Title: Lazing around
Rating: PG-13/T
Wordcount: 2800+/-
Pairing/Characters: S. Italy/Spain/S. Italy, mentions of Germany/N. Italy/Germany.
Summary: Genderbent. Lovina, Antonia and a lazy afternoon.
A/N: Written for the Kink Meme, for the prompt “I've seen cute fem!Spain, and I've seen cute fem!Romano... So how about them together, doing whatever
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I will try to do more! And apparently the need to write things like these is expanding, so you will see more one way or the other.
My icon is my response to yours, btw. *_*
"And apparently the need to write things like these is expanding"??? What do you mean? I have been seeing a lot more genderbent stuff on the forums lately.
And thank you for the icon? Genderbent nations need more love! XD
Oh, I meant I'm definitely going to write more, and meg_inatree said she'd try... and apparently a friend of mine just got inspired. XD
Oh, they do. ♥♥
ooo ok. I can't wait to see what you guys do!
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