This and that, minor kvetching

Mar 15, 2013 12:16

While I know that all of my LJ posts have been very "and then I had no brain" I must report that the having-brain progress, while hopefully trending in a better direction, is not great.

I've been walking pretty much every day, remembering to take my medication (and on more thyroid medication which may at some point help with the having-brain thing, though I switched type so it may not), and getting, well, the bare minimum done, if that. Eating reasonably regularly, a little exercise, um not much else. I have a big list of computer stuff that needs to be done for the house, like get our music off of itunes (dunno what to though) and consolidate our photos and start actually loading them up to flickr again, but I just can't get there. There's a year-old wifi router that I still haven't set up, a backup drive that I haven't set up, etc. Blah.

I had a root canal, my first, and it wasn't even a blip on the radar even though everyone says root canals are really bad. It was just a part of a root canal as I have a temporary filling and have to finish it up later, and then get a crown. Four part root canal! (As crowns are a two parter at my dentist.) But it wasn't hideously painful. Basically one of my stupid molars just decided to quietly expire for no good reason. I blame the years of having my wisdom teeth push on them sideways. I think the moral of the story is that it's better to have health insurance when you need to have your wisdom teeth taken out, rather than wait years and years and do it after they've fully grown in sideways. Good to know, if not actually useful! And I'm not beggared or anything, as I have health insurance now, and it doesn't hurt as much.

I have to revise my overly optimistic foot estimation downwards as it turns out it really only works well in my sturdy lace-up shoes and degrades alarmingly in any other shoes or less worthy socks. As long as I'm in a good shoe/sock combo it is decent but otherwise it starts hurting quite a bit and making me limp. It also hurts whenever it's damp and cold, but the rest of me does too so I guess I'll get used to it. Not the end of the world but not a full recovery. Both the inside near the bone hurt and the scar itself if anything rubs on it. I'm putting vitamin E on the scar and hoping it will toughen up with time. Brad is doing exercise walks with Chance and then we're doing social/training walks with him, some of which are also brisk enough to tire him out, so that's good enough. Chance is doing well on the halter though still pulls enough that it's better if Brad walks him rather than me. I can handle him on the greyhound collar in the back yard and have been able to manage taking him out for evening bio breaks, which is great since Brad has been hammered at work.

blah, health

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