Away From His Hand Chapter 6

Feb 28, 2011 16:02

Title: Away From His Hand - Chapter 6
Current Mood: peaceful
Current Music: A Change is Gonna Come
Author: forever9218
Pairing: Ennis and Jack
Genre: AU/Canon
Rating: Adult

Word Count: 4041
Disclaimer: Brokeback Mountain is the intellectual property of Ms. Annie Proulx. No money is being made from this work and no copyright infringement is intended. Just ( Read more... )

au, forever9218, away from his hand, canon

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Comments 11

Thank you joetheone March 1 2011, 02:17:22 UTC
Thanks for the update and well the kindness in Jack for helping this pup wolf out and how Ennis talked to him and his worry and all was just wonderful. Thank you so much for updating and making me smile. Joe


Re: Thank you forever9218 April 10 2011, 01:38:43 UTC

Hey, Joe. Thanks for stopping by. The past month has been, kind of hectic, but I finally posted Chapter 7 tonight. Yes, Jack is a tender-hearted soul who may leap before he thinks sometimes, but his heart is always in the right place.

I'm so glad I made you smile.

Love, Debra.


gwylliondream March 1 2011, 03:26:20 UTC
Awww... this was precious: “Yee-haw! You’re sure a sweet talker, handsome. Take me, I’m yours!”

Love it!

You really had me going with that first scene. I had to go back and re-read chapter 5 before I continued, hoping I was in the right place.

I hope they'll get a chance to burn the pot roast for real someday. So good to have you back in front of a keyboard!



forever9218 April 10 2011, 01:49:36 UTC
I had to go back and re-read chapter 5 before I continued, hoping I was in the right place.

Then my diabolical plan worked, Donna. LOL! I figured that Ennis was being pushed in a way that Jack had never done before so there had to be consequences from the talks they've been having. Ennis may not be able to articulate how a future would look just yet, but he certainly can dream about it.

Anyway, Ennis just kept bugging me about sharing that dream he had about Jack so how could I resist that sexy cowboy? Burning pot roast does sound pretty good though, doesn't it. Along with all other kinds of domesticated bliss. *grin*

Love, Debra.


sjmarv March 1 2011, 10:58:12 UTC
LOL! I had to do the same thing as Donna - reread chap 5!

Actually, went back and reread the entire story. So good. Loved the Heckel & Jeckel analogy; it works perfectly for these two.

I'm looking forward to a building alliance!



forever9218 April 10 2011, 02:02:32 UTC
Hi, Susan. I just posted Chapter 7 and am just getting around to answering comments on Chapter 6. I laughed when you wrote about rereading Chapter 5 because that dream sequence through you for a loop, and then deciding to go ahead and read the entire story. Like I told Donna, my diabolical plan worked!!!!Thanks so much for the high praise and for continuing to follow along as I try to get these guys together.

I'm looking forward to a building alliance!

Acting as a team was what was always missing between these two guys. Particularly, since there were already so many forces (individual and community-based) conspiring against them that they needed to be on the same side to be able to even have a fighting chance of having a future together. You better believe that I'm going to do my very best to make sure that happens.

Love, Debra.


grlewis March 4 2011, 22:38:09 UTC
i liked that ennis wanted to talk with jack and i liked what he had to say. what confused me, though, was that jack didn't really want to talk back. seems to me that he was more interested in the physical act of lovemaking than the intellectual sharing. they need to talk more than they need to make love at this point in time.

i also was confused when i opened this chapter. i couldn't figure out how i'd missed so much. but then i decided to read on and learned it was a dream.

the thing with the wolf pup was cute, but i'm not sure how it fits in with the rest of the story. don't really see how either of them will be in any position to care for the little one once they come down from the mountain.

glad to see that you were able to post another section of the story. here's hoping that you can keep on going.



forever9218 April 10 2011, 02:37:43 UTC
Oh, shucks my whole comment just disappeared. In any event, you've made some good points here, but you'll just have to see where I'm going with the story. Suffice it to say that the wolf pup is an important dramatic device to get these two together ( ... )


grieving_pln March 11 2011, 23:37:27 UTC
Dear Forever9218,

I am thoroughly enjoying your story. :)

I went back to the beginning too, and re-read all of it, to make sure I wasn't missing anything important. I'm a real big fan of Ennis tryin' to talk. :-D

I also got a chuckle from the dedication in your header, however, I don't think you qualify as the slowest 'updater'. ;) I was unable to write for 2 and 1/2 years, but still came back, so I might take the prize for slowest, but I'm not sure. I haven't done a poll or a survey or anything like that to be certain. ;)

I look forward to your next chapter. :)



forever9218 April 10 2011, 02:44:21 UTC
Thanks so much for reading along and for your encouraging comment. I just posted Chapter 7 tonight and hope you are still interested in reading one of the slowest writers on Brokebackslash. LOL!

I also love any story where the writer tries to get Ennis to talk. I think he has a lot of important things to say and alot of important things that Jack needs to hear.

Love, Debra.


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