❀✾❃ 2nd Bloom ❃✾❀ [Video|Action]

Aug 10, 2011 01:59

[What a dull and dreary day. You know what would make this day a good deal less dull? Flowers. An entire garden of flowers, to add to Luceti's already fascinating array of gardens.

Should you be around the area of CH4, you might notice a sudden burst of colour as many summer flowers seem to grow and bloom from the ground in a matter of seconds. ( Read more... )

death threats are fun, [action], suddenly garden, [video], flowers flowers everywhere, flowers are my life, gonna kill someone

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[Action] floralphantasm August 10 2011, 02:27:26 UTC
[Oh, someone is taking an interest in her garden? And they have pointy eats? How un-human like. Interesting.]

It is an ability of mine, being able to manipulate flowers like this whenever and wherever I please. [She has to ask about those ears.] It would be my guess you are not human, judging by your appearance. Am I correct?


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[Action] floralphantasm August 10 2011, 12:51:51 UTC
[The heck is a Hylian? Not that it matters if they're like humans, but she almost had her hopes up there. Almost.] Oh, that's a shame. Never mind then~

It is a wonderful ability to have, so very powerful and yet beautiful as well. [More words she doesn't know, or care about. Great Deku Tree...?] I know nothing of this 'Deku Tree', though the fairies back in my home were quite troublesome and needed dealing with now and then. [She's fought more than her fair share of fairies.]


[Video] It's about time we have a thread together LOL repeatsyearly August 10 2011, 04:09:40 UTC
Those flowers are so pretty! Did you grow them yourself?

[Nagisa's impressed by your lovely flowers. Though that death threat was rather scary--wait, did she mention Tomoya?]

U-um, did Okazaki do something?


[Video] It's only been a monthish. Yay thread~ floralphantasm August 10 2011, 12:57:48 UTC
Yes I did, each and every single little bloom belongs to me. I would have preferred more, but this will have to satisfy me for now.

[You look pretty boring, human. But the praise you're giving the flowers is noted. As is the fact you might know Tomoya.]

Do you know him~? You might say he owes me something. I've waited an entire month for him to get back to me you see.


[Video] <3! repeatsyearly August 10 2011, 16:56:05 UTC
Oooh, there are so many! It must've taken a long time to grow all of them.


She nods.] I do! What does he owe you though? I-if I can ask.

[Somehow she feels like it was just one of his pranks. But this woman seems so kind to Nagisa! She doubts that Tomoya would do such a thing. ...Oh, Nagisa.]


[Video] <3!!! floralphantasm August 10 2011, 17:38:17 UTC
Oh it did, it took such a long time to plant each one and ensure eat flower remained healthy as they grew~ [Lying for the sake of lying.]

I don't mind you asking, this way if you see him perhaps you could remind him if he's forgotten what he owes me~ [Oh, if he did forget perhaps she can hurt him extra for that.] Are you aware of his powers as a shapeshifter~?


[Action] thederpyhalf August 11 2011, 02:51:54 UTC
[Welp, CH4 is actually down the road from CH7, so of course Yui's going to be passing by. She'll stop to admire the flowers with a look of surprise. Seriously, these were not here before. She'll kneel down at the edge, to get a closer look]

These are lovely. [And totally doesn't realize Yuuka is around.]


[Action] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 03:08:15 UTC
[Checking over all the flowers carefully, making sure they all grew in ok and everything. She doesn't need to, seeing as her ability makes growing flowers simple and easy, but it's something to do...

And looking over, lo and behold, a human staring at her flowers. Watching you very carefully human. Make sure you keep looking with your eyes and not with your hands.]


[Action] thederpyhalf August 11 2011, 03:12:29 UTC
[Yea, the same human that you had an argument a few weeks back. She smiles, admiring the flowers.]

You're all so healthy. Someone must have taken very good care of you. [God, not only dolls, she talks to flowers...then again, it kind of reminds her of someone. Just a little.]


[Action] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 03:28:18 UTC
[That voice does sound familiar. Yes. Hello girl who broke a window.]

If you damage my flowers, I certainly hope you learnt from last time and decide not to own up to it over the journal~

[You might die that way. But if you do end up getting yourself killed, let it be known the praise you gave her flowers did not go unnoticed.]


[NOTHING JUST GONNA NOT SAY A WORD] illusionarydoll August 11 2011, 03:03:29 UTC
[ ...JUST GONNA STARE AT HIS JOURNAL. That was that weird girl right? Shit has it really been a month? Quick come up with something...



Oh and he's just not going to respond to this, he's out somewhere. Fishing. Yeah fishing. Going to just close this journal right now. ]


[action] liketofu August 11 2011, 16:12:50 UTC
[All that thumping around the stairs area hadn't gone unnoticed and it'd just been a matter of following the table and chairs out. Call it curiosity, nosiness. Whatever works.

Rise'll wait for Yuuka to finish dictating into the journal before she speaks up.]

I don't suppose picking's allowed either?


[action] floralphantasm August 11 2011, 16:36:17 UTC
Well I suppose if someone has the courtesy to ask me first whether or not they may pick my flowers I might allow it.

[Turning her head to look at the speaker-- Oh. Another decidedly boring looking being.]

Why, are you interested in taking a few~?


[action] liketofu August 12 2011, 09:05:17 UTC
Maybe. I think they'd brighten up some rooms-- with all that colour.


[action] floralphantasm August 12 2011, 17:46:17 UTC
[...It is a pretty boring looking building.]

I would have to agree, this building is a bit of an eyesore. Perhaps I could splash a little colour here and there...

[Hmm... Think. Think.]

Do you live here~? Perhaps I could brighten up your room if so. I wouldn't mind growing a few flowers here and there if you think they would be of benefit.

[She smiles very politely, hiding what she's really thinking. Oh she'll grow a few flowers alright. A few thousand.]


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