Prompt Post #1

Apr 22, 2011 14:55

Prompt Post 1

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Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 5 2011, 23:27:10 UTC

David nods in response, though he sort of wants to point out that Pep seems more like a shrink than a case worker, but he keeps quiet because it just doesn’t feel like the right time to argue with Leo.

The weed is giving him a headache and his eyes are dry, and he needs to tell Leo that he’s needed back in the city-his city, but he doesn’t want to. He sort of just wants to sit in this chair forever and stare at Leo’s sad, stoned face.

“That shitty lawyer phoned me earlier,” Leo’s slurring now and David laughs out loud at nothing. “They set a date for two months’ time, then I’m fucking free of it all, I’ll say my piece and let the fucking cunts rot, and I swear if they go free I’ll take your gun and shoot the fuckers myself.”

David can’t find it in him to scold Leo’s language, he supposes if he’s still got a gutter mouth at twenty-four, it’s never really going to go away. David’s just going to have to learn to deal. “Well, it takes a lot of effort to shoot with my glock. But, I mean, we could go to a firing range if you’d like, and I could get your aim really accurate.”

Leo smiles at him proper, like he means it, and David laughs back, even though he’s got such a big headache, and he feels so tired all of a sudden, and he thinks he might be stoned, even though he’s definitely not taken a puff. He wants to fight it, but he can’t, so he just continues blinking slowly, trying to think through the haze.

“You’d really let me kill them?”

“They’re going to prison Leo, for a really long time. You won’t need to use my gun.”

“All these months I’ve been wishing and hoping to go back, back to last year, so I could be with him again, but now I just want to move forward. I feel like I’m in the fucking dark room, waiting to be developed.” Leo rests his head on the table, his eyes shutting.

“That’s a really awful metaphor.” David can’t really be bothered to laugh, but he feels it in the pit of his stomach. He wants to put out a hand, brush it through Leo’s hair, but he’s too far away.

“Can’t help it. I’m stoned,” Leo says, and David sees him stand, walk around to his side of the table, his hand on the back of David neck, his breath warm on the shell of his ear. “I think you might be too.”

David thinks this is a really good advocate for not getting close to someone-not to fall in love, because when it falls apart, things like this happen. Leo is smoking an illegal drug to help him get over someone, for closure. If he could think straight, David would think it totally pathetic.

In the back of his mind he still knows that he needs to leave, he needs to drive to the airport, get back to reality. This is just a temporary thing, this isn’t his life and he should never have succumbed to it in the first place. He knows they need to talk properly, about what this is, about what it’s becoming. He knows deep down that Leo can’t ever really move on whilst he’s around, and that maybe being here with Leo is showing that perhaps he’s not as well adjusted as he’s always perceived himself to be.

For now though, he’s just going to shut his eyes for a little while longer. He’s going to forget who he is, and where he is, and all he’s going to feel is Leo’s lips and Leo’s tongue and Leo’s teeth. He knows this isn’t good, but he doesn’t think it’s all bad either. It’s okay. They’re okay. He’ll be alright.


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 00:53:33 UTC
op here!

Dear Lord, I'm at a loss for words! I can tell you something, I worship you and your spyverse SO FUCKING MUCH! ♥___♥ Really, this might be my favorite part, it was quite bleak and heartbreakingly gorgeous and your Leo is perfect and your David, there are no words to describe this perfection ♥

Please author, tell me you're not done with this universe. PLEASE!! And thanks again, ilu! :D


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 13:54:18 UTC
not OP, but OH MY GOD!

I can seriously not get enough of this! It's like everytime you post a sequel, it's even better than the previous chapter, simply because it uncovers so many tiny things and there are soooo~ many words left unsaid that I just NEED to know how everything will continue. Like Villa subconsciously being slightly jealous of Pep and slowly and unwillingly falling for Leo, even though he irritates him from time to time.
But this is just so lovely. Two reeeaaally damages souls fitting together in a weird yet still perfect way. How the kind of live in their own little world is just beautiful.
So, even if I am repeating myself yet again: please, sequel!


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 21:27:42 UTC
thank you for such a nice comment!

yeah, the characters are obviously more detailed/have backstories in my head, so it's great to know that certain things come across here.

haha XD there will be another ~final part (even though this was meant to be a trilogy, but whatever). I feel like I should give them a vaguely happy ending.


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 21:47:38 UTC
YES! Can't wait! =)


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 6 2011, 21:14:11 UTC
;___; these are tears of happiness obv. I'm happy you liked it so much because this was the hardest part to write considering all they really do is get high/bitch/listen to Stevie Wonder, and that is so far away from your original prompt!

I have a few other prompts that demand my attention atm, but without a doubt, I'll be back. ~watch this space, I guess!


Re: Messi/Villa Licence To Kill Threequel 9/9 anonymous August 8 2011, 02:49:11 UTC
all they really do is get high/bitch/listen to Stevie Wonder
I could read an entire book of this, tbh ;)

and that is so far away from your original prompt!
No, no, no. I love that you made it this way, I love the angst so much. When I first though about this prompt I was expecting someone to give me sillyness because I thought that would be the easy way to fill it and I was totally ok with that! But then you gave me this and I pretty much died and went to heaven ♥

OMG OMG OMG OMG I'll be patiently waiting for more, thank you!! :D


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