Away From His Hand Chapter 6

Feb 28, 2011 16:02

Title: Away From His Hand - Chapter 6
Current Mood: peaceful
Current Music: A Change is Gonna Come
Author: forever9218
Pairing: Ennis and Jack
Genre: AU/Canon
Rating: Adult

Word Count: 4041
Disclaimer: Brokeback Mountain is the intellectual property of Ms. Annie Proulx. No money is being made from this work and no copyright infringement is intended. Just ( Read more... )

au, forever9218, away from his hand, canon

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forever9218 April 10 2011, 02:37:43 UTC
Oh, shucks my whole comment just disappeared. In any event, you've made some good points here, but you'll just have to see where I'm going with the story. Suffice it to say that the wolf pup is an important dramatic device to get these two together.

Also, Jack was not trying to make love when he teased Ennis towards the end of the chapter. He knows his man has a low startle point so just like in the movie when they were sitting around the campfire and Ennis finally opened up about his life...the "Got me a year of high school before the transmission went on the truck..." dialogue, Jack broke the tension by acting the fool and making Ennis laugh with his "Yee-haw" and "wavin' at the girls in the stands" comment. I've mirrored the same psychological behavior here. Remember, Ennis is a man of few words and is struggling with the idea of a future that goes beyond 1-2 fishing trips a year. Additionally, he just shared something very personal & complex with Jack and, in the process, spoke an awful lot of words, which is an enormous undertaking for a stoic guy like Ennis. Jack doesn't want to scare that man off. So he lightens the mood. Don't worry though. Jack heard every single word and will make sure their conversation continues later. He's come much too far to let Ennis backslide now.


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