This and that, minor kvetching

Mar 15, 2013 12:16

While I know that all of my LJ posts have been very "and then I had no brain" I must report that the having-brain progress, while hopefully trending in a better direction, is not great ( Read more... )

blah, health

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Comments 2

tersa March 15 2013, 21:29:04 UTC
I recently (a couple months ago) had a root canal too--similar experience! (Not a lot of pain, multi-stage process to get the crown).

I'm glad you're doing better and that Chance was granted a reprieve. Fingers crossed he continues to train well. X


flit March 17 2013, 00:59:31 UTC
It's been sore but not enough to justify vicodin. I've been doing a bad job of taking ibuprofen for it as I keep forgetting to sync it up with meals and then it's been too long and I won't be able to take it at night, even though the ibuprofen actually reduces the swelling so makes it heal faster. Oops! The hardest part other than the drilling (which I don't like for aesthetic reasons) was that they take x-rays to calibrate it throughout and I have a small mouth so the films are a big mouthful ( ... )


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