Title: Lazing around
Rating: PG-13/T
Wordcount: 2800+/-
Pairing/Characters: S. Italy/Spain/S. Italy, mentions of Germany/N. Italy/Germany.
Summary: Genderbent. Lovina, Antonia and a lazy afternoon.
A/N: Written for the Kink Meme, for the prompt “I've seen cute fem!Spain, and I've seen cute fem!Romano... So how about them together, doing whatever
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Comments 49
Hides it under her headband imo. Smarter than she looks XD
Off topic, but omg roflamo at your icon.
I think so, too! Man, thinking about that made me crave curl!fic with the fem!Italies. It would be kind of interesting...
Pfft, thank you. I am very fond of it. /o/
Thanks for the review ♥.
Crap, now I want too. Gawd, I'm going to have to see what I can do during my break ><
No probs ♥ Thanks for writing and encouraging my muse tbh.
*__*. I... actually want to try, too.
I hope your muse will be nice! ♥
*looks at with puppy eyes*
I love how you mentioned Feliciano now and then and the thought of Feliciano protecting his sister is really cute too! <333
Have you seen that kink meme fill with Lovina getting pregnant? Feliciano is there, and it was just so cute!
Thanks for the review!
You should totally check out aph_spaindex, btw. There are not too many fem!Italy or fem!Spain, but the one with Lovino trying to win Antonia was all kinds of awesome and win and, good God ♥.
I will try to do more! And apparently the need to write things like these is expanding, so you will see more one way or the other.
My icon is my response to yours, btw. *_*
"And apparently the need to write things like these is expanding"??? What do you mean? I have been seeing a lot more genderbent stuff on the forums lately.
And thank you for the icon? Genderbent nations need more love! XD
Oh, I meant I'm definitely going to write more, and meg_inatree said she'd try... and apparently a friend of mine just got inspired. XD
Oh, they do. ♥♥
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came the closest to actually being able to say something like "snlkhnldfdjgtad" IRL
Aah you make me want to write more. ♥
Thanks for the review!
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