Title: High on Luck Fandom: FF7 Warning: No real warnings. Note: Written to the song "Alive With the Glory of Love" by Say Anything. It's a brief of the time Zack and Cloud were on the run.
Wow... beautiful. And heartbreaking. I love your Zack here, how he cares about Cloud and keeps his spirits up even if he's rushed and if everything around him is going wrong.
...and now I want to watch again LO whereas I should be preparing my exams!
Thank you though. Zack was very adamant about being there. The song that I wrote it to is actually rather perky, and it's very much in line with Zack's sort of outlook, but if you look at the song lyrics... well.
::grins:: I'm glad I inspired procrastination though. I need to watch it again sometime myself...
::nods:: someone gave me the song and said it was a crack song, and my brain was going 'no, see, look, this is what the song is for, and this isn't crack! Cloud isn't in a dress at all!'
Comments 16
Poor things.
You meanie. Where are the "and then canon got FUCKED and they lived ever after" fics when we need them?
Does this mean I should work on Right Hand Path? I have the canon fucking in progress if nothing else...
...and now I want to watch again LO whereas I should be preparing my exams!
Thank you though. Zack was very adamant about being there. The song that I wrote it to is actually rather perky, and it's very much in line with Zack's sort of outlook, but if you look at the song lyrics... well.
::grins:: I'm glad I inspired procrastination though. I need to watch it again sometime myself...
I know the band but not the song. But I checked the lyrics on the web, and... wow. Indeed.
You know, inspiring procrastination should be a Virtue.
::nods:: someone gave me the song and said it was a crack song, and my brain was going 'no, see, look, this is what the song is for, and this isn't crack! Cloud isn't in a dress at all!'
It should. Except when it's not.
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