Prompt Post #1

Apr 22, 2011 14:55

Prompt Post 1

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Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 1/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:05:02 UTC
(idek what this is now. Sorry OP!)

The bullet grazes his arm, but David feels nothing. It rips right through his shirt, tears the rich cloth, but he doesn’t care about that now. He refocuses his spyglass, gets a full view of the scene set out in front of him.

This is the pinnacle to a two-year investigation on a trafficking ring. David’s been sent to finish the job, finally capture the man who’s evaded them for so long now. He’s followed him to the abandoned docks and watches as he mingles with a few bodyguards, muttering under their breath.

David doesn’t want to kill him, because he’s never become that bloodthirsty, and the idea of him rotting behind bars is so much more appealing. But he wants to do a little damage, needs to see that stoic face writhe in pain, so that he has the slightest understanding of the pain inflicted on others ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 2/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:07:36 UTC
It’s not that Leo’s given him a spare key, just that David found it on his last visit, and so he lets himself in, expecting Leo to be at work. He’s definitely not expecting to see Leo crouched underneath his tiny table, hands pressed flat against the underside of the top ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 3/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:09:49 UTC

They go out for dinner downtown and when they run out of things to say, they go see a film. David doesn’t like it, it’s too loud and full of profanities, but it turns his brain to mush. Leo’s knee presses against his the whole time; he focuses on that instead.

Despite his brashness, Leo is quite good company. He never asks for anything more than this, and David’s pretty sure Leo doesn’t want anything more than this. David’s used to tearing down other people’s boundaries, but he daren’t do that with Leo, he has no idea what would happen if he tries ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 4/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:12:15 UTC
When Leo gets home he thanks David for the shopping, though announces that he can’t cook anything that you don’t eat for breakfast, so it’s mostly just been a waste of money.

David doesn’t bother saying anything about his snooping, because he found nothing particularly exciting. In his mind he keeps going back to those photographs, how different Leo’s smile is now, but it really isn’t any of his business, so he keeps quiet.

They watch TV, some imported reality show, but the behaviour of the young adults disgusts David so much that he orders Leo to turn the channel over. They find a football game, something David’s eyes are more accustomed too, it’s all he watches when he’s home and it takes no effort on his part.

“Pep took me to see them for my birthday,” Leo says, in a way that suggests David should know what the hell he’s talking about.

“Who’s Pep?” he replies. Leo says he doesn’t speak to anyone, doesn’t want to speak to anyone, and so to hear a name spoken that is neither his own or Sergio’s is surprising ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 5/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:14:47 UTC
David needs to focus his attention, fall back on what he knows, what he’s good at, because he can feel those niggling little feelings telling him to go home, that he shouldn’t be here, screwing their lives up together like this. So he opens the grotty little window Leo has behind the TV, just enough so that he can see the street below. Leo’s four blocks up from the ground, and David reaches for his spyglass, decides to have a closer look at Leo’s neighbours ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 6/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:17:55 UTC
“I speak English,” David replies, taking the CD from his hand. He scans the back, the titles so familiar to him that their beats start to play in his head. “I speak English, French, German, and passable Russian ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 7/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:22:00 UTC
“If you’re so disconnected from everyone, you wouldn’t keep coming back here.” Leo’s staring at him, but David just clutches the binoculars tight in his hand, refuses to look back. “The sex is good, but not enough to keep you coming back for more ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 8/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:24:59 UTC
David comes back from a walk, after a phone conversation with his boss-she needs him back sooner than expected, details will be released when he’s at a secure location. When he walks into the apartment, Leo sitting at his kitchen table, staring down at what David can see is a rolled joint and lighter.

“I hope you’re not thinking of smoking that shit,” David takes his jacket off, throws it on the back of the couch and walks into the kitchen like it’s his own house. David pushes that thought away. Leo doesn’t look up when he takes the chair opposite, removing his cufflinks out as he stares at Leo expectantly.

“I keep hearing his voice in my head-‘fuck, Leo, it’s not going to smoke itself.’ You need to lock me up, I think I’m going mad.” Leo doesn’t look up, which is just as well, because David can’t help but smirk. “I hear him all the fucking time ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:27:10 UTC

David nods in response, though he sort of wants to point out that Pep seems more like a shrink than a case worker, but he keeps quiet because it just doesn’t feel like the right time to argue with Leo.

The weed is giving him a headache and his eyes are dry, and he needs to tell Leo that he’s needed back in the city-his city, but he doesn’t want to. He sort of just wants to sit in this chair forever and stare at Leo’s sad, stoned face ( ... )


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 00:53:33 UTC
op here!

Dear Lord, I'm at a loss for words! I can tell you something, I worship you and your spyverse SO FUCKING MUCH! ♥___♥ Really, this might be my favorite part, it was quite bleak and heartbreakingly gorgeous and your Leo is perfect and your David, there are no words to describe this perfection ♥

Please author, tell me you're not done with this universe. PLEASE!! And thanks again, ilu! :D


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 13:54:18 UTC
not OP, but OH MY GOD!

I can seriously not get enough of this! It's like everytime you post a sequel, it's even better than the previous chapter, simply because it uncovers so many tiny things and there are soooo~ many words left unsaid that I just NEED to know how everything will continue. Like Villa subconsciously being slightly jealous of Pep and slowly and unwillingly falling for Leo, even though he irritates him from time to time.
But this is just so lovely. Two reeeaaally damages souls fitting together in a weird yet still perfect way. How the kind of live in their own little world is just beautiful.
So, even if I am repeating myself yet again: please, sequel!


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 21:27:42 UTC
thank you for such a nice comment!

yeah, the characters are obviously more detailed/have backstories in my head, so it's great to know that certain things come across here.

haha XD there will be another ~final part (even though this was meant to be a trilogy, but whatever). I feel like I should give them a vaguely happy ending.


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 21:47:38 UTC
YES! Can't wait! =)


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 21:14:11 UTC
;___; these are tears of happiness obv. I'm happy you liked it so much because this was the hardest part to write considering all they really do is get high/bitch/listen to Stevie Wonder, and that is so far away from your original prompt!

I have a few other prompts that demand my attention atm, but without a doubt, I'll be back. ~watch this space, I guess!


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 8 2011, 02:49:11 UTC
all they really do is get high/bitch/listen to Stevie Wonder
I could read an entire book of this, tbh ;)

and that is so far away from your original prompt!
No, no, no. I love that you made it this way, I love the angst so much. When I first though about this prompt I was expecting someone to give me sillyness because I thought that would be the easy way to fill it and I was totally ok with that! But then you gave me this and I pretty much died and went to heaven ♥

OMG OMG OMG OMG I'll be patiently waiting for more, thank you!! :D


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