arrested by the police and sent to jail where she becomes someone's bitch!

Now for Loki's kids! Regina becomes a prostitute. And a very good one too! Arimar gets married and has six kids, one he names Loki after his dad. The others are called Loki 2, Loki 3, Loki 4, Loki 5 and Loki 6. Two of the kids are girls. And no, he's not obsessed in his dead father. Why do you ask? Loki's other two children, Iemia and Kaelin grow up and run off to live in incestuous bliss!

*ponders* I'm not sure if I've missed anyone. But if I have I'll work them into my "plot" one way or another!

(Note to self: Songs that would be GOOD as brushes: Bon Jovi - It's my Life and Utada Hikaru - Hear me Cry)
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