Pulling Leather Chapter 7

May 25, 2012 19:02

Title: Pulling Leather (Chapter 7)
Current Mood: thirsty
Current Music: Bad Moon A Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival                                 
Author: forever9218
Pairing: Ennis and Jack
Genre: AU/Canon
Word Count: 4322
Rating: Adult Concepts (Implied violence, sexual situations, language)
Disclaimer: Brokeback Mountain is the intellectual ( Read more... )

pulling leather, author: forever9218, genre: canon, genre: au

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Comments 15

Oh Shit joetheone May 26 2012, 03:39:18 UTC
Well, Ennis you best be calling the police that better be your next call. I sure hope you do it fast, but well, at least Jack has a little heads up and maybe he knows his way around this establishment to protect himself although 3 guys against one is never a good thing. Oh shit, Ennis you might want to call Jim and take him up on his better vehicle and head on down to Childress, or well something and well as a writer you best be writing fast and furious and skip my comment because well, this old Joe is having troubles of his own and don't know if I can wait too long for a new chapter so go ahead and write and I willl wait the best I can. Joe


Re: Oh Shit forever9218 May 28 2012, 18:05:51 UTC

Hmmm. So you think Ennis should call the police, huh? I wonder what he's going to do. So many possibilities as you suggest. He could ask Jim....

Alright. I can't torture you any longer. Just because of you, Joe, I made sure to post Chapter 8 today. I can't bear to have one of my most loyal and favorite readers suffering. :-)

As always, thanks for leaving such detailed and insightful comments. I truly treasure each one.

Love, Debra.


sjmarv May 26 2012, 05:05:23 UTC
This is an even nastier place to end a chapter than Ch 5!! I agree with Joe - Ennis, call the cops!

Now how is he going to have that heart-to-heart with Alma worrying that Jack's been beat up or worse?

Despite the cliff-hanger ending, I enjoyed Ennis' thought process that got him being proactive.



forever9218 May 28 2012, 18:09:07 UTC

Glad you enjoyed Ennis' thoughts, Susan. And, yeah, I guess I was more cruel than I was with the first cliffhanger. Nasty of me, huh? Alright, alright. I couldn't leave everyone hanging another month so I just posted Chapter 8. Call off the posse will you? LOL!

Love, Debra.


Leathers cwby30 May 26 2012, 06:35:49 UTC

Well, two chapters, a lot of ground covered by Ennis pulling himself up and standing tall once again. Liked the image of him as a small child when with Jack, before his father just about destroyed his chance to develop a mind of his own. I agree: Ennis should call information and get the number for Childress police and put in an emergency call. And then Alma is on the horizon! It never rains but it pours!

Looking forward to how you work out this mess.

Thanks again.



Re: Leathers forever9218 May 28 2012, 18:27:14 UTC

Looking forward to how you work out this mess.

Hope I didn't disappoint. Chapter 8 is up!

As always, thanks for reading and leaving such a supportive comment. I'm off to start grilling Memorial Day eats. Hope you have a great day too!

Love, Debra.


tizi17 May 26 2012, 09:04:21 UTC
thank you for 2 chapters!


forever9218 May 28 2012, 18:10:52 UTC
And, thank you, tizi. Appreciate your interest in my story and for keeping in touch to let me know.

thank you for 2 chapters!

Now, you have three because Chapter 8 is up!

Love, Debra.


lv2walk May 26 2012, 12:44:21 UTC
That is not nice to leave us hanging like that, Debra! Hope you are busy writing right now.....

Very much enjoyed Ennis' decision to call Jack and how he had wanted to call him so many times before. It was funny when Jack beat him to it and called first, lol. Not to mention calling him pork chop.

And loved hearing about little Loopey!!! I forgot to mention that in Ch 6. Looking forward to Ch 8. Thank you for two chapters, Debra. Enjoyed them immensely.



forever9218 May 28 2012, 18:14:58 UTC

That is not nice to leave us hanging like that, Debra! Hope you are busy writing right now.....

Never said I was nice. I am an author who merely follows their muse! Gotcha! And, try not to complain too much. I gave you some Loopey time and as you said, that tender moment where Jack called Ennis, "Pork Chop." Should go down as a fandom first, I think!

As always, thanks for reading. Maybe Jack will get Ennis a new coffee cup for his birthday. ;-)

Love, Debra.


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