Icons and BEES!!!

Feb 23, 2006 22:48

I can't seem to be able to sleep and that sucks muchly because I know I'm tired and I really wanna sleep but can't and that makes me cranky! I did manage a few hours this afternoon where I had a VERY weird dream... I won't go into details, but it involved old people somehow... and my kitten sleeping in a washing basket. It was just plain weird ( Read more... )

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brokenfaraway February 24 2006, 01:03:03 UTC
*sniffle* I wish I could make amazing icons like yours. You're really good. I also wish I could have a nifty mood theme T_____T

XD Attacked by bees? That's so amusing.

I was so scared by the Spears thing. I didn't click the link though.


fox_reed February 24 2006, 02:28:14 UTC
*hugs* My icons aren't all that good! I'd bet money yours are better!!! And what kind of mood theme are you after?

*grins* Isn't it though? I've been thinking about it on and off for a few months now. Whenever I think I wanna kill him off... it ALWAYS comes back to being attacked by bees!!

And I'm so sorry about the Spears link! I'm glad you didn't click it... For all I know they could have hidden a virus or something in it!


brokenfaraway February 24 2006, 02:33:38 UTC
*hugs* Are too their amazing. I have a free acount so I dont think I can use mood themes

XD It's just so funny. But it's really origonal that's for sure.

Usually I'm all like link *click* but I saw the word Spears and I was like EWWWWWWW


fox_reed February 24 2006, 02:58:03 UTC
You can use them for three accounts. It's a little more complex, I'll admit, but there is a way! *grins*

And hey, if you're going to kill (or force your favourite character into a coma) you want it to be memorable! And evil bees is as memorable as anything else I've heard yet!

As for the Spears woman... *shudders* I swear, if I find out who hacked me and spead that atrocity I'll kill them!! *hates Spears with a passion*


brokenfaraway February 24 2006, 12:11:37 UTC
Really how do you do that o.O

Exactly XD I've deffinitley never heard of it.

I really hate her too. She's such a slut.


fox_reed February 24 2006, 13:22:49 UTC
Go here: http://community.livejournal.com/crackified/5304.html
That'll tell you how to use a mood theme for a free account!


brokenfaraway February 24 2006, 22:50:30 UTC
waaaay too complicated for me lol


fox_reed February 24 2006, 22:51:40 UTC
hehehe, warned you!!


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