
Jun 11, 2010 23:43

I don't have a single day off in the next three weeks. Okay, okay, I exaggerate. I have ONE day off in the next three weeks. Still, I have the feeling not much is going to be getting done ( Read more... )

work, real life

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Comments 13

eldrfire June 12 2010, 13:35:13 UTC
As long as it works for you, don't worry about what the other people say! Easier said than done, of course, most definitely easier said than done, but you're right that there IS value in actually not hating your job!


flametwirler June 16 2010, 10:00:31 UTC
Well thanks, hon. Part of the problem is that I worry they're right, but I'll enjoy what I have for now. (And love the fact I don't usually have to get up early for work - yay night owls! haha)

And can I just say how much your icon is making me laugh with how perfect it is for your reply? *is totally picturing your words coming out in his voice*


eldrfire June 16 2010, 13:40:48 UTC
"And can I just say how much your icon is making me laugh with how perfect it is for your reply? *is totally picturing your words coming out in his voice*"

Ha ha ha ha ha!


I hear ya! caitiy June 12 2010, 15:14:01 UTC
Oh, FT, I hear you on just about all you've listed! I've had my B.A. (admittedly in a 'useless' area) for a bit longer than you and am on my 5th dead-end career (not job, career.) :-/ Granted, I did just get a promotion in my current job so I'm guessing it's not as dead-end as I'd first thought but the money is still far less than I should be making as it has been with all my jobs ( ... )


Re: I hear ya! flametwirler June 16 2010, 10:05:50 UTC
That was the awesome thing about having the job I did right out of school, was that it paid well and I was able to get my loans paid off within the first two years. Man, was that a God-send. So after quitting that for the medical reasons (and to keep my sanity) I'm now waffling under medical debt instead, but my overall happiness in life is probably higher ( ... )


Re: I hear ya! caitiy June 17 2010, 00:19:32 UTC
Lucky, lucky for paying off your loans fairly quickly! I can't wait to finish paying mine off! Though, it does look like I probably will be going back sometime in the near future so I will just be adding to them. >.< Oh well at least I'm almost done so when I do add to them it won't be as bad as it could be. I’ve always wanted my masters but like you I can’t quite seem to sort out what it should be in. :-/ As it is now I’ll probably end up going for my MBA as it can be useful in any number of areas and I’m discovering that those are the areas where I’ll be able to make decent enough money so as to be able to comfortably support (ie buy a condo or house) myself ( ... )


kokoronagomu June 13 2010, 02:47:35 UTC
don't know what to tell you, i have a HS diploma and a hair dresser's license (can't work-- chemical sensitivities).

is your degree in a field that you can get a good job? is it a job you would enjoy? there is something to be said of a stress free work environment that you are satisfied with --but if they're cutting your hours... it wouldn't hurt to look around and drop off a few resumes.



flametwirler June 16 2010, 10:10:01 UTC
Aw babe, that sucks to find out you're not able to have a job in the field you worked so hard at. No fun at all. How did you work around it, if you don't mind my asking?

My degree is kinda generic but was internationally oriented so it helps with the politics/societal/cultural demands, but there are few jobs that actually need that unless you're living overseas - and those jobs all have other primary qualifications depending on the field. Honestly most people I know who had similar degrees as mine are either teachers, social workers, or working international aid (which I'd love to do but my medical scares me).

To be perfectly honest I'm sure that part of my problem is that I'm a coward, scared both to end up in a job that I like much less, scared that I'll be in a job I like but can't physically cope with (I HATE failure), or things along those lines. Pretty pathetic, huh? Can't know until you try.


kokoronagomu June 16 2010, 21:50:44 UTC
i'm currently unemployed/semiretired --my husband makes enough for us to squeak by. *shrugs*

you're young and you have time to go through a few jobs to see if you like them or that you can handle them. it's not pathetic, but knowing your limitations and accepting them is only intelligent (striving to push your limits within reason is also not necessarily a bad thing). fear of change and failure is normal-- but how would you improve yourself if you didn't fail every now and again --failure is only -failure- if you don't learn from the experience and rise above (even if it's acknowledging that -i can't do that particular thing- and then trying something else or moving on.

you can't -end up- with a job that you don't like because you are always free to look for a different job-- you're never chained to an occupation like a prison sentence and you can always go back to working in a book store if you want. at least you can feel the satisfaction that you won't have to keep pondering "what if?".


flametwirler June 16 2010, 10:10:34 UTC
PS - I've always wondered, what's your screenname mean?


lulu_42 June 13 2010, 23:48:22 UTC
I am have a theory that our generation is filled with incredibly talented people who make little money. I know so many people that have graduated and can't find that "adult job" that gives financial stability and a future with a big 401k. Or people who don't continue education because they don't have money. I know a guy down the street who went to school for dentistry and ended up being a car salesman.

It's very weird.


flametwirler June 16 2010, 10:13:36 UTC
Hm, on reflection I think you're right. Our generation seems to be filled with 'searchers'. My dad's generation (at least how he talks about it), it was take what job was available when you could, then switch around to something slightly better when it opened up. It was all about stability and having a solid foundation, which is important for ours as well, but not in the same way. I'd prefer job satisfaction over finances (though my problem is I'm really not meeting my ends and DO need something a bit more...)

*sigh* I don't think I'm explaining myself very well. I'll pretend since it's 3am I have a legitimate excuse ^_-

So suffice it to say, I agree! haha


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