Title: Briggs Bitter Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 134 Rating: G Characters: Falman & Fuery Summary: You can come home again, but you won't come home the same. Warnings: none ( This one's on the house. )
I like your referring to the coffee as "defanged."This reminds me of my search to find my father good, strong coffee (though not espresso). I've brought him coffee from just about every purveyor of brewed java within a ten-mile radius. They have all been dubbed various levels of "crap." When he makes his own instant coffee, he uses about a third of a teaspoon. Go figure.
Anyway, this fic sort of surprised me, so I liked it! XD
Yay, I love the title for this and anything with Falman is always a win for me. I also totally agree that after Briggs coffee, it would be hard to go back to (pansy) Central brews.
*says the girl sipping her chocolate cream chip frap as she types*
Comments 6
Anyway, this fic sort of surprised me, so I liked it! XD
*says the girl sipping her chocolate cream chip frap as she types*
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