
Mar 29, 2010 23:31

Who: OU!Joshua, OU!Neku, other!Joshua
When: two weeks after Neku's Game in Shibuya's time
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: ...Joshua/Neku/Joshua, because clearly, that's how we all roll. And probably variations of the aforementioned pairing. Swearing will be involved, and sex, and the like.
Summary: How about I get back to you on that?

What clever text? Kat is incapable of that )

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You'll have to forgive awkward responses. I've never played with another me before~ god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 03:39:27 UTC
Well, this was something he hadn't seen for weeks. Or, at least, since he'd last looked in a mirror. Yoshiya was standing in the center of the Room of Reckoning, and the visitor was, needless to say, an unexpected one.

Still, no one belonged in the Room of Reckoning save for the Composer, and a Composer they both were. The same one. And this had happened before, coming face to face with himself. Another Joshua had never landed into his Room of Reckoning, but he was a welcome guest.

So Yoshiya smiled and tilted his head at the newcomer.



god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 04:52:30 UTC
"They didn't seem to have such chemistry," Yoshiya sighed, flipping his hair out of his eyes again and pouting slightly at the need to make that effort. "But I suppose once you defy death itself with someone, it's hard to resist them. Don't you think?"

There was something else, though. Something in Yoshiya's voice that was more than just playful. It was mischievous. Devious. Oh, dear, he was a terrible influence on himself...

"He's probably still a virgin, poor dear. Saving himself for CAT, do you think?"


componere March 30 2010, 04:55:44 UTC
Joshua, if he wasn't as elegant and composed as he was, would have sputtered at that. Instead, he blinked in honest surprise at the statement. He hadn't honestly contemplated that particular status of his proxy, but what the other said made sense. At least, the first part.

"I never saw him as the type," Joshua stated, if not a bit histrionically. "Besides, Sanae's far too old for him."

Another impartial shrug, even though that image grated on nerves he wasn't aware he had. M-moving on. "Hmmm~ You're awfully curious about it, though..."


god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 04:58:29 UTC
"Aren't you? He does possess the brightest Soul in the RG, after all. I'm surprised women don't flock to him, unless he's on that side of the fence."

Yoshiya laughed, amused at the thought. He finally dropped his fingers, slipping his hand into his back pocket instead.

"It's a matter that would be fun to investigate, once I have the time."


componere March 30 2010, 05:01:07 UTC
"...So I've noticed," Joshua hummed, not at all surprised. Really, he took pride in having worked on that Soul. Then again, it had stuck out like a sore thumb even before his Game. It was one of the many reasons. One of the countless.

Still, the mere suggestion of it all raised an eyebrow. Literally.

"I've always been one for a good mystery," he agreed nonchalanatly, a sparkle developing in his eyes. "And work does get tiresome awfully fast..." He trailed off lesuirely, purposely.


god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 05:04:10 UTC
"Do I sense a scheme forming in your brilliant mind, Joshua?" Yoshiya's eyes glinted deviously. "My, my, you do tend to drop in and make yourself at home, don't you?"

Not that he was complaining. This had the prospect to be the most fun Yoshiya could expect in weeks.

A mystery, hm? Fine then. A mystery it was.

A mystery to Yoshiya how it was possible for this to have never happened before.


componere March 30 2010, 05:06:13 UTC
"Why would you ever say that?" Joshua hummed innocently. Far too innocently to be innocent, that is. He said nothing more, hands shuffling into pockets, before he tilted his head to the side. His bangs hid his eyes for a second before he giggled, if not a bit distantly.

"Take it as you will. This is your World, after all," he added on, words careful and deliberate.

It wasn't a surprise, really. He was a master of coaxing people into doing just what he wanted.


god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 05:10:04 UTC
"My World? Well, you're my guest, other me, and I'm nothing if not hospitable."

They were unintentionally breaking rules just by being here, two Composers, the same man in the same place at the same time...twice. It made Yoshiya's head spin, even though it had happened before and it would happen again.

But, since they were at it, and since it wouldn't be right for Yoshiya to not stroke the ego of his other self while he was already so busy tending to his own, he winked and spoke up again.

