Title: Leaving the Nest Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 986 Rating: PG Characters: Ed & an OC ( Daniel, a la some previous stories here and elsewhere) Summary: Ed advises his student. Warnings: small post-series spoilers ( Ed thinks he's ready. )
Title: The Cup on the Corner Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 679 Rating: PG Characters: Kimblee Summary: Revisiting an old haunt. Warnings: references to the Ishvalan genocide... ( The ways things change. )
Title: Working Man Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 845 Rating: PG Characters: Ed, Winry, Al, etc. Summary: Ed has trouble finding a job. Warnings: slight ending spoilers ( He tries, but... )
Title: Deceptive Scenery Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 248 Rating: G Characters: Roy, Riza, etc. Summary: Roy watches people while he waits for this train back to Master Hawkeye's. Warnings: none ( Well, if he's going to look... )
Title: The Pretense of Reason Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 680 Rating: PG-13 Characters: Kimblee Summary: He would like to kill again. Warnings: Creepiness, violence, death. ( He feeds what consumes him. )
Title: Check Your Source Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 500 Rating: PG Characters: Roy & Olivier Summary: Don't believe everything you're told. Warnings: none ( Roy doesn't like the north very much. )
Title: Shall We Dance? Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 834 Rating: PG-13 Characters: Kimblee & OCs Summary: The ups and downs of being dressed to kill. Warnings: Implied violence and death, general creepiness ( The danse macabre. )
Title: One Day at a Time Author: seta_suzume Series: manga/Brotherhood Word Count: 820 Rating: PG Characters: Rose, Scar, Miles, Dr. Marcoh Summary: Rose visits Ishval. Warnings: Some ending spoilers. ( How is the reconstruction going? )