Title: The Lines and Spaces between Us Pairing: Jongin/D.O. Word Count: ~18,000 words Rating: R Warnings: Cases of homophobia, [Click: Spoiler]character death by car accident Summary: Jongin is not gay in the first place (or that is what he thinks so); but Kyungsoo is a confusion, and he lets himself be confused. Author's Note: Hello obligeance! I hope you’
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Title: nothing's gonna change (my love for you) Pairing: Jongin/D.O. Word Count: ~21,800 words Rating: R Warnings:: n/a Summary: for jongin, getting through life is hard enough without the constant threat of kyungsoo turning his world upside down. Author's Note: my immense gratitude to m for all her handholding and alpha reading.
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Title: The Gray Area Pairing: Jongin/Chanyeol Word Count: ~5,300 words Rating: R Warnings: Angst Summary: Chanyeol and Jongin live in two different worlds. It’s winter when the worlds meet, and it’s winter when they fall apart. Author's Note: Heavily inspired by the song “Winter” by Mree and lightly inspired by two amazing and similar yet
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