My own personal canon.

May 17, 2007 10:20

I'm not one for memes, but this one looks fun. If you give me a character or a pairing, I'll tell you five-ish things that are a part of my own personal canon about him/her/them*. BtVS, AtS, Firefly, SGA, SG-1, due South, Sports Night are all up for grabs. Did I forget a fandom I've written (if not posted) in? Try me ( Read more... )

fic: sports night, fic: all my fic, fic: angel (ats), fic: stargate atlantis (sga), fic: firefly, fic: buffy the vampire slayer (btvs), fic: stargate sg-1

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Comments 57

nephir May 17 2007, 14:25:19 UTC
Hit me girl with your own personal cannon for due South!


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 14:27:28 UTC
Do you have a particular character or pairing in mind, or shall I just think about the show as a whole? :)


nephir May 17 2007, 14:36:16 UTC
damn... I love the whole cast, but hit me with some Fraser/Kowalski


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 15:02:19 UTC
1. If he hadn't met Fraser, Ray Kowalski would have taken a lot longer to get over Stella. It was through Fraser's solid friendship and the very distracting fixation Ray grew toward him that Ray was able to let her go and have her own life without him ( ... )


wesleysgirl May 17 2007, 14:32:40 UTC
Simon Tam (on his own, or paired with the character of his choice.) :-)


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 14:48:17 UTC
1. When he was young, before River was sent away to school, Simon always wanted to be like his sister. He knew he was smart, but she had a brilliance that left him far behind. He felt stupid and unimaginative in comparison, like she was a bird soaring on the wind and he was just watching from the ground.

2. Simon has to make the first move on Mal, not because Mal doesn't want him but because Mal has rather old fashioned values when it comes to people on his ship. He'd never take advantage of them. Also, Mal thinks Simon is too prissy and proper to want to have sweaty, real sex and would thus be awful in bed.

3. Mal is very, very wrong about that.

4. Simon also has to make the first real move on Jayne. Jayne flirts with him endlessly, if one can call insults and occassional friendly smacks flirting, but deep down he doesn't really expect Simon to reciprocate. When pushed to the edge and fed up, Simon does. Oh, yes, he does, probably up against the wall ( ... )


wesleysgirl May 17 2007, 14:59:10 UTC
Oh, I love these! I agree with all of them, but especially #1. :-)


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 15:03:09 UTC
*smooch* Thanks! :)


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flaming_muse May 17 2007, 15:09:30 UTC
Oh, interesting. I've never written him. Hmm.

1. Angelus stopped wanting to stake Spike pretty early on, but he kept taunting him because he was so pretty when he was hurt and trying to cover it up.

2. Angelus was always jealous that Spike killed not one but two Slayers. He was also really proud. He would never admit either.

3. If soulless vampires can be said of having one true love, Darla was it for Angelus. Drusilla was a toy, Spike was a puppy to be put in his place, but Darla was his muse. He would have stayed by her side forever.

4. Angelus thinks scruffy s4 Wes is totally hot with all of that underlying pain and would really enjoy making him his pet. Only part of that is because he knows how much it would hurt Angel.

5. Angelus resents Angel for being able to inspire more loyal ties with his friends than he ever could with Darla and Spike.


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flaming_muse May 17 2007, 17:13:07 UTC
I'm glad you liked them! :)

I think Angelus is wildly ambivalent about Spike. On the one hand he wants a playmate and a partner... and on the other he wants to be the big man and get lots of respect. He's giving Spike - and himself - mixed messages.

He and Darla had such a strong connection; I really love how they played it out in AtS canon. They truly seemed to like being together.

Yummy scruffy Wes!


bibliokat May 17 2007, 15:24:13 UTC
Wesley, please! With or without Angel, your choice.


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 17:04:35 UTC
1. The smell of the combination of dust and wood polish always makes Wesley feel like he's a young boy locked under the stairs for not living up to his father's expectations ( ... )


bibliokat May 17 2007, 18:08:51 UTC
WOW. You don't hold back! These are all so true, it's why Wesley will always be my woobiest woobie (next to Batman).

Thank you!


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 19:51:53 UTC
Wes is my woobiest woobie; I love him so. Part of why I love him is that he's so complex - soft-hearted and hard-headed - and has such an amazing journey.

Thanks for picking him; he was so much fun to write about!


darkhavens May 17 2007, 15:32:46 UTC
John/Rodney of SGA. :D


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 17:23:35 UTC

1. John really never does see it coming. He was the kind of guy who would just go along with the girl when she kissed him at the end of the night hanging out at a party, and he'd only realize he was actually dating her when he'd open up his medicine cabinet and find tampons and mascara inside. So he doesn't realize he has feelings for Rodney beyond friendship until they're way, way, way too deep to stop.

2. Teyla and Ronon sit in the back seats of the 'jumper and make "Look at them. How do they not know they're flirting?" eye motions at each other about the two clueless boys.

3. After Ford was gone, John and Rodney spent one evening sitting on one of the piers, drinking beer, and saying nothing. At the end of the night John felt better for the companionship. Rodney felt worse, because he fully and deeply realized that he'd lose more people before the end.

4. John and Rodney both like rough sex, but John totally falls apart when Rodney is gentle. After he figures it out, Rodney is gentle a lot5. John and Rodney are ( ... )


darkhavens May 17 2007, 17:42:27 UTC

Yes! Teyla and Ronon have regular 'Are all Earthers this oblivious?' conversations after each movie night spent watching the boys nudging and bickering and flirting and occasionally snuggling under the guise of falling asleep. *g*

Oh! Rodney being gentle would make me fall apart too! He'd be so earnest and careful and so very precise and John would be a puddle on the bed before he was done. *happy sigh*


Wonderful stuff! Thankee!


flaming_muse May 17 2007, 17:59:59 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked them! :)

Teyla and Ronon are so onto them. *shakes her head* They must think John and Rodney are nuts.


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