Kitteh Dramaz

Apr 30, 2012 00:07

Hey there, Flist!

This is mostly a catching up post, with illustrative pics of our convalescent cat.

But seriously. Teh cutes!

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cat is cute, rl

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flange5 April 30 2012, 05:23:02 UTC
eep! Sorry about that! It was totally my bad! The video kept changing to an earlier one because I did lazy coding when I embedded, so I made it visible for just me for a little bit and then just reposted in frustration ^^;

Ooooh! Gchat might be fun for getting more than 2 people in a convo :) I think maybe yahoo or AIM has something that allows that, too, but I'm not sure how it works . . . any ideas? Twitter can allow as many people as want to join, but might be a pain to actually keep track of . . .

And thank you! It really was a kind of horrid week :P But happy ending, so all good! OH. I looked for the shoes at Target, but no dice. The polish had a slot at the store but was out. I'm going to try another Target tomorrow :)

The polish post will have a lot of overlap with my facebook, but be much less repetitive than the FB albums, but I also wanted to add links to the discount and indie sellers, because I've had a few friends ask.

How are you doing?


bitterbee April 30 2012, 05:14:42 UTC
Yay, I'm glad to see her moving around and being her sweet self again! I am so buying pet insurance.

Greetings from B-town! But I'm headed back to Doomsville tomorrow morning, so I guess I should go to sleep.


flange5 April 30 2012, 05:26:44 UTC
Man, I am strongly considering pet insurance. Up until last week or so, this was a very low-maintenance cat, but clearly that was not meant to last. And the vet says that once they have a UTI, they're likely to keep getting them and she's had one bout of that, so it's probably in our best interest.

We have a progress check at the vet's tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping to hear good things :)

Ooooh, B-town! I hope you had a good time!


bitterbee April 30 2012, 22:18:13 UTC
This is what my sister recommended -- she's been very glad of it, especially now that her crazy cat is older (around thirteen, I think?). The quote I got was $19 a month for each cat -- you may have a higher premium since Kitteh has been ill recently, but you'd also only have one cat to insure -- and she's young, too. Worth it!

I was just making a list of things I need to do in the next weeks (like go to the eye doctor -- find one first!), and I wrote 'be brilliant' at the end of it, in lieu of actually knowing what I should do to revise an article. I hope that works.


flange5 May 1 2012, 04:36:38 UTC
Ooooh! Thank you! I will definitely look into it. We dropped another $100 on her appt today, but apparently, her blood is much better and so they think she's well on her way.

I think I should put "Be brilliant" at the end of all of my notes.


ditch_gospel April 30 2012, 06:05:19 UTC
Aww, the poor dear. I'm so glad she recovered, thanks to your meticulous care. I have cats too, so I know how horrible it is when they get ill. It's scary to think that fleas can do so much damage.

She is gorgeous! I love all the photos.

Your neighbourhood (in the videos) looks so peaceful and green.


i_am_zan April 30 2012, 15:52:47 UTC
*SQUISH!* - I am a bad friend and lousy at updating but I think of you lots and many's the time that I want to send an email or post and it keeps getting pushed back ...and of course I never end up doing so!

*Loves* miss you!


ditch_gospel May 7 2012, 00:38:44 UTC
Hello dear! *is happily squished and squishes back* I think about you lots, too. Don't worry, I know you're busy as a bee. I hope you family are all well. I'm sure we'll talk soon. *hugs*


flange5 May 1 2012, 04:52:48 UTC
I am so thankful that we have a good vet! I was shocked at how quickly she declined. i guess that's the flip side of her recovering so quickly.

And thank you! She's an adorable critter <3 I know everyone thinks that their own pets are the best, but she's really a fantastic cat, even when she's grouchy about taking her meds.

Our neighborhood is really green right now, but it's already in the 90s, so pretty soon it will calm down again and look more like Texas.


doctoggy April 30 2012, 06:46:36 UTC
i am veyr sad about the lack of concert viewing party myself, but i am so very very very very glad the kitteh is ok.

if you want to do real time, i will be all about that. :)

try not to die in the heat before then, i hear its already stupid warm there.


flange5 April 30 2012, 17:02:19 UTC
I'll see what I can do about getting something together for a viewing party. Other than twitter, I'm not sure how to get more than 2-3 people in the same "room." Any thoughts?

As for the heat, today's not so bad, but we've been regularly in the 90s since early/mid March, I think? Humid :P

also, when you're here for defense-y things, we'll have to schedule some sort of shiny boybandery :)



doctoggy April 30 2012, 19:50:30 UTC
facebook groups have a group chat option.
other than that good old AIM chat. i think it still has that function.

since mid march! ick.

i am turning into a california. its all of 80 here and I am dying ^^*
such is life, i suppose.

well, the final (crosses fingers and knocks on wood) committee meeting is may 9th. they should clear me to graduate (the boss better me on board with this, as I stupidly agreed to do lab manager post doc hybrid for him (but it was one of the only ways to force graduation) and i dont think he realized that unless i graduate i cannot purchase or anything, and I think the department forgot, frankly, so we shall see how this goes. But when i am in TX, it will be for at least a week, since i have to do a lot of out processing and things with the school.


flange5 May 2 2012, 02:57:11 UTC
Hee! It sounds like you're enjoying the Californian weather, at least! I hear it's gorgeous! *is envious*

Yayyyyyyyy to have you back here, even if for a little bit. I have thiiiiiings for you and I haven't mailed them because I suuuuuuuuuuuck :( So if you can leave a bit of room in your bags when you come out, that might be good ^_^v

I shall try to catch you on Gchat so we can catch up! not that much has been going on here but it sounds like such has not been the case for you^^;



amhrancas April 30 2012, 07:42:59 UTC
Oh no!!! D: Poor Kitty!! I'm so glad to hear that she's pulled through all of this and I'm hoping that you all won't have to go through something like this again. Reading stories like this and seeing the absurdly high forecasts for fleas/ticks in our area (nowhere near as bad a Texas, though) makes me all the more resolved to keep my kitties indoor-only. *sends you large doses of healthy kitty vibes*

Also, not to laugh at your grocery and feeding woes, but every time I read "beef baby food" all I could think of is Nagase informing KinKi that a baby cow is called a "beef baby" on an old SDK episode (stream).

EEEEE~ NAIL POLISH!!!! *grabby hands* I cannot wait to see what fun brands you have for us this go-round.


flange5 April 30 2012, 17:07:54 UTC
Thanks, you ( ... )


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