Title: Awareness
Arc: The Right Hand Path
Fandom: FF7
Characters: Sephiroth, Cloud, and Zack
Rating: G
Words: 951 this part
Note: This is the fourth part of one of the stories I started a while back, comments loved! Follow the Arc name tag to get the rest.
Summary: This is a universe in which Sephiroth was jarred back into his clone too early, and
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So many times he's portrayed as being socially inept or oblivious. here he's very aware of human interactions and how to manipulate them to his advantage.
Plus live Zack is always a good thing :)
I can easily see some one keeping a careful eye on the group dynamics and only adding those they think would fit. Wee social engineering. It makes me wonder just how many SOLDIERS their really were. And how their command structure worked. Which might be part of the reason I really like pregame fics that deal with Seph and Zack.
Even human males tend towards feeling more comfortable in that situation. I remember reading a very interesting book about the innate differences in between males and females and which were nature and which could be nurture or a combination of nurture and nature. Social interactions was one of the big differences.
I also can't help thinking about how in the past in militarizes bad officers or people that didn't' fit with the unit ended up dead. In the line of duty of course *winks*
I know people have written several fics about this in regards to Zack. Maybe even you. I can be bad about remember who wrote what one shot sometimes.
Well, I know there are allot of concepts. The GZ mentioned down there ::points to minithread:: is short for Girl Zack, and her and Sephira (the Seph from my girl Seph story) both have a distinct difference in viewpoint from their male versions.
You now have me wondering if the males wouldn't all end up innately submissive to the females considering the amount of time Jenova spent as a woman...
I have to admit though the idea tickles me. I'm a sucker for strong female characters. I wonder if a female version of Seph in that universe would go to Jenova. "Shut up. I'm top Bitch here!" ^^
You're waking up my went-to-Wutai Sephira type though ::pokes her:: I put you in the closet
Though looking at my comments today, I've probably posted more today than I have in all my years on LJ. I think you've created a monster. I probably should stop filling up your post with a big long comment thread.
I like Comments. Comments good. Otherwise I think I'm scary. No, seriously, I ambush people and ask them if they think I'm scary on AIM.
Well are you feeling the not scariness now? ^^
Wow, and GZ just went "Knew that!"
*kills amnesia bunny*
Wife, you were right. This is a bunny inducing thread.
*points finger*
She got me going.
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