"Shall we go pay our young friend Neku a visit?"


componere March 30 2010, 05:13:42 UTC
"I don't see the harm in it," Joshua agreed with another brush of bangs, fingertips gliding effortlessly through ashen strands before setting back on his hip.

"Lead the way." He extended his free hand politely, though couldn't help but smirk. He knew Neku's reactions to one Joshua well enough, but toss in another variable?

That just made the whole situation a binomial, really.


god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 05:17:06 UTC
Yoshiya snickered.

"You know the way. Just follow me."

And he began to walk away, leaving the Room of Reckoning for what felt like the first time in far too long. Harm? What harm? There was no harm in this, none at all.

He pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time, though it was mostly to be dramatic and provide aesthetic pleasure to the other. Yes, they had time. And surely, Joshua's ride would take his time getting here. This would be fun.


componere March 30 2010, 05:22:04 UTC
Joshua followed silently. He wondered absently just how different a Neku could be. He was essentially the same person, despite different Planes. Which really were just altered life choices. Some small, some largescale. Some that didn't even matter, really. Or some that involved the pull of a trigger and a bullet in a barrel.

Once nearing Hachiko, the customary smirk fluttered its way across the visiting Composer's lips. How expected. At least, from this world. He doubted his own would prove this predictable and ideal. It was a pity. A real shame.

"Just like Hachiko himself," Joshua noted with an air of superiority, looking onwards as he approached, shooting his other a surreptitious look. Operation Corner Prey had commenced.


god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 05:27:07 UTC
"Personally, I think this little puppy is cuter than Hachiko was," Yoshiya replied, meeting his own gaze playfully.

It wasn't something anyone should ever be used to, and he wasn't, no matter how many times it had happened before. There was just something disconcerting about looking into your own eyes without having looked in a mirror; behind Joshua's amethyst gaze was a mind that worked apart from Yoshiya's, though it worked in the same ways.

And while Joshua stopped at Neku's left, Yoshiya crept around to lean over the redhead's right shoulder, simply giggling as a greeting. Oh, it had been too long since Neku had heard that, and Yoshiya was looking forward to this.

Joshua had to be as well, and this...well, this was a first for Yoshiya, and he was actually excited.

"Hee hee."


godproxy March 30 2010, 05:57:42 UTC
Another day. Neku was still counting days since everything had ended, and it was a quiet sort of weekend. He saw the others- his 'friends'- during school, and sometimes afterwards, but his weekends were his alone. The ex-Player's friends didn't know what he spent his time doing during those forty-eight hours. Saturdays were spent locked away in his room; a notebook and the cheap knock-off guitar his parents had bought him for his last birthday as he taught himself chord after chord, scale after scale and the notebook next to him as he pieced things together and sang his heart out. Sunday was ironically, his day of rest- his day of meditation. He'd get up early and leave the apartment he shared with is parents and put his headphones on as he walked. It was something he did less and less during the week, but was part of this strange ritual. Every Sunday... He walked through Udagawa, past Shibu Q heads and A-East ( ... )


componere March 30 2010, 19:41:34 UTC
Neku was awfully similar to a puppy. Adorable, loyal, and lost without a Master. Or something along those lines.

The Composer smirked, watching the events unfold. Neku's reaction was just as precious and amusing as he had expected, and the amusement couldn't properly be concealed from his eyes. It had been far too long since he had done this. Or rather, he suspected it'd be the last time.

"Hello, Neku~" Joshua waved in mock-greeting, smiling mockingly at the young teen as he spared a look over at his other self, and then back to Neku. "A nice surprise, hm?"


god_of_the_game March 30 2010, 19:49:48 UTC
"Maybe not such a surprise, Joshua-kun. He was waiting here. He must have been expecting us."

Yoshiya's eyes twinkled with a light similar to that which was shining in his other self's eyes. His concerns were the same, though perhaps made worse by the fact that this was his Neku. Maybe this would pacify him, at the very least.

He wasn't too hopeful. Either way, he rested his chin on Neku's shoulder and snickered.

"How sweet."


godproxy March 30 2010, 20:20:13 UTC
Always with the touching.Neku's moment of irritation was washed away by relief at the simple realization that he was sharing space with the Composer. That he wasn't totally insane, because here he was, and passersby were starting to give them odd looks, old ladies commenting on the adorable dressed-alike-twins and their friend ( ... )


